Falling In Love With The King Of Beasts

Chapter 198: The Witness

Chapter 198: The Witness


"I do not wish to shame you further, Lucine, but you leave me no other route, so know this before I start: I wanted to avoid this."

Lucine opened her mouth like she might respond, but Reth didn't give her an opportunity to lie further. He turned to the people. "The night of the feast, I made no advances on Lucine. She was not even in my mind. I was consumed with the Rite, and my own future. I did not invite her to follow me, and I was not pleased when she did," he said loudly, his face tight.

Lucine's paled as Behryn said firmly, and loudly enough for all to hear, "He speaks true."

"He speaks true," Lerrin growled, reluctantly.

"When Lucine found me in the meadow, she made the signals before we spoke. And I turned her down, but she was persistent to speak with me further—to convince me that we should… join."

"Truth," Behryn called, but his shoulders were tense.

Lucine's eyes narrowed and she stared at her brother, who scowled at Reth, but forced the words past his teeth. "His scent is true."

Reth nodded once to Lerrin. "Lucine presented herself, and offered that she was to be the wolf-sacrifice, breaking the Rite first… without my invitation," he said slowly and clearly.

Behryn took a deep breath. "It is true."

"Truth!" Lerrin snarled, as if the word hurt him.

Reth locked eyes with Lucine. "I refused Lucine three times before she touched me. I did not touch her. And it was only after she described how sure she was to win the Rite, that we would be mated by it, and that I could see her conclusion was almost certainly true, that I even considered joining with her."

Behryn nodded. "It is simple truth."

"He speaks what he believes," Lerrin growled, "though I do not see the value of this shaming!"

Rage burned in Reth's chest and he turned on the man. "The value is that the people might measure their King accurately!"

Behryn placed that hand back on his shoulder. Reth took a deep breath and turned to face the people again, before continuing. "I am an adult, a ruler, and not a fiend. I am Alpha and Clan Ruler. No one makes decisions for me. I do not place responsibility for these choices on the wolf-daughter—I was there. I participated. I allowed myself to be persuaded. But I did not vow. I did not give Lucine more than her due. It was a mistake. A bitter mistake that I regret. I will pay whatever price is required. But do no misjudge me, Anima—I did not make that female Queen!"

Murmurs rose and discussion began again among the Anima as Behryn called, "He speaks truth!"

Lerrin's face twisted as Lucine stared at him, pleading, but when he opened his mouth, it was to growl, "It is true."

As the voices of the people rose and their discussions became more heated, Lerrin looked at Reth, fire in his eyes. "You shame a female who is already shunned? Where is your mercy?"

Reth shot a look at Lucine, then leaned closer to Lerrin. "My mercy fled when she lied to my people about me—she makes herself a victim, when she was very intentional in her acts."

"She is young and impulsive, it's true. But she does not deserve this."

"And I do?"

Lerrin's jaw twitched, but Reth turned back to the people, raising his voice further to be heard over all the voices. "I challenge any of you to deny my honesty—to find any deceit in me or my words! Ask me! Question me! I will speak nothing but truth—even if it convict me or those I love. We must clean the slate, Anima. We must bring everything into the Light to be sure of the Creator's continued blessing."

"I have a question for the King!" Lerrin called out, his eyes flinty as he stared at Reth.

Reth's heart pounded, but he turned to face Lerrin again. "Ask it."

"How did this issue come to the attention of the elders?"

"The Alpha of the wolves, Lucan, brought a petition—Brant already told you that. I do not deny it."

"And where is he, Sire? Where is my father?"

Reth's eyes narrowed. "Your father is dead at my hand because he defied the council and attacked the Queen."

Every tribe bar the Lupines gasped and growled in shock.

Lerrin took half a step forward, shouting to be heard over them. "I call the people to see a King whose loyalty lies first with his mate. Who has killed the leader that brought challenge, and now seeks to undermine that leader's daughter."

"The death of Lucan was justified, Lerrin," Brant spoke up, finally. "No elders—even the Lupine, questioned that. And they were there to see it. Weren't they?"

Lerrin sneered again. "I saw my father disgusted by the favoritism and manipulation of the Lions. I saw my father killed for standing in defense of his people—and his daughter. If the King wishes to prove that the wolf-daughter was never intended to be Queen, he should be willing to prove it." He shot a look at Lucine who nodded.

"I already have given evidence—you all heard! Even this wolf declared me true!"

"The truth you spoke was your own. What you understood, how you saw it. If the wolf-daughter was truly mistaken, she should be given an opportunity to prove her worth, to regain her status—or die in the trying."

"No," Reth breathed, not for the people, but for the wolves, and Brant, and Behryn. "No!"

But Lerrin just smiled and murmured under the sound of the crowd, "Nervous, Reth?" Then he turned to Lucine and nodded.

Lucine licked her lips, but her eyes were bright and her lips twitching toward a smile when she stepped forward and struck her own chest. "I challenge the Queen for her throne! I call the Anima to witness—I will prove my claim. I will take my seat, or die trying!"

"NO!" Reth roared.


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