Fairy Tail: God Slayer - The Path of Life and Death!

Chapter 6

Chapter 6

After eating berries and making a fire, leaning on a stick, the nameless boy sat down more comfortably next to a tree. This time, he was even able to drag the foliage of the bushes to sleep warmer. The benefits of the size of the leaves here were impressive and did not have to strain too much. Unfortunately, we failed to catch fish. The strength in the hands is already enough to break the branches, but it was possible to sharpen the stick only in the evening. Without legs, it is not easy to create tools. Therefore, even after eating berries, he still felt wild hunger. But there was plenty of water, and he settled down next to the spring.

Peering into the flame, the guy once again opened the battered folder and peered into the faces of his sister and mother. He was very much interested in the question, who had the sense to make this dossier? What's the point in all these photos? This is not a family album ... Too strange, though useful. Only he forgot that among the magicians of this world there are enough weirdos and perfectionists ...

- First, it's worth getting on your feet, - putting the folder down, the guy again turned his gaze to the flame: - As soon as I learn to walk and get food, I will need to find a place for myself. In my form, it won't be easy. Even stealing will not work, I will definitely attract attention. So you have to hold up.

Closing his eyes, the guy again tried to find the magic and somehow apply it. If everything continues like this, he will have to seek refuge in some guild. Only there it will be possible to get normal food and clothing. The question is, how will a non-wizard child be accepted in the guild? Perhaps everything will go well, yet he had magic, the only question is how to use it. The main goal now is to try to do something with awakened magic. If it doesn't work, you have to try harder. In any case, rush is simply impossible, so you need to be patient.

Closing his eyes, the boy did not even understand how he plunged into a long-awaited dream. The brook continued to make noise, and the fire crackled quietly. Finally a quiet night came ...


Shadows blended and starlight flashed brightly across the vast outer space.

The awakening was strange. The young man suddenly opened his eyes and immediately froze. This is not surprising, because the place in which he found himself was completely different from the very forest where he fell asleep. The first thought that visited him boiled down to a simple thing: the former captors found him and now he will be subjected to experiments again. But, this conjecture ceased to have grounds when he understood the main thing - he stands, and stands on his own feet. The body is still the same as before, children's legs and arms, but the movements are so smooth and light ... This did not fit in my head.

After walking a little, he was completely convinced that everything was fine with him. Only now he no longer believed in captivity, but rather in a dream. The environment spoke just about this, but the purity of reason and understanding spoke just about the fact that everything around is real. Although, it was absolutely impossible.

He found himself on some strange black pedestal. Round, surrounded by dark columns, and in the center, on a hill, there was some kind of book holder. Naturally, the book was also there. Some kind of gray grimoire, but unlike the blackness of the columns or the floor, this "grayness" was moving. There was a feeling that the book consists of this gray energy, and just looking at it, the boy gasped. He felt suffocated and felt something eerie and dangerous, as if if he continued to look, he would inevitably die, turning into gray dust. But when the guy's gaze slid further, he could see, in addition to the gray glow, this book has something else ... The bottom of the book burned dimly white, it was faintly visible from the gray, but it was still there. As soon as the boy's gaze slid across this light, the feeling of imminent death vanished in an instant. He felt warmth in his chest and a kind of gloomy calm.

Among other things, this pedestal with the book was not just on the black altar, but the altar itself was floating in space. Countless stars are scattered everywhere. Starting from blue and ending with the brightest red. In the distance, whole nebulae of bizarrely mixed glow were visible. This endless world was mesmerizing. But, something strange once again attracted the guy's attention. When he tried to look again at the strange grimoire, he suddenly froze in shock. It was there, in the distance, that a door hovered almost imperceptibly for the eyes. Among the stars, one is unique and so familiar. The boy immediately recognized the skull depicted on the door. The same emerald, with empty eye sockets, and at the same moment he understood everything ...

- So it's all because of that trinket ... - frowning, he slowly recalled the moment when he first received this stone. In fact, it happened not so long ago, at least not counting the years lived in a coma. In a past life, he received this trinket as a talisman from some old woman. She needed a person with special abilities that day. Basically there was something to steal from one person. As a result, along with the board, then he was presented with this creepy pendant with a green skull. He looked interesting, so he left it. Now, everything turned out this way ...

- Maybe it's a coincidence? - With a scowl, the boy turned back to the grimoire. Anyway, probably all the answers are in the book. It is definitely not simple, most likely magical. If this is not a dream, then some otherworldly space is possible. Naturally he could not determine this now, and even more so to touch the door with the skull. Therefore, it was worth just looking at this suspicious book. The choice, in any case, was not great; it seems that it would not be possible to get out of here just like that. He got here for a reason. Plus, maybe this is a chance to connect with the magic he longed for ...

Having tried to bleed himself, the guy quickly became convinced that this was impossible. Apparently, now in this place was not his real body, because the pain he felt much worse. In any case, he had nothing to lose, and since it was impossible to get out, he had to act already. Curiosity also pushed towards the goal. Therefore, he did the only thing left for him - climbed onto the pedestal and looked again at the strange book. This time the oppressive feeling increased by an order of magnitude. It even seemed to him as if his whole body began to dry up and his skin began to crack. Already realizing that this was only an illusion, the guy resolutely touched the gray cover of the grimoire. At that very moment, his whole world completely turned upside down!


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