Fairy Tail: God Slayer - The Path of Life and Death!

Chapter 20

Chapter 20

After a few seconds of looking at each other, Gray finally sighed and walked away:

- Sorry, just ... You seemed familiar to me. I was probably wrong.

Aidan nodded and looked at Makarov again.

- So, we will be accepted? We know how to use magic, but we don't have a home. I heard in the guild people like us favor, I did not know that it was so ... - smiling, the guy examined the crowd gathered: - You scare my sister, let's just don't hug!

Macao laughed and grabbed his friend by the neck and waved his hand.

- Then we went. I'm Macao, by the way, and this is my friend Wakaba, glad to meet Aidan and ... - smiling at the little girl, the man nodded: - And Wendy. Well, be there!

Erza just nodded in greeting and hesitated a bit when her gaze fell on Wendy. From her close attention, the baby grabbed her brother even stronger.

"M-cutie," the scarlet-haired woman snapped, and with a charming expression she finally left.

Makarov was just trying to speak again when Natsu interrupted him:

- So, what's your magic there ?! Call me Natsu, can we brush it off?

- Well ... - Aidan was about to answer, as Gray snorted: - If you walked out of here coal, not up to you, they can not see what?

- Che vyaknul?

- Oh ... - Makarov hit himself on the forehead, and then yelled: - Shut up!

As soon as silence reigned, the old man shook his head.

- They always climb where they don't ask ... - Approaching a couple of newcomers, Makarov hit the wood floor with his cane:

"If you want so, I accept you in Fairy Tail: Wendy and Aidan - respect your comrades, do the job honestly and do not harm customers. Remember the main thing, the guild is a family, remember this always!

Makarov finally smiled:

- Okay, you will find out the rest along the way, let's go, you need to issue a guild badge!

- Ha! I'm with you! - Natsu screamed: - And then we will brush off!

Approaching the bar counter, Makarov from somewhere took out a strange object that looked like some kind of stamp, and then smiled good-naturedly and beckoned Wendy:

- Come here, the old man will not offend you, look ... - raising the stamp, he showed how it looks. At the end was a black Fairy Tail mark.

- We need to make a seal, this is an important tradition of all magic guilds.

Wendy looked at her brother, and after an affirmative nod, she hesitantly approached Makarov. In height, the girl was quite consistent with him, so she did not worry too much and held out her tiny hand to him. At the same time, Aidan was mesmerized by the imposing guild bar, filled with many alcoholic drinks. The desire to try each arose by itself, but at that moment Wendy ran up to him and happily boasted of her guild mark:

- Look brother! - the girl even ceased to be afraid and happily jumped around her brother. Her mark was blue and located on her right shoulder.

- Now you are a guy, come on here ... - Makarov sighed: - you ought to find yourself an assistant ...

Aidan walked over and thought for a moment, still decided where to place the mark. Therefore, he took off his jacket, revealing his thin body to everyone. Even Makarov sighed at the sight of so many protruding bones. However, he had not yet seen Aidan in the first days ...

The guy turned his back on the Master and said:

- Full back, please, to match the color of my eyes.

Makarov chuckled and hesitated:

- Are you sure? Usually few people do such big things.

"I'm sure," Aidan paused for a moment and said firmly, "I would also like to share Fairy Tail's faith, so the mark on the back is the best place.

- Ha, that's how ... - Makarov smiled: - Well said, I will remember that, - at the same moment the stamp fell on the young man's small back and a huge red Fairy Tail symbol immediately appeared on it. Aidan felt a strange warmth that evaporated in an instant. Throwing his jacket back on, he nodded to Makarov:

- Greetings to the Guild Master!

The old man laughed and deftly jumped onto the bar. Sitting down, he spoke:

- Okay, settle down. If you think of taking the building, come to me. I plan to find myself an assistant to deal with everything, so if you can't find me, contact the elders. In the meantime ... '' After looking around the guild, the old man stopped at the scarlet-haired girl, and then said loudly:

- Erza, girl, show our newcomers the guild!

She immediately got up and walked to the bar, while Aidan finally chose a bottle for himself, but immediately got a cane in his hands:

- You are too small, - Makarov grunted.

- But after all ... - Aidan wanted to object, but still remained silent. Hike while this grandfather hangs out here to get nothing. Quite stressful.

"Hmm, I need to distract him ..." - the thought came by itself, Aidan glanced at Natsu, and then at the master. Elsa had already approached the newcomers when suddenly the guy said:

"By the way, since we're in the guild now, I'll say I'm an ice mage and Wendy is a Heavenly Dragon Slayer."

- What ?! - Makarych changed in face: - This girl is the Dragon Slayer?

- And then, - the guy patted Wendy on the head: - She's very strong!

- Wait, is she your real sister? - the old man immediately asked.

- No, we ... - but the guy did not have time to finish, as Natsu interrupted, shouting:

- Dragon Killer?! - Quickly running up to Wendy, the boy bent down: - Have you seen Igneel?

"Um," Wendy stepped back a little, leaning against her brother. "W-Who is Igneel?

- Igneel is a dragon! But, he flew away and ... - Natsu suddenly became sad: - I can't find him ...

- AND? Wendy blinked. "Well ... This is ... So you too?"

- Also? - said all in one voice.

- Well, Grandina flew away and ... - Wendy lowered her head and whispered softly, embarrassed: - I can't find her either. T-then I met my brother and now we are together ...

"I see ..." Natsu sighed, but then cheered up sharply and exclaimed, "If the dragons are missing, we'll find them together!"

Wendy raised her head in surprise and, taking a better look at the boy's confident face, finally smiled and nodded.

- Shit!

At this time, Aidan secretly stole a bottle of wine and stood already contented with a cheerful smile watching what was happening. Erza glanced at him suspiciously, but then she admired Wendy again with affection. Makarov thought, now there is one more Dragon Slayer in the guild and again lost ...

Next, Erza finally started showing the guild. There were not many attractions here, only the second floor - forbidden for everyone except S-class magicians and the first, already accessible to everyone. There was also a kitchen, where Natsu decided to linger, and Aidan was not averse, but had to move on ... several rooms for those who have no way to find housing, a warehouse and a library. The places on the second floor were naturally not shown, but according to Erza, there are rumors that there is a Master's office there, with books and magic equipment. Whether this is true or not, only the S-class mages will be able to find out, to which Erza was striving to become! From her flaming fighting spirit, Wendy was even inspired by looking at her brother, while he simply nodded at everything ... In general, the three quickly found a common language and moved further through the building.


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