Falling In Love With The King Of Beasts

Chapter 196: The Accused

Chapter 196: The Accused


Reth stared at Brant, but the man still watched Lucine, frowning. "What was your understanding of that evening, please, Lucine?"

"I understood that… that he had chosen me. That I would enter the Rite knowing that he was mine. And leave it as Queen."

The crowd murmured, some chittering, others growling. They all knew what a King's vow meant.

"When I woke after the Rite and I was alone, I didn't understand." There was true emotion in her voice for the first time, and though it twanged at Reth's conscience knowing how confusing and frightening that moment must have been for her, he struggled for pity—or even sympathy. She'd so clearly shown herself a liar—why was no one seeing it? How differently she said these things than she had the earlier statements?

Behryn's fingers dug into the muscle at the base of his neck and Reth had to swallow a growl.

"Are there any questions for the Accuser?" Brant asked the people. There was much talk between them, and clear arguing in some quarters, but no one spoke up. "Very well, then we will move on to the Accused. Reth?"

Reth left his place next to Behryn—his friend squeezing him one last time, then patting his back as he walked to join Brant at the front of the stage. He could feel Elia's eyes following him at every step. He flickered his gaze to meet hers on the first step, but then he focused on the older man and his people.

He ignored the she-wolf that stood nearby, watching him warily.

She was smart to be wary.

"Reth, describe for us your recollection of that evening, please?" Brant said and opened a hand towards the people.

Reth turned to them, let them see him, scent him, know him as their King. As the man who'd laughed and loved and protected them for almost a decade. The man they had rarely questioned, and often applauded. He met eyes with as many of them as he could while he spoke.

"I am well aware of the power of my position, and the influence it has over others," he said, his voice barely above a growl. "I would ask any Anima who has ever seen me use it to my personal gain, to speak up." He waited, nodding slowly when no one spoke. "Are there any here who could testify to any attempt on my part to use my position as King to push or manipulate others into my will?"

Grumbles rose from one corner, packed with wolves, but no one called to the crowd.

Reth's jaw went tight. "As Anima we are not confused by words. Are there any here who scented me at the feast that night, who remember scenting desire, or intention on my skin? Any who saw me attentive to Lucine—or any other female that night?"

Again, no one answered. "No? No. Because those nights were some of the darkest of my life. But I carried them to myself, because I choose not to burden my people with the weights I carry. But tonight I must. Tonight I must tell you what I have carried, not as your King, but as a male. The things within me that burned—and every way that they explain what you just heard.

"I am not without my sin, I know that. And I will confess to you, every one of you that the greatest of my sins was given to Lucine that night—but not because I promised her the Queen. I did not. I agreed when she told me that she would win the Rite. I agreed that were she to do so, she would be my Queen. But I did not vow to her. I didn't claim her. I didn't seek her out after that night, in the full month between it and the Rite, or would you lie to that as well, Lucine?"

Lucine blinked, but met his gaze. "You told me that night that we must avoid being seen to be connected, otherwise they might suspect."

Reth frowned. He may have said that. He didn't recollect it, but it was a thought he had. His lips tightened. "What happened that night was two adults who breached protocol. We broke the right. And I should have admitted that to my people before I walked the Smoke and Flames with Elia—but those events did not thwart the Creator's way. Elia did."

Everyone mumbled again, misunderstanding him. Reth growled and they were silent, though Brant shot him a look. "Listen! That female before you, who has poured herself at your feet, who yearns for your acceptance, she has owned my heart for two decades."

Voices rose and questions began to bubble, but Reth continued. "We met as children, by the Creator's hand, when I was taken to the human world for safety. We were friends—companions. But as I grew, her friendship and value never left me.

"Before I took the throne, I returned to the human world to seek her as mate. But… I was young and insecure. When I saw her happy, parented, and in the arms of another male, I left her. I did not speak to her. Did not question. I believed I had lost my chance to have her as mate, and so I left—and became King very soon after

"You watched me in those early years. You know I sought female attention. I enjoyed the act when it was offered. And I avoided attachment. You watched me resist taking a true mate, and you didn't know why.

"The reason why stands before you as Queen today, here, not by my hand, but by the Creators! I thought her gone—mated, or dead. Certainly never to be in Anima. When Lucine presented herself to me, I was grieving. I was forcing myself to accept that I could not have Elia. Ever. That I must—for the good of the people!—accept another female into my heart, and my home. And I struggled.

"I am a man, Anima. Just as you do, I wish for a warm hearth, a warm bed, and a family. And just as you do, I find comfort where my heart rests. I had never in thirty years found rest anywhere except in my heart's friend. But believing her gone to me, I did what a King should do. I accepted the call of the people to find a Queen, and the Rite was called.

"I should not have taken Lucine. I know that now. I regretted it instantly—" the wolves snarled at that, but he ignored them, "—not because she is not to be valued, but because she is not my true mate. I put myself at the Creator's mercy and accepted the Rite as His will. And then I stepped into that circle, and she was there. She was frightened and confused, but she was there. And she prevailed.

"You didn't like to see her win, but my heart leapt when she took her stand—against me! And at that point, Lucine was down. She could not speak for herself—and perhaps more importantly, she had not fulfilled the Rite. When we spoke that night, weeks before, we had spoken of her win. We both called for her victory in the Rite. And she did not fulfill it."

He stared at them all, every one that he could. "She did not fulfil the Rite."


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