Falling In Love With The King Of Beasts

Chapter 102: Lies & Deceit

Chapter 102: Lies & Deceit


An hour later they were still sitting at Candace's table, and Elia felt like they'd gotten nowhere. "So, you're telling me that people won't help my advisor directly, because he's male."

"And disformed," Aymora added carefully.

Elia nodded. "Okay, then what about a survey?"

"A… what?" Aymora asked.

"A survey. Of the people."

"What is a survey?" Candace asked faintly.

Elia shrugged. "It's asking the same questions of a lot of different people so you can get a general feel for what the majority think or feel. If you think people won't let Gahrye near to scent them and discuss things with them, I'm suggesting you two could ask the questions and have the conversations, but he could be nearby, listening, and scenting." The three of them looked at each other and Elia gritted her teeth. "Would it work?"

Aymora turned back to her first. "Your thoughts about Gahrye listening, that would work. But… the Anima don't do surveys.? As a rule, most of the people who don't have roles in ruling don't discuss these things. We simply… align where we believe we should go and allow others to do the same."

"Will they be offended by having questions asked of them? If they know I asked you to?"

"Not offended," Candace offered. "But… they will find it strange. And you said you want to know that. Well, they may feel… even more separate from you if they feel like your processes are so alien to ours…"

Elia groaned and dropped her face into her hands. "Does anyone have any ideas about how I can get some information from the people and move forward without weirding them out?"

No one answered her and Elia was feeling the lack of sleep from the night before. "Okay, this isn't getting us anywhere. Can we meet again tomorrow. And in the meantime, please give some thought to how I might learn the best way forward without just stumbling ahead."

"The best way forward with bringing the disformed and the ostracized… back into the tribes?"


Aymora's shoulders rose and fell with her breath. "Okay. I will think on it."

Candace and Gahrye shrugged and nodded and Elia found herself completely without energy to discuss anything else. "I'm going back to the cave," she said sadly. "If you think of anything, feel free to come find me there."

Then she got up. She tried to make an effort to compliment the house again, and be enthusiastic about starting their work—slowly, but when she left, her shoulders were slumped.



"You can say what you wish, Lucan, but my secrets are known in these circles, and if you attempt to twist them, you will find little sympathy," Reth said boldly and clearly, never taking his eyes off of Lucan. He knew the wolf didn't want to admit Lucine had broken the Rite, because it would call all the Wolves' plans and decisions into question, because the pack had to have been involved. Then their machinations in choosing Elia would come to light, and Reth would have the people's sympathy. It would crack Wildwood in half like an egg—but to Reth's favor. The wolves were admired in the Tribes, but also feared.

He knew it, and Lucan knew it as they stared each other down.

Lucan snorted without humor—a sound that among the Anima meant a person's scent was offensive. Reth bristled, but didn't move, though he marked Behryn getting quietly to his feet and shifting to be in reach of Lucan.

The wolf glared at him, elbows on his knees, those cold eyes staring.

"Well, Lucan?" he asked, "Make your claims. And when we're done shoveling your lies, you'll still answer the questions because I won't be distracted from them today. The wolves have been actively undermining the Queen of WildWood. You will soothe our fears today, or leave here under guard, but you will answer my questions."

Lucan rolled his eyes. "Always such a picture of integrity and nobility," Lucan sneered. "If your people knew your truth—"

"They do, Lucan. Make an accusation, or answer a question—challenge me if that's what you wish to do, but enough of this fucking manipulation and bullshit. Are the wolves for Anima? Do you plot against your King and his Queen? Or will you submit?"

"We are already submitted, you leave us no choice!" Lucan snarled.

"You have every choice in the world, Lucan, but you're smart enough to know you're stronger on my side, than as my enemy. At least openly. Is that your ploy? Pretend to be loyal while you seed dissension?"

"I seed nothing but contempt for a King under the thrall of a weak human who is leading him by the cock—"

Growls and snorts filled the room as Reth shoved to his feet, and everyone but the wolves stood with him.

There was a Crystalline moment where Reth was poised for violence and he had to force the beast back. He would not pick a fight for dominance—that was weak in itself. If this was the moment, Lucan would be the one to pick it.

"Do you challenge, Lucan?" he said, so quietly. "The elders will stand back and let me face you—but they will also ensure you do not cheat, because everyone knows I won dominance without any wolves, or Elia, or anyone else's strength behind me. And if you cannot do the same, you will be banished. Make no mistake."

His hands were clenched to fists against the shift—he wouldn't unleash it unless Lucan did first—but he was calm. Lerrin stared at his father, clearly torn. But Lucan didn't stand. "I make no challenge for the throne. I do not want to be King," he spat.

Reth nodded. "Then hear this from one who does—and is: If you are covering a plot against myself, my Queen, or any of my cohorts, I will find out. If you tell me yourself, you will be merely banished rather than killed. But if you tell me there is no plot, and I found out you lied…" he stepped forward, leaning into Lucan's face, letting the light in his own eyes flash, "I will kill you myself."

Lucan just stared.


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