Falling In Love With The King Of Beasts

Chapter 221: Down But Not Defeated

Chapter 221: Down But Not Defeated


He'd completely forgotten the submission.

The rain had begun while they were two miles from the Tree City. It would help with their scents, but as the ground softened, made it harder to hide their passage. But when Reth heard the first of the Scouts whistles of warnings that meant they'd reached the edge of the City's territory, he almost wept with relief.

Aymora insisted they take Elia directly to her cave, and Reth hadn't had the energy to argue.

When they'd reached her cave, two others were already there, waiting. Aymora spoke to them quietly, asking for things she'd need, and they both nodded and got to work.

Reth laid Elia down on a cot at the back of the cave, then knelt next to it, stroking her hair back off her face. "Why won't she wake up."

"It's a defense mechanism. When there's too much pain for the body to deal with, it shuts the body down for rest—to help heal—and to separate the mind from what would be maddening."

Reth swallowed. "You think you can heal this?"

"I'm going to try. Now you need to go get dry clothes, food, and a rest if you can. You still have over an hour before the submission."

He'd forgotten about it completely. But even when she raised it, he shook his head. "I'm not leaving her."

"Reth, you have to. You are the King of a broken people. You need to be there this evening to show them your strength and hers, to honor the families of those we lost. And to show them what's to come. They need to be prepared to fight this—not give in to it."

"I am not leaving her."

"You stubborn ass!" Aymora whirled on him, and Reth stood, growling. But she didn't retreat. She put a finger to his chest and poked him as she spoke. "You have put your entire people at risk to save her—and I get it, Reth. I do! I wouldn't change anything. She's worth it. But now she is safe—as safe as she can be in this state. Now your work begins. Now you make the others know they are worth it, also. That you don't fight only for her, but for them as well."

"I'm not suggesting I don't—"

"Gareth Orstas, what would your father have done?!"

Reth snapped his mouth shut and glared at her. Aymora glared back. "That's not fair," he said.

"Nothing is fair in this world, and you know it. Do you really believe I would leave her unattended? That I would somehow allow the enemy access to her? Or shirk her care?"

"Of course not, I just—"

"Then do not offend me by suggesting you cannot leave her safely in my hands. We all have our roles to play. Mine is to care for her, to get her to health quickly, to save the cub. Yours is to save your people. Or do I need to convene council to convince you?"

Reth's lip curled up. "You wouldn't."

"You watch me, Reth. I will do whatever is necessary to keep this people safe and strong. And if that means snapping my teeth at the King then I'll do that."

They glared at each other until Reth was the one to break eye contact. He ran his hands through his hair and stared at Elia instead.

"If she wakes you send someone to me."

"The very first second, Reth," Aymora vowed. "And when you're finished, you can return here. I'll feed you and make up a cot so you can rest with her."

He nodded. "The healing?"

"I have the women bringing the written histories. There's something I want to check. Something I'd been wondering about since we learned she was with cub. But if I'm right… it will strengthen her, Reth, not weaken her."

He nodded, then stroked and hand down her arm. "I will go," he said sadly. "But I'll be sending messages back every hour. And I'll send you Gahrye. I believe he needs to be close to her for… for what's to come. It would be good for him to be here for any developments."

"Candace will be a help to her, too," Aymora said. "They've become quite close."

Reth nodded. "If I see her, I'll send her."

They both went quiet. Reth knew she was right, and he had to leave. But turning his back in Elia felt like tearing off a limb.

"She will be proud of you, Reth. Go receive your people. Cement the bond. Call them to defend their City. She will only benefit from that. And so will you."

He took Elia's hand and brought it to his mouth. Her fingers were still cold, though not as cold as they'd been in the rain, he told himself. "I will be back for you, love," he murmured quietly. "Don't lost heart. Rest. I'll be back."

Then he stood. Aymora put a hand to his shoulder and rubbed it. "I'll send messages every hour."

He nodded once, then turned on his heel and walked out.



She was warm, finally. She was vaguely aware that she'd felt cold. She'd been shaking and in pain, but now she felt warm, and only an ache.

"Reth?" she murmured through cracked lips. She tried to open her eyes, but the light was too bright. She squinted. Where was she?

"Elia, my dear. Thank the Creator," Aymora's face appeared over her. She was smiling. "Can you remember what happened?"

"Lucine," Elia croaked. "Where's Reth?"

"Tell the King that she's awake and responding," Aymora said quietly to someone Elia couldn't see. Then she turned back. "The King is taking his people back right now," she said softly, still smiling. "He will be mightily relieved to find that you're awake. You scared us there."

"I feel strange," she said, because she did. As if her body quivered under her skin.

Aymora nodded. "We've been treating you. It will likely feel strange, but it will help you heal quickly, and give your cub a better chance to survive."

Elia put a hand to her stomach quickly, sucking through her teeth at the pain. But she could move this time. She vaguely remembered waking, in dire pain, and unable to move.

"What did you give me to help the pain?"

Aymora smiled. "The blood of a lion."


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