Fairy Tail: God Slayer - The Path of Life and Death!

Chapter 12

Chapter 12

"Well, okay, I promise you, you'll still meet your Grandina," Aidan said with a smile, stroking Wendy's blue hair.

The girl sniffed and looked into his eyes:

- Do you promise?

- I promise, - the guy smiled and ruffled her hair: - Okay, now stop whimpering and smile better. Show your magic!

- Aha! Wendy brightened noticeably, wiped away her tears and stepped away from Aidan, then put the ribs of her palms together and closed her eyes, as if trying to concentrate. At the same moment, next to her little hands, the air slightly distorted, followed by Wendy's sharp eyes opened and waved her hands at the flaring fire of the fire. It was instantly extinguished with compressed air, and several coals even flew out onto the open grass, continuing to smolder.

Aidan nodded contentedly.

"Not bad, are you a wind mage?

"Um, well ..." the girl smiled happily. "Grandina said my magic is called Dragon Slayer magic and I ... Heavenly Dragon Slayer."

- That's how, - Aidan rubbed his chin thoughtfully: - That's how the meeting.

- A meeting?

The guy chuckled and explained:

"I'm the Ice God Slayer.

- Wow! And what do you can? - Wendy's eyes immediately sparkled.

Aidan just shrugged in response.

- I don't really know myself. I can make dark ice and that's all, oh ... Well, I'm still not cold at night, every day it becomes easier for me to endure the cold. Yes ... - the guy nodded thoughtfully: - Hmm, if you think so ...

The thought came by itself, but I was still thirsty. So Aidan created a piece of ice in his palm and immediately took a bite.

- Hmm ... - chewing it a little under Wendy's bewildered gaze, the guy grimaced and began to spit:

- Tfu! Pha ... Well, rubbish! I wouldn't even drink this if I was dying of thirst - the idea of drinking my own ice disappeared by itself. Whatever he had eaten in recent days, all this could not be compared with the ice of his own production. It is not for nothing that Dragon Slayers eat their own element, it tastes not very pleasant and this is just putting it mildly. Although, maybe the point is that the ice is not simple ... As an option.

Aidan raised his head and smiled at the still surprised girl.

- These are my abilities. By the way, don't you know how to make water?

- Nope, - Wendy came closer and sat down next to him: - I can predict the weather, and also treat. Oh! - the girl suddenly remembered something and abruptly grabbed the young man's face in her hands: - You have scratches all over your face, don't move!

This was the first time Aidan saw such a serious and worried look from a stranger, and indeed for the first time from someone in both his lives. The past life turned out to be lonely and fleeting, like these last days, filled with helplessness ...

After a while, the girl let go of the guy's face and at the same moment a bright emerald glow burst out of her palms. Aidan narrowed his eyes and was surprised to notice the quite interesting effect of her magic. The small cuts healed quickly, almost as quickly as the magic of life, and then a pleasant feeling of cheerfulness spread throughout the body.

Wendy removed her hands and smiled.

- It's done. Brother, it won't hurt you to wash.

- Well thanks, - Aidan grinned and, leaning on a cane, got up. Going to the remnant of the extinguished fire, he raised the basket with the remaining mushrooms and said:

- We need to move on.

- Shit, - Wendy got up and walked closer to her "brother":

"It's going to rain soon. We need to find shelter.

Aidan nodded.

- Your abilities are impressive.

- Hee-hee, - the girl smiled again and took the guy's hand: - Let's go.

- Yeah ...

So, two friends hit the road together. Aidan felt less alone now. After an evening rain, he and Wendy set up camp in a small clearing. The place turned out to be quite good, there was a small pond nearby, where he planned to catch fish.

Covering the girl with large leaves, he smiled warmly and gently stroked Wendy's head. She fell asleep very quickly, the day she experienced influenced her quite strongly. The loss of the dragon's mother, and then the arrival in an unknown world. Even Natsu was not easy, let alone a little five-year-old girl. There is still a long way ahead ...

Aidan yawned, followed Wendy's condition out of the corner of his eye, and then got up and walked a little further from the fire, straight to the pond. This time he wanted to wash a little while there was time. He had already seen his face more than once, each time amazed at this childish appearance. He was completely unlike himself in the past. Now he looked more like some kind of imp from the stove, albeit quite cute in its pure form.

Leaning towards the pond, he again found the same picture. Again a dirty face and bright red eyes. Not that he was particularly annoyed, although they attracted attention, even looking at his reflection, he felt something unusual from these eyes, connected with his own magic.

After washing, a clean child's face immediately appeared in the reflection. Quite a cute child, albeit with a huge shock of hair, scattered all over the stones. Pulling up a whole bunch, Aidan smiled slightly, and then a dark, sharp blade appeared in his palm. A blue glow flashed in the light of the moon, and the blade reached the hair. It was not at all difficult to make something out of ice, so he decided to get rid of this burden. He did not really want to braid his hair, and so he looked almost like some girl on his face, there were still not enough braids for the whole picture. Therefore, he decisively began to cut part by part, until he completely chopped off all the longest areas, then he proceeded to a more jewelry haircut. Fortunately, the skill of a past life was even useful here. Yet once he had to shave with a knife, and with his hair, almost the same process, of course, he was not going to leave a bald spot, but still it was worth trimming his sides. Thus, he wanted to give himself at least some masculine appearance.

A few minutes later, a completely different face finally appeared in the reflection of the water. Short-shaven sides and a small head of hair in the middle, pure dark purple in color, slightly damp with water. The two lights of his eyes gleamed in the water, almost as bright as the moon and stars.

Aidan washed his face, gathered all his hair in a bunch and left it in the grass. You can't really do anything with them, in any case, new ones can grow, so he left this burden in the past. Now he wanted to recover from eleven years of coma and slowly catch up. Get food and clothing, put your body in order. Perhaps it is not a bad idea to join a guild, there will be at least a chance to get it all just thanks to magic. In this regard, he did not even doubt himself. With genes, he can be said to be lucky, as well as with types of magic. Few people in the world can boast of possession of lost magic, and even so ancient. If you try, then by the age of sixteen you can become quite a worthy magician.

With these thoughts, Aidan still went to bed. Situated not far from Wendy, he watched her sweet sniffing a little, and then closed his eyes. Tomorrow is a long day, there is still a lot to be done, especially deciding what to do with your new companion ...


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