Fairy Tail: God Slayer - The Path of Life and Death!

Chapter 17

Chapter 17


The case with Charlie was almost settled. Aidan just couldn't leave Wendy without a best friend. And who knows what would have happened to this kitty if he had ignored her and left her in that forest. It is possible that little Charlie could not even survive. He absolutely could not do this for the sake of his goals. That is why, even if the old man promised something, Aidan will go as fast as possible into this forest as soon as Natsu finds Happy. He was not going to leave everything to chance!

The path has long been paved. A month ago, Wendy and Aidan met road signs leading to a village and even pointed to the nearest town. As it turned out, this city was called Clover. Aidan had little memory of him. His knowledge cannot be called integral at all. Although, he was even so happy. Still, if he knew everything, ideally, it might not be so amusing, and if he remembered faces, important events, he simply could not remember the details. In the past, he certainly did not know about such a sudden rebirth, and he read manga mostly just for fun, not for learning.

He did not remember the city of Clover at all, so it was impossible to understand the way to Magnolia now. But, he was not worried, he still remembered about the railways. If they are in Fiore, then the cities are probably connected by paths and getting to Fairy Tail will not be a problem. The only problem was that there was no money, and because of the clothes it would not be so easy to get something ...

After a day's journey, the two finally reached a small town. Wendy beamed with joy. But when she learned that Fairy Tail was elsewhere, she became sad again. It was then that Aidan began to think over a plan. His past skills might come in handy this time. The main problem was money, because without it you can't buy a train ticket. In addition, if it is illegal to take a train, you can generally ring out in some shelter or somewhere else. He did not know the rules and laws of the kingdom, and as a child with a little girl, it did not make much sense to take risks. It was easier to use old skills in merging with new ones. Although, skills are said loudly. You do not need to have a special skill in robbery, except for simple attentiveness and in the usual composure.

Thus, two got into the city. Under the bewildered glances of passers-by, cast mainly at a thin guy in a strange outfit made of skins, the two moved further and further along the journey. Aidan had no choice, he decided to break one law so as not to break another. Although, the one that he planned to break was definitely worse than a stowaway trip. There is no doubt that you can steal a ticket and steal, but very few people will let a boy in strange clothes close to them, and Wendy certainly does not know how to steal. It's useless to even teach her, the little cutie is too clumsy.

On the way, the guy often looked around, listened and sometimes waited. Wendy sometimes wanted to ask what he was up to, but still held back. She rather liked this mystery. So the two found out the time of the next train departure for Magnolia and even the ticket prices, just from the usual eavesdropping. Surprisingly, they did not attract as much attention as he previously thought, it seems that the inhabitants of this place are used to strange personalities. However, not surprisingly, in the world of magic, probably, it happens not like that.

Stopping on the outskirts of the city, Aidan realized that people finally began to show less often, and then he managed to make out in the very edge, on the outskirts, a shop of some dealer in rarities. It was then that he let go of Wendy and gently ruffled her hair:

- Brother will be back now, stand over there, in the shade ... - Tracking his finger, Wendy nodded and ran to a lonely tree. She obediently sat down on the bench and smiled. Aidan nodded and walked briskly to the merchant's shop. Naturally, he did not say a word to the girl, and it was definitely not worth taking her on such a thing.

Stopping in front of a wooden door and a colorful sign with a wolf's head, the guy grinned wryly at his position:

"Well, there's nothing you can do about it, I was already on foot ... The train leaves in ten minutes, there is no time to think. Let's see the magic in action "- pulling the skin of a wolf over his head, the guy hid his face and slowly entered the room.

- Oh ... Really a client. Come in, we have ... - the obese salesman in the hat suddenly froze when a small silhouette approached the counter.

- Um, sir, could you ... - but before he could finish, a dark piece of ice crashed into his forehead. Instantly, the seller fell onto the shelves and there was a noise. Aidan snorted and quickly looked around.

Basically, the shop didn't look that interesting. Lots of hunting trophies, various trash like candlesticks or figurines. The rarities were more like just things from the landfill, although there were quite interesting specimens. They clearly stood out, for example, there was an interesting silver key and some kind of book with runes, a cap and even some magical tools. Although the merchant is not a magician, he still managed to get something in his collection.

Aidan didn't linger and decided to sort things out quickly. A banal robbery, but in the world of magic and in a childish guise, even such a thing caused a slight tremor. The guy already knew that no one would help the merchant, because he could feel living creatures ten meters away, just touching the ground with his feet. It was easy for him to choose a target. In the city, he even felt the vitality of real magicians, who were noticeably superior to people. Therefore, he was not particularly worried about the seller, because he was a man and a good blow to the head is enough for him. At the same time, the tension in the room only grew ...

The merchant kept the money in a small drawer at the bottom of the counter, and Aidan quickly opened it:

- This is where the magic of sleep is needed ... Sorry old man, when I get rich - I will return three times more. Now it will come in handy for the first time, - having collected all the money, the guy smiled guiltily and quickly grabbed the silver key. He already understood that he was summoning a celestial spirit, so he could not leave either. He did not steal anything more. In the past, he could sometimes cheat, but more often than not he did his job on time and for the agreed amount. Therefore, he did not particularly like this act, there were also more harmless ways to find money, but time was running out, he did not want to stay in the city. Even less did he want to sleep again in the woods by the fire. So I had to act against the rules, there's nothing you can do about it.


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