Falling In Love With The King Of Beasts

Chapter 100: Tribal Tension

Chapter 100: Tribal Tension

READER SHOUT OUT: Saying hiiiiiiiii! to Shorty_Doll for writing some of the best comments I've had yet. You made me spit my drink! Highest of fives!



He was itching to shift and sink his beast teeth into something, but he just rolled his head and kept it under a tight lid, because Behryn was already angry with him. He didn't want to give his Second a reminder.

As Behryn sent runners out to find the elders and security chiefs of each tribe and they began to gather in the cave, Reth was relieved that none of them had been close to Elia—her scent hadn't mingled anywhere. That might have been more than he could handle.

Then Ehrahrd, who apparently hadn't heard about the claiming, slapped Reth on the back and said, "I saw the Queen with her disformed Advisor up the stage at breakfast. Bet you didn't see that coming—"

A snarl tore out of Reth's throat as the image of Elia there, next to the male, being touched and smelled, bloomed in his head and he tensed, bracing, teeth bared, fighting the shift, fighting the urge to run out of the cave and find the little piece of—

"Reth?" Behryn said, low and calm.

Reth froze, trembling. Everyone was staring, but he couldn't give them his attention yet. He needed to get himself under control.

"What happened?" Ehrahrd said, confused.

Behryn glared at Reth, but turned to answer the question. "Your ever-wise King claimed his mate last night and he is now struggling with her recent choices to put herself so close to another male."

Most of the men's jaw's dropped, but Brant—who'd seen the most life—threw back his head and laughed.

At first, Reth wanted to snarl, but then the old man leaned forward on one knee and cackled at Reth, "You mated and claimed her in the same week she took a male cohort?" He spluttered into laughter again and Reth had to admit to himself that if someone else had done the same thing he would have called the man a pure fool.

"It wasn't planned," he rumbled

But Brant just slapped his knee and laughed harder.? "And here I thought mating would settle you down, Reth!" he brayed.

Reth gave a flat smile, still rolling his head against the shift, but it was coming under better control. The man's laughter was catching.

"I'll admit I'm looking forward to things… quieting down," he said quietly, and Brant almost fell out of his chair. The others chuckled too, and it was the perfect response, because Reth was able to take a couple deep breaths and find his tension eased.

Soon most of the council were there and Reth was calm enough to begin their business. "Before the wolves arrive," he said carefully as the men all turned to face him, "I want to warn you all that I intend to question Lucan today. Our Queen is installed within the traditions, she has accepted the role and fulfilled the rite of Mating—not to mention that she allowed me to claim her," his chest warmed, and he paused, his mind flashing on her skin, the way she—no! He had to focus. Reth cleared his throat. "No more padding around the issue—she is here to stay. We as a people need to move together into the new age. Which means all of us need to understand what the wolves are thinking, where they're heading. Which could be an uncomfortable conversation. Will you stand behind me if I'm forced to challenge him?"

The men all sighed or pressed their lips thin, but in the end they each nodded, or said yes without argument, and Reth breathed even easier. That had gone more smoothly than he'd expected, for once.

They discussed minor business until the door opened and Lucan, the Alpha of the wolf packs—and Lucine's father—and his son and Second for the tribe, Lerrin stepped in, both handsome, large, muscular men with gray eyes. Lerrin made a near copy of his father, though Lucan had the gray in his hair at the temples.

They greeted the others and took their seats, then everyone turned to Reth.

"Good morning," he said to the wolves who nodded back—Lerrin with the light of aggression in his eyes, but not in his body language. "I know we're starting late because I asked you to come here, so I won't drag this out. Lucan, we need to have a very serious conversation about the wolves and the threat to the Queen."

Lucan frowned, his arms already folded over his broad chest as he leaned back in the chair. "We have made no threat to the Queen," he grunted.

Reth met his gaze evenly. "There was an outright attack."

"And we told you, it was young wolves getting excited about their own strength. I believe it's happened once or twice in the pride, also," Lerrin snapped.

Lucan cut a look at his son, but didn't contradict him.

Reth shook his head. "None of our young have ever threatened the life of a ruler."

"Which is why it's wolves sent to the camps, not Leonine," Lucan said quietly.

"Those wolves were all barely still in their adolescence. Had any of them chosen a mate, we wouldn't have thought twice about it. I struggle with the way you're categorizing them—they threatened the Queen and launched an attack. Had I not been there—"

"But you were."

"But if I had not been—"

"We might have had a banishment instead. I know. We already went through this with Behryn. Did he not brief you, or were you too busy… not mating?"

The hackles on Reth's neck rose, but he didn't let it show on his face, though all the men would smell the warning in him.

"Do you have something you wish to say, Lucan?" he asked quietly.

"Do you have an accusation for me to answer, Reth?"

"Not an accusation, but a question, yes."

"Well then, Sire, please, ask away," Lucan said, straigtening in his chair and leaning forward so he was closer to Reth.

Reth leaned forward too. "Are the wolves still for WildWood? Are they still for me?"

"Why would you even question—?"

"Because no one else has tried to forcibly remove my Queen from this world," Reth growled. The words punched through his ribs like an arrow, and he couldn't speak further for a moment, his mind full of images of his beloved, broken and bleeding.

"Little bit hypocritical, isn't it, Reth? When you were the one who brought her forcibly into it?"

"What are you talking about?" Reth snarled. "The wolves were the ones—"

Lucan leaned further forward, almost coming out of his chair, his eyes alight with the strange predatory stare. "It seems to me that you're very, very good at taking things that don't belong to you, Reth. So why would you begrudge another doing it?"

The growl was so low, it started in Reth's toes.


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