Falling In Love With The King Of Beasts

Chapter 41: Our History - Part 3

Chapter 41:Our History - Part 3


Reth sighed. "Elia, I couldn't tell you this in the middle of the Market with everyone around—they'd have heard. None of them knew—"

"If they didn't know, then you must have been the one to bring me here!"

"No," he was on his feet, following her as she darted around the floor, trying to find some kind of focus for this buzzing anger that threatened to choke her. "No, Elia, please. Listen to me. I knew how scared you were that night, I knew you needed to focus. And I knew you'd think that—you'd think that I'd bring you here and just throw you into this battle. I'd never do that to you. If I'd had any clue they were coming for you, I would have found a way to stop it. I didn't think anyone knew about you except my parents and the guardians. It never even crossed my mind—"

"And yet, there I was! About to die. And you just… stood there!"

He stopped, mid-step, his shoulder heaving with his breath. "You don't understand. The Rite—"

"I could have died!"

"But you didn't!"

"Would you have stopped it?"

He didn't answer—which was answer enough. Elia scoffed and turned away from him, pacing the floor next to the bed. "I can't believe you just stood there while I—people were dying, Gareth. Killing each other! They would have killed me!"

He dropped his face into his hands. "I know. I was taken so off-guard. But you have to know, Elia, if I'd stepped in, they would have killed you anyway. And me as well. The wolves would have taken over. I knew all that. When I walked into the circle and saw you there, it wasn't just shock. I grieved! I felt trapped. And… it seemed inevitable. Then you survived and…"

"And then you chose me."


She shook her head. "After I got out. After I lucked out. Then you chose me."

"No, Elia, no—the Creator made sure—"

"Bullshit. I see you, Reth. I see you power and your strength. I see the way people submit to you. And you want me to believe if you'd stepped in for me, they would have turned on you? I don't buy it!"

"Don't buy it? They're already turning on me—and at least we finished the Rite!" he snarled. "You have no clue what I faced today because you turned me down!"

"Turned you—what are you talking about?"

"You refused me! You completed the mating ceremony, then didn't accept me—and they all know it and now they think their King isn't enough! That somehow I'm so weak that I can't even tempt you into my bed after you declare yourself for me!"

Elia stepped up to him. "What are you talking about?! You rejected me!"

His eyes went wide. "Are you still high from the smoke? I kissed you! I carried you out! I brought you here and… you just sat there! You didn't want me!"

"Are you crazy, Reth? I gave you every signal I knew how to give! I touched you and I looked at your mouth, and I leaned on your chest—I did everything short of grabbing your ears and pulling you in myself! You treated me like I was a child who needed to go to bed!"

"I treated you like the woman I love who had just been through something horrific! I put my own needs aside—" he stabbed a finger at his own chest as he loomed over her "—because I didn't want to scare you!"

"Then don't lie and say I rejected you!"

"You didn't offer yourself—and you said you were tired!"

"Are you blind!" she shrieked. "I did offer myself, then I told you I was tired when you didn't take me up on it because I was embarrassed!" She shoved his chest with her free hand and Reth froze.

She stood in front of him, eyes ablaze, the fur wrapped around her like it was glued to her, her lips pressed to thin lines and her hand on his chest.

She couldn't move him, and it was the most frustrating feeling she'd ever had. He was so freaking big and strong, she couldn't even rock him back on his heels.

Then his hand came up to wrap around her wrist, gently, and he said her name, all anger gone from his tone. "Elia," he breathed.

"Don't! Don't talk to me like I'm a child. I'm not a child, Gareth!"

"Oh, I know that," he said in a deep, rich voice that made her stomach flutter. But she shoved the feeling down because she needed to be mad at him. "Listen to me, Elia, please. Just for a moment. I think I know what happened."

She stopped shoving at his chest, but he didn't let go of her wrist. His hand was warm and made her skin tingle. She swallowed and tugged at it until he opened his fingers and let her go, then she drew the hand back under the furs. She never took her eyes off his—that were glowing distinctly now. She swallowed. "What?" she said through her teeth.

"I should have seen it. I'm sorry. I'm so sorry, Elia, you're right. I should have found a way when I realized you were here. Just… know that no part of me ever wanted you to come to harm. And I had nothing to do with bringing you here. But the moment I saw you… I ached for you. You are a beautiful woman, and I want you the way I've never wanted anyone. Ever."

She swallowed again and folded her arms under the furs, careful to keep them closed. "I'm listening," she said.

He chuckled. "It's culture shock," he said, almost laughing again.


"I forgot… the human traditions. I remembered that choosing and coming together were different for humans. I remembered that you had reason not to trust quickly. But I forgot… I forgot about chivalry."

Elia frowned. "What do you mean?"

"Your signals. By Anima standards those are… very subtle. Very. I'm sorry, but I didn't recognize them."

She blinked. She hadn't thought of that. "So… what would you have recognized?" she asked carefully.

Reth laughed. "How did you put it? Grabbing my ears and pulling me in?"

"You're joking, right?"

"No, I'm not. Elia, understand, I know things are very different in the human world. But in Anima rape is virtually unheard of. The sexes relate differently here. If an Anima wishes to have another Anima we make it very plain. But in the end, the choice is always the female's—even for a King. We males make our intentions clear through demonstrations of our prowess and strength, ability to provide. When the females decide to accept us they… offer themselves. Openly."

"But what do the women do if the guy rejects them?"

Reth frowned. "Why would I demonstrate my desire to mate you, then turn you down when you accepted?"

Elia snorted. "I believe they call it the thrill of the chase? I'd have thought that you predator people would be all over that," she said cynically.

But Reth shook his head. "No. Elia I would never trick you about my feelings or desires. Any male that would do that to you isn't only selfish, he is imbalanced. He should be avoided. I would never do that. You understand that I could have virtually any female in Anima if I chose?" She folded her arms tighter and gave him a flat look, so he hurried on. "By that I mean, when I chose you, I chose you knowingly. I chose you over all the others. I chose you because I wanted you more than I wanted anyone else. Ever. I mean it."

"How could you possibly know that? We haven't seen each other in, what? Fifteen years? More?"

Reth gave a lopsided smile. "People grow up, but they don't often change," he said softly. "I could smell you. I could feel you. Elia, you are only more of what you were as a child. When I saw you there, scented you, I knew the seedling had blossomed into a full tree. I gave myself willingly. I want no one else."

"Then… then why didn't you kiss me when we got back here?"

"Because I was waiting for you to kiss me. The choice is yours, dear one. And it always will be. I will never come to you unwanted. You need never fear that."

"But you weren't unwanted, Reth," she said through her teeth. "That's what I'm saying. You did turn me down. I was… ready."

A smile grew on Reth's face and he stepped closer. "And now?" he breathed.

Elia blinked. "Now, what?"

"Are you still ready?"

Elia sucked in a breath.


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