Fairy Tail: God Slayer - The Path of Life and Death!

Chapter 8

Chapter 8

Understanding Hades' plans was not easy, especially with his current knowledge. Aidan realized the main thing - his container of magic was constantly emptied into some kind of lacrima. Everything would be fine, but one magician went too far with magic and pumped out more than necessary. As a result, for eleven years, Aidan was supplied with nutrients through magic and threads brought to his body. Through them, the magic was pumped out. He became for them something like a source of energy. Only a man is still a man, he is able to develop ... So it was with Aidan. The constant emptying of the container gradually developed and made him stronger, increased the amount of magical power and the speed of its recovery - this is just a side effect of experiments. Fortunately, he was the only one. Therefore, all the years they only pumped out the magic and made the boy stronger every time. All this played into his hands. But, if not for the oversight of one greedy magician, magic would not have reacted so. At least such conclusions could be drawn by Aidan from the notes, they were led by another magician, also in charge of research, constantly noticing the mistakes of his partner. Actually, it seems he was right in his assumptions, and the catastrophe happened. As a result, Aidan got out and ended up in this place. Due to the fact that he spent his entire life in a coma, there was almost nothing to recognize.

The acquisition of the language turned out to be very helpful, now at least he knew everything about himself and could live on in peace. The reason for appearing in this world is not so clear, but in fact it is not something important. It was much more important to understand who he was - the born son of Ur, the twin brother of Ultear. This was quite enough to find at least some peace for the first time.

"As I understand it, Aidan should not have existed, this pendant somehow allowed me to be born here. So I didn't occupy someone's body or anything like that. Therefore, I really am the son of Ur, my own son ... And this tender feeling of her smile seems so warm for this very reason. So strange ... "- with noticeable relief, the guy smiled. Since everything is now in its place, it is already possible to solve pressing problems. So far, they've been about magic. After all, now he is not just a powerless guy in the forest - now he is a real wizard!

Aidan did not wait long, he began magic training immediately. All this is not so much out of curiosity as out of necessity. Naturally, he was very pleased with the acquisition of magical knowledge, the study of the language and his history, but now most of all he wanted to eat properly, find a warm bed and possibly a drink. Even as an eleven-year-old child, he was not going to deny himself anything, especially in the world of magic. But all this cannot be conjured, his understanding of spells and his own magic turned out to be not so great. You can say he knew the basics.

First of all, this is ancient magic created by some old dark magician. Unfortunately, the grimoire transmitted only knowledge about this magic and its correct development. There was no history of its creation or the biography of the wizard who left this grimoire, let alone a magic artifact pendant and a gate with skulls. Only one thing was clear - the one who did this was definitely not from weaklings, but since magic appeared in this world even before the dragons, then it may well be that this magician is so ancient that everyone simply forgot about him.

In general, the main acquisitions are the two languages of this world, as they are important in understanding magic and formulas with runes transmitted with knowledge. Quite an important acquisition especially in this situation. Then the magic itself naturally went - a very ancient magic of the Slayer of the Gods. Judging by the description, it was the very first type of such magic, the first of its kind magic of the Assassins, and all other similar types of magic came from it. The ancient dark wizard created him under special circumstances using some kind of curse imposed on him by a god. Only there was no information, so Aidan could only figure out what kind of god he was. From the title: the magic of the Assassin of the Gods of Life and Death, guesses came by themselves. He did not focus on this for a long time, since speculation would not lead to anything. This magic turned out to be rather complicated, so it was not fully transmitted, Aidan clearly felt it, especially now, when he could just close his eyes to focus on his mind and look at the considerably reduced gray grimoire. Now he could enter this space simply by concentrating. Magic is truly amazing ...

Aidan did just that. He already knew what was likely to happen, but still decided to check. After entering a calm meditative state, everything worked out. The effect was expected - having touched the gray grimoire he was simply thrown out of this strange place, and he again came to life.

If everything is so, he no longer dwells on it and again returned to magic. Knowledge, as already mentioned, was reduced to the basics of the magic of the Assassin of the Gods of Life and Death and concerned only simple manipulation of energy and mastery of it. An ordinary person will not be able to master this in life, but whoever has a grimoire owns the basis, the main important part for this type of magic - a piece of special power hidden in the book. In fact, simple God Slayer magic can be mastered without the primordial particles of powers, which, for example, are possessed by Dragon Slayers. Naturally, this was not mentioned in the knowledge gained, Aidan had guessed before that, having understood everything himself. Indeed, in addition to the magic of Life and Death, he was given the power of the Slayer of the Ice Gods. This magic was also created by the ancient magician who created the first Assassin magic. He mainly needed it for a perfect seal, so the base was kept in the grimoire. Probably, this volume of magic was just intended to transfer this knowledge to someone ... However, this is logical, the only question is why did Aidan get all this? This was definitely worth returning to once.

The acquired ice of the God Slayer, apparently, could seal almost anything, from material things to non-material things like souls. This is what makes him remarkable, unlike other types of ice magic. Of course, Aidan saw other perspectives in her, in battle she too could well show herself. But the magician who created the grimoire does not seem to have considered this.

In general, the acquisitions boiled down to two types of God Slayer magic, the original - Life and Death, and the second - Ice. The first Aidan could not convey, but the second completely. That's all magical acquisitions. Spells are even easier here. Both types of ancient magic had only simple types of enchantments, in the magic of Life and Death, naturally, quite complex ones. Ice is a little easier. Aidan received all the necessary knowledge with ice, but not with Life and Death. For many spells, he probably wasn't ready yet. In general, now it was difficult to judge, maybe this grimoire was hiding something else ...

The main thing is, of course, the main magic. Even if Aidan didn't understand anything yet, and only had vivid memories of how to use magic, he still benefited from this strange situation. This, not to mention the reincarnation in the world of magic, about which he knew not so little. Although he had not dreamed of such a thing, he could certainly be glad. Who would refuse something like this? Here even a weak body did not spoil the impressions at all.


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