Falling In Love With The King Of Beasts

Chapter 239: Proof Positive

Chapter 239: Proof Positive

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"Proof?" she asked uncertainly. Lucine's eyes were sharp on her.


"Proof of what?"

Lucine walked closer, but her arms were still folded. "I can't just walk into the Tree City and say I killed you and declare myself queen, Elia. No one would believe me. They would scent me, and detect that something was… off."

Elia swallowed. "Am I not truly dead if I'm not here and can never be here again? I am dead to the Anima."

Lucine tipped her head again. "Semantics," she said. "I would need proof of your death that left no one in any question about it, so they would not think to have me scented for truth."

"W-what kind of proof?"

Lucine scanned her from head to foot. "I think your clothing, torn and bloodied would probably do it. It would have to be your blood, of course. Not having a body isn't a problem. Natural wolves eat carrion, but we do not. No one would think twice about me leaving you out for our brothers to consume. But if I stated that I killed you and showed none of your blood, none of your possessions, no one would believe me. Least of all, your mate. He seems to believe you have something… special about you. I say you have the devil's own luck."

Elia hadn't known they even believed in the devil. "Okay." But she sounded shaky on purpose.

"They all need to know you're truly gone, Elia. Your mate will be… devastated. You think he won't come out here looking for you, to make sure I really did end you?"

"Perhaps, but if you prove it, like you say—"

"Reth trusts no one's judgment but his own," Lucine said dismissively. "It is him we would have to convince most of all."

"He trusts mine," Elia said without thought. Lucine's eyes flashed and she took another step forward. Elia immediately made herself small, kept her hands at her chest, like she was cold, but didn't clasp them properly. She needed them to block as quickly as possible when Lucine struck.

Because Elia wasn't fooled by Lucine's little plan. She knew the woman wanted her truly dead. But she hoped for some kind of opening, a way to trap her, or perhaps to get her hands on that bolt that had thumped to the ground next to Candace. Lucine was always guilty of underestimating her. She would use that to her advantage.

"I could tell you what to say to him. Something he'd know I'd never say unless… unless I was truly dying. You could… taunt him with it."

Lucine's gaze grew hawkish. "Go on."

Elia hesitated. "I… would you give me more space? I need to make my clothes bloody and—"

"Oh, I can do that for you," Lucine drawled. "No trouble at all."

They stared at each other, and Elia knew there was not going to be any chance to fool her. Lucine had learned from their previous encounters. She would give Elia no room to maneuver. She wouldn't believe a word she said.

Which meant Lucine was toying with her.

Elia dropped the timid act and let herself feel the resolve and determination she had. "I will not let you take me. I will not let you destroy my mate for your childish revenge."

"Childish? You think my aims are childish?" Lucine growled. "Do you have any idea what you stole from me?"

"I stole nothing from you! He wasn't yours to begin with! And the throne—"

"Oh, I have a throne, Elia. Make no mistake. I have mine already, and I will have yours as well. Make no mistake. What I seek now is your mate's balls on a string."

Elia snorted. "Good luck."

"So confident for a weak, frail human," Lucine said softly. "So certain for a lone female, facing… well, me." And she smirked.

Elia kept her chin low, but held Lucine's gaze. "So smug for such a broken, ill-disciplined female who couldn't even survive the Rite."

Lucine's eyes widened and she tensed, but she caught herself. To Elia's dismay, she shook her head. "I will not let you bait me, weak-one," she said. "You will die at my hand, at the time of my choosing, and in the manner that befits your betrayal of our people. All of our people."

"I didn't betray you, Lucine. Your own stupid pride betrayed you. You saw me at the beginning of the Rite. Utterly helpless and standing there. And instead of tearing out my throat, you made a threat and moved on. You were foolish then, and you're foolish now if you think the longer you leave me alive, the more satisfying this will be."

"That's where you're wrong," Lucine whispered, leaning in until they were almost nose-to-nose. "Because all that I'm drawing out right now is your hope that your mindless mate will somehow turn around and come for you. But it's too late Elia. Because I'm going to kill you now. Slowly. So even if he makes it, it will only be to see the proof that you died alone, and in pain."

Elia didn't drop her gaze, though she could feel her pulse in her skin. It throbbed in her ears and made hearing Lucine more difficult. "Oh… I'm sorry," she said, tilting her head. "Was that supposed to frighten me? Go back, go back to the part about Reth showing up and I'll make the right face this time so you can feel smug again. Sorry. I just forgot my line for a second—"

As Lucine's eyes narrowed and she dropped her arms, Elia tried to use the same move as last time, throwing the heel of her hand straight up for Lucine's chin.

But Lucine was ready for her this time, and caught her wrists before she'd even passed her own chest.

"Nice try." Lucine smiled. Then everything slowed as her voice deepened and her teeth seemed to grow as she snarled, "Poor little, weak human."

And tore into beast form.

Elia leaped backwards, twisting and throwing her hands instinctively up to block, as Lucine's wolf lunged for her throat.

The twist saved her from certain death, but the wolf woman only closed her wicked teeth on Elia's arm.

Elia screamed.


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