Falling In Love With The King Of Beasts

Chapter 38: A Hard Night - Part 3

Chapter 38:A Hard Night - Part 3


Elia's mouth dropped open. "I didn't know!"

He squeezed her hand. "I know that—and most of the tribes know it too, even if they don't agree. But this is where the responsibility is mine: It was my choice, you see. With Lucine knocked out, my choice was to kill you—and declare her the Queen, removing any doubt amongst the Anima of her strength and capability—or to mate you. Which left her alive, but shamed. And… I chose you."

Elia blinked. "That's why the wolves keep following me and… that's why they're so angry."

She nodded. "Everywhere I'd go today, I'd turn around and find some guy watching me—like they were guarding me, or following me. Candace said they were from the wolf tribe. She said they were angry about Lucine and watching me for mistakes. But I didn't realize…"

"The same male every time, or different ones?"

"A lot of different ones," she said. "I didn't realize they were connected until Candace told me."

"Those vicious, evil bastards," Reth cursed, raking a hand through his hair again. "It's treason to threaten the Queen!" His hand tightened on hers.

"They didn't threaten. They were just… watching me. Glaring."

Reth snorted without humor. "And the tribes allowed it. This is worse than I thought," he muttered.

"What? What's wrong?"

Reth blinked and realized he was frightening her. He squeezed her hand gently and her fingers tightened on his. "Don't worry. I'll handle it."

"But, what's wrong?"

"I knew the tribes were unhappy that our mating was still uncertain, but I never imagined they'd allow a threat against you—"

"What threat? They didn't say anything. They were just watching me."

Reth sighed. "Wolves are predators. Pack hunters. They stalk their prey in groups. Confuse them. Turn them around—and wait until they can separate them from den or herd. Then they attack." Reth growled. "If they watched you all day today, they made a very clear declaration to the rest of the Tribes of their intentions towards you. And no one stopped them." He shuddered with rage. Elia swallowed audibly, and he remembered himself again. "Don't worry, Elia, I will protect you. We shut down all their attempts to undermine me today. I just hadn't realized they were attacking you directly. Tomorrow… Tomorrow I'll take care of it. Do not worry. I will allow no harm to come to you."

Elia stared at him in the dark, her breath picking up. At first he thought she was just afraid, but then something else twined into her scent and he snapped his head to look at her. Measure her. Her desire.

She swallowed again, then said quietly, "That woman was right."

"Which one?" his voice was hoarse.

"The one who kept holding onto you last night."

Reth let himself chuckle. "That was Judhay. She's a dear friend. Her aggression last night was all show."

Elia shook her head. "No, it wasn't. She might not have wanted you for herself, but there are some things between women that are no different here or at home. I noticed it last night: She was protective of you. She wants the best for you. She wants you to be happy. She was afraid I wasn't going to give you that," Elia said. She sounded uncertain—not of the truth of her words, but of what they meant for her.

"Then she was wrong," Reth said simply. He lifted his free hand to comb Elia's hair back from her face so it hung behind her shoulder.

"No, she wasn't. At least… she said you're a good man. That if I didn't appreciate that, other women here would. She was right."

Reth's breath came faster, uncertain of her meaning. "Right about what?"

"She was right that you're good," Elia breathed. "And I can't explain it, Reth. I don't know how it happened… but I don't want to lose you to one of them."

He'd leaned in without thinking, her scent drawing him. He cupped her face and stared into her eyes. "You won't," he said softly.

Her breath caught and she leaned closer too until their noses almost brushed. For a moment he thought she would kiss him and his entire being lit up. She licked her lips and swallowed and he silently pleaded with her to cross that final inch between them—yearned for her to do it. The choice had to be hers!

But instead, she searched his eyes. "How can you be so sure? I've done nothing to earn this loyalty from you—you saved me yesterday. Made me Queen instead of killing me! And upset an entire tribe to do it—I don't understand, Reth. Why?"

"Because I want you," he admitted. "I want you the way I've never wanted anyone—Anima or human—before. Ever."

He brushed her cheek with his thumb and sighed, his breath washing over her. She inhaled and his spear of desire was reflected in her eyes. She leaned in closer and started to close her eyes. But Reth, cursing himself for a fool, stopped her.

"And because I will always be grateful to you, Elia."

She hesitated, blinking. "For what?"

Reth steeled himself. He had to tell her. She had to come to him knowing the full truth. He knew that. He sent up a hasty prayer to the Creator that she'd believe him, and started talking.


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