Falling in Love : I love you, Today and Forever

Chapter 72 - We Are Surrounded

Joshua had never ridden a motorbike before. It was something new for him. While Ivy was an exceptional rider. She sped on the roads, expertly avoiding the traffic. She was focused on following the cab, which was quite ahead of her. While, Joshua, who was sitting behind, was focusing on trying not to fall off the bike.

When Ivy realized that the distance between her and the cab was increasing, she changed the gear and accelerated at a full speed. The sudden jerk made the already terrified man bump onto her back.

"Slow down. Your lover will not run away." He shouted. He regretted accompanying her. However, the next moment, he realized that her lover had in fact ran away.

"Hold onto me," Ivy shouted back.

Joshua placed his hands on her stomach and held onto her tightly. Although it was quite an intimate position for the onlookers, that was not the case for the riders.

Ivy concentrated on keeping an eye on the cab, while it was difficult for the man at the back even to keep his eye open. And moreover, the speed of the bike was making the wind slap at his face. All in all, it was not a good experience for him.

"Slow down, woman. I don't want to die yet." He cried. But it fell on deaf ears.

The cab took a detour on the highway. It went to an empty lane. This time Ivy did not follow close by. Not many vehicles were moving in that area. So, she had to make sure that they had not found out that they were being followed.

The cab stopped at a small club. Ivy parked her bike at a distance quite far from it. Joshua tapped on her shoulder.

"Um. Ivy, why are we waiting?" Joshua said. Despite the fact that he was shit scared in the beginning, he had now come to enjoy the ride. There was a certain thrill in it.

"Shh." She shushed him and pointed towards the front.

"Ohh. You want to catch them red-handed. I get it."

Ivy gave him a death piercing, earth-shattering glare.

"Can you keep quiet?"

"Okay." Joshua made a zipping his lips gesture and stared in front of him.

Linda and the unknown man got off the cab and went inside the pub.

"We have to go inside," Ivy said, looking at them.

"Okay." Joshua was thrilled.

"It might be a little risky."

"I don't mind."

"Can you call for a back-up?"

"Why do you need a backup?"

"Things might go out of hand and I don't want you to get hurt because of me."

"Oh. You are worried about me."

"No. I am worried about myself. If something were to happen to you, not only your family but also your crazy fangirls will be behind my ass. I don't want that."


"If you are calling your men, keep them on standby."

Ivy opened her bag and took out a wig. She then applied some skin darkening cream and thick makeup. The next moment she looked completely different. There was no Ivy. In her place was a brown-skinned blonde. She then, removed her jacket.

Joshua was shocked by Ivy's transformation. She looked completely different.

"Do you want to come inside? I wouldn't mind if you were to stay here."

"And miss the show. No way. I am coming with you." Joshua denied at once. How could he reject to witness the catfight between women?

"Then you will have to change your appearance."

"I don't mind."

"Okay then. Put on this wig." Ivy handed him a wig. As Joshua adjusted it on his hair, she started applying the cream on his face. His face was too good. It would definitely attract many people's intention which was just not she wanted.

When Ivy's cold fingers touched Joshua's cheeks, he shivered involuntarily. It felt good to have her touch him. Before he could even enjoy the feel of her hands on his skin, she had pulled back.

"All done. Now remove your windbreaker."

Joshua did as instructed.

"Untuck your shirt in the front and remove the top two buttons."


Ivy did not have time to give him an answer. She was running late. She stood on her tiptoes and unbuttoned the top two buttons. She then pulled the shirt at the front. When she was satisfied with her work, she smiled.

"Good. Now we are all set to go." Ivy walked towards the club.

"When she saw that something was amiss, she halted. The person accompanying her was still rooted in his previous spot. She did not know what the brief moment of closeness with him when she was unbuttoning his shirt had done to him. He stood frozen in his spot.

Without waiting for him, she pulled his hand and entered the club.

The club was cheap and horrible. There were no bouncers, to begin with. Anybody could enter and leave. As soon they entered, they saw couples making out without a care in the world. Some of them were almost naked and connected at the bottom. They were also making lewd sounds that make someone sick.

While Ivy did not give much care about it, Joshua was in a daze. It was the first time he had seen something like that. They walked further into the club. It smelt of smoke, booze and sex. There was a small bar on the side. There was a stripper dancing in the middle of the stage, while some crooks were making a pass at her.

Ivy looked around, searching for Linda. She wanted to find her as soon as possible and leave this shitty place.

"Do you know how to fight?" Ivy tugged Joshua closer and whispered.


"Good. We may need it." Ivy said and took the staircase to the first floor. Although there were bodyguards inside, nobody stopped her.

The first floor was slightly better than the previous level. At least people were not making out in the open. There were seven rooms and Ivy assumed that they were private booths.

"Come on." Ivy held Joshua's hand. She went to the first room and tried the knob. It opened easily. Nobody was inside it. There was only a small sofa at the right, a large bed in the center and a mini-refrigerator on the left. She then tried the 2nd door. It was locked. She met the same results with the next four doors.

She then tried the last door and it flung open. There were around four to five men sitting leisurely on the sofa and the bed with women on either side of them. She scanned the room for any traces of Linda and found her at last. She was making out with the guy she had seen at the Coffee House.

Before she could do anything, one of the men saw her. With the wig and the makeup, the two people looked like a couple. Her dark makeup could not conceal her beauty. She was still attractive.

The man stood up and pulled Ivy inside the room. He bent down to take a look at her.

"What are you doing? Leave me." Ivy said. She was a little nervous. She was actually happy that she had Joshua with her. She took a peek at him. He was clenching his jaw. She realized he was angry. Before entering the club, she had told him not to do anything reckless. If things go out of hands, then she would make a gesture. Until then he had to stay silent.

"What a beauty!" The man complimented her and leaned down to kiss her. This time, Joshua did not wait for Ivy's sign. He took a beer bottle from the nearby table and smashed it right on the man's head.

The man groaned in pain. Blood started to trickle down his face. The shattering of the glass had managed to gain attention from other occupants of the room. Looking at their faces, Ivy retreated a step. Many women screamed, looking at the blood.

"You. You. What did you do? Who are you?" Linda stuttered. She had not realized that it was Ivy. Her disguise was perfect.

"Run," Ivy shouted and that was the cue for Joshua. He held Ivy's hand and pulled her with him.

"Catch them." Somebody shouted. But, it was already too late. They were already on the ground level, just a few steps away from the entrance door.

But luck was not in their favor. They had to come to a sudden stop. Out of nowhere, four men had come inside in the club and was having a standing off between them. Ivy turned back, only to see that the situation had gone worse.

"Uh. Oh. Joshua we have a problem. We are surrounded."


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