Exclusive Rights to An Online Voice Actor

Chapter 74

Chapter 74

TLC: Lilies


For a moment, Qi Jing thought it was raining.

His eyes were drawn to the windows by the chilly gale outside, but he only saw the layers upon layers of towering clouds without a trace of rainfall.

He was just seeing things.

The doctor’s words brought his attention back to the radiograph, “You’re recovering quite well, Mr Qi; it could even count as quite speedy among the patients with ulna and radius fracture.”

The doctor pointed toward the location on the x-ray that faintly showed the fracture line. The initial blood stasis had already dissipated and the fracture line was already barely noticeable, the doctor had to outline it with his finger for Qi Jing to see it. There was new bone tissue linked completely with the bones at the place of the fracture, so it could be said that he had already reached the mark of clinical recovery.

“At the rate of your recovery, the cast can be taken off next week, and you can start to slowly rehabilitate your wrist and fingers. As for the upper arm, there shouldn’t be any problem with small movements, but you need to avoid strenuous exercise and moving it around too much,”

Next week.Qi Jing’s eyes lit up and he couldn’t hold back the joy he felt from shining through them, “Really? That’s wonderful... It would make daily life so much easier. After all, I do feel bad always needing someone to tend to me.”

Hearing this, the doctor added, “Your family must’ve taken good care of you for this speedy recovery.”

Qi Jing smiled, “Mn... I’ve been eating and resting way better than ever before, and I was always being protected from falling or bumping against things, so I think that might be the reason why I recovered so quickly.”

The doctor gave Qi Jing an “oh” of realisation before saying while writing down the follow-up report, “Your lover sure is kind and considerate to you.”

Hearing that word, Qi Jing froze for a moment, then the corners of his lips quirked up as he nodded and said smilingly, “That’s right... My lover is indeed very considerate... Incredibly considerate.”

After the appointment concluded, Qi Jing strode out of the doctor’s office and went toward the waiting area first.

He had already sent Shen Yan a message while waiting, telling him the floor and area he was at, but neither of the two messages were met with any response. Just when he was about to call the other man, his queue number appeared on the screen and a nurse came over to lead him to the radiographing room. Qi Jing could only settle with sending the third message:【I’ll go in first. If you come upstairs, then just wait for me in the waiting area.】

Now, with all that done and proper, he walked ahead swiftly as he checked the incoming messages and the call history—yet there still was no response.

Could they still be talking?

Just as he was about to call Shen Yan’s number, he suddenly saw a familiar figure sitting quietly in the lounge, visibly sad. He looked sideways at the overcast sky outside the window, not uttering a single word.

“Shen Yan,” Qi Jing heaved a sigh, lowering the phone in his hand and going over to him, “So you had already got here?”

Hearing his voice, the man on the bench trembled, then turned his head over to give him a blank stare. Then, for some unknown reason, he suddenly raised his hand, reaching forward as if he was searching for something.

Qi Jing wasn’t sure what was going on with him, but he still reached over and held Shen Yan’s hand gently.

His hands are a little cold, Qi Jing thought to himself, and held it even more tightly, doing his best to give the other even a tiny bit of his warmth.

That gesture invited quite a few odd looks from the other people in the hall; some even started whispering judgemental comments about them. But Shen Yan didn’t react and Qi Jing also didn’t care much about it, so he sat by his side just as always, with no intention of letting go of his hand.

“What’s wrong, why didn’t you reply to my messages?” Qi Jing asked with a chuckle.

“Message...” Shen Yan repeated in a stiff voice, then paused. It took him a long while before he remembered the meaning of that word and said while closing his eyes tiredly, “I’m sorry... I, for all that time, I wasn’t paying attention to my phone.”

After saying this, he rubbed his face with his other hand, as if forcing himself to wake up.

It was very rare for Qi Jing to see him like that.

Moreover, Shen Yan was completely normal when they left home in the morning, so this difference appeared all the more obvious. Qi Jing felt his heart skip a beat—no matter how he thought about it, if he analysed this situation based on the time, there could only be one reason...

“You and that auntie...” Did the two of you talk about something?

“How was your check-up?” Shen Yan spoke up all of sudden, gently cutting off Qi Jing’s words.

Being asked this, Qi Jing could only briefly repeat Shen Yan what the doctor told him, “The result of the check up is surprisingly good; there was no shift of bones after the surgery, the radiograph indicates that the fracture is nearly completely healed and the bones are slowly reconnecting. The doctor said... Next week we should be able to take off the cast.”

Qi Jing subconsciously slowed down while saying the last sentence.

He knew that the time of taking off his cast was a very delicate topic, since it was related to the length of his stay with Shen Yan.

Even though he had already planned to get a car, the money for the down payment still had to be prepared in advance, and the procedures involved in buying a car couldn’t be completed in such a short period of time. If the director required him to go back to work immediately, then he would probably have to go back to his apartment, and live away from Shen Yan for some time. Shen Yan himself was most probably also aware of that.

But to his surprise, after hearing him say so, Shen Yan didn’t say a word, and only his hand tightened its hold.

“I&#k2026; What should I do?”

It was only after a long while when he heard those few, hoarse words.

Qi Jing was taken aback and stared at him blankly, not knowing what he was referring to.

It was as if the ashen hue of the sky outside filled Shen Yan’s eyes, they could hold no warmth, no life. It was as if rather than asking a question, he was mumbling to himself. “What should I do&#k2026; to make you need me more?”

That sentence was the last thing Shen Yan spoke that morning.

On their way home, he remained completely silent—no matter what Qi Jing asked him, he would only shake his head slightly, signaling that he’s alright.

Of course, Qi Jing didn’t believe that.

“I always need you very much.”

When the two stood face-to-face on the bus, Qi Jing leaned into the other’s chest slightly—when their eyes met, he once again repeated his reply from the hospital in a low voice. Shen Yan looked at him and only smiled weakly without saying a word in response. No matter how many times Qi Jing said it to him, his reaction never changed.

Qi Jing knew that that question wasn’t as easy as it seemed at first glance—it was way more complex and deep-rooted.

But even though he was well aware of that, he was unable to give a better answer.

That disparity really made Qi Jing anxious—

“Little fella, don’t you really need him as well? If it was you, how would you convey it to him?”


Little Return Date couldn’t possibly understand his words, so it continued happily practising rolling about on Qi Jing’s lap; all lazy and without a care in the world once its stomach was filled.

Qi Jing somehow started to feel envious of the cat’s mentality.

After they got back home, there was no difference in Shen Yan’s behaviour aside from his silence. First, he went over to Little Return Date’s nest and ground up some kibbles to mix with a sweet and fragrant milk, feeding it to the little fella who kept meowing from hunger. Then, he sat at its side in silence and scratched it behind its ears, making the little guy close its eyes from pleasure.

He watched Little Return Date stuff itself with food, and Qi Jing watched him.

Seeing the kitten enjoy the care he was giving him, a faint smile appeared at the corner of his lips. Perhaps that emptiness he felt, that need to “be needed” was fulfilled at least a tiny bit, but it was still far from enough.

“I will go prepare lunch.”

After a long while, Shen Yan finally stood up.

Even his only sentence that broke the silence was proving the same point. What’s more, he still didn’t look at Qi Jing when he spoke.

I’ll help—Qi Jing wanted to say at first.

But when he thought of how Shen Yan spoke of wanting to make Qi Jing need him more, he actually wasn’t sure if his wanting to help would have the opposite effect. After some deliberation, he finally swallowed back the words he was about to say and stayed by himself in the living room to play with Little Return Date. It’s just his gaze would keep straying towards that lonely figure bustling in the kitchen.

“Is it because I said that the cast can be taken off next week, making him realise that I might need to leave here for some time, that’s why he felt uneasy?”

Little Return Date pricked up its ears innocently, staring with its big, moist eyes looking at its owner, not knowing why its owner would keep furrowing his brows while talking to himself, making it itch to pull them apart with its fluffy paw.

“Or perhaps he thinks... that I’m not dependent enough on him?” Or at least that’s what a literal interpretation of his words would indicate. But what exactly made Shen Yan think so?

Little Return Date became drowsy from listening to him, so it dozed away into a nap.

For that little guy, aside from being sleep-inducing, Qi Jin’s soft sighs had no other use. That’s why it stretched its small body, got all comfy, and buried itself under his clothes to have a warm nap.

Suddenly a loud clunking noise came from the kitchen, it sounded like a knife falling against the countertop.

Qi Jing jumped at that sound—he sat up in hurry, bringing a disaster upon the sweetly sleeping Little Return Date who rolled on the ground from his action, immediately curling in a fluffy ball.

“Meow—” It stood up, guileless, and shook its fur, complaining in a tiny voice about the rash movements of its owner.

But its owner had no more time to look back at it, and thought only of getting to the kitchen as fast as possible,

“What happened?”

Qi Jing’s anxious voice was heard before the man himself entered the kitchen.

From where he stood, he could only see that man’s back, his shoulders tensed up as he looked down with his head lowered, holding his other hand.

Qi Jing could basically guess what this posture meant right away.

As he expected, when he came over in strides, he saw a knife laying on the countertop, its blade stained with blood, a bloody trail of droplets covering the white tiles as well as the edge of the chopping board. Qi Jing gasped at the sight, “Did you cut your hand? Quick, let me take a look—”

Shen Yan slowly turned his head over.

His expression was weirdly unbothered and calm, as if he didn’t feel any of the pain in his finger. He only looked at a loss, seemingly unaware of what had just happened as he held his left hand with his right without any intention of stopping the blood flow. Qi Jing was extremely worried—he grabbed the other man’s injured hand, semi-forcibly pulling it closer to take a better look.

Thank goodness... the cut isn’t too deep.

Anxious, Qi Jing just lowered his head and took the finger in his mouth without a second thought. He pressed his tongue gently against the wound, the taste of blood spreading in his mouth in an instant. That metallic taste made him knit his brows.

This action of Qi Jing seemed to have finally brought Shen Yan back from his daze; he called hurriedly, “Qi Jing, I’m fine...”

He wasn’t listening at all, all that was on his mind was to get rid of all the blood.

“Qi Jing.”

When Shen Yan called him for the second time, his voice sounded much more raspy than before, its sound able to soften a person’s heart. Being called by him so, Qi Jing subconsciously let go of his finger.

Shen Yan took out his finger at that moment. Qi Jing lifted his head up, about to ask “How did you cut yourself”, but that hand moved over without any sign, taking a hold of his chin. Qi Jing was taken aback—he didn’t have time to see the emotions in Shen Yan’s eyes clearly, his subconscious gasp of astonishment was already silently sealed.

Of all the kisses they’ve shared thus far, this was one of those very few, kisses initiated by Shen Yan.

Although the time and place were a bit unexpected, it didn’t matter. Qi Jing could feel the feelings contained within with complete clarity—persistent and strong.


He panted a few times, closing his eyes compliantly as he slowly returned the kiss.

Shen Yan pressed his entire body on Qi Jing.

Qi Jing had no way of retreating any further, his lower back pressing against the edge of the countertop. His right hand wandered up Shen Yan’s sleeve, then he subconsciously held on to that sturdy shoulder.

The pot of soup on the oven was already simmering slowly for half an hour, releasing wafts of white steam, filling the whole kitchen alongside the bright light. A pot lid was being pushed up slightly as the soup boiled inside, its clanking drowning out the sound of their hurried pants.

“Shen Yan,” Qi Jing reminded hurriedly in the short moment between their kisses, “Your wound, it still hasn’t...”

Been taken care of.

He didn’t manage to finish his sentence asShen Yan leaned over and stopped him from continuing—the moist lips touched once again, entangling in his faint panting.

He still could feel the astringent taste of blood, making him subconsciously avoid letting the kiss deepen, but Shen Yan still invaded his mouth.

Shen Yan can probably taste it as well...At loss, Qi Jing opened his eyes a bit, quietly observing that man from a close distance.

They were too close, which ended up making it harder for him to see.

He only knew that it wasn’t the face of someone immersed in pleasure, quite the opposite even... It looked more like he was in pain.


Little Return Date, who came over after hearing the disturbance, looked at its two dads, its tail swaying to and fro.

The mews of the kitten by his leg made Qi Jing come back to his senses at once. His face flushed red, he finally made up his mind to gently push Shen Yan away.

“I told you that your wound still needs to be tended...”

He said while panting, then pulled over Shen Yan’s still bleeding hand.

Shen Yan appeared less gloomy now, he had already recovered a bit of his reason. He silently observed Qi Jing cleaning the wound for him, looking as if he wanted to say something.

After a long while, he suddenly leaned over, weakly burying his head in the crook of Qi Jing’s neck.

Qi Jing was taken by surprise and asked in a low voice, “Are you feeling unwell...? Maybe we should just eat outside in the afternoon?”

There was a nasal tone to Shen Yan’s voice that sounded as if he caught a cold. “It’s fine, the food will be ready soon. I’ll go find something to disinfect the wound and stop the bleeding, you take Little Return Date back... There’s a lot of things here in the kitchen, can’t risk getting it injured as well.”

Qi Jing turned his head over to see how he was doing—only when he saw that he was relatively normal now he nodded his head with hesitation.

Qi Jing’s favourite lamp in Shen Yan’s house was that white hanging lamp over the dining table. It was because the light shining from it was all-encompassing and warm—sitting below it made one feel much more comfortable with sharing their true thoughts.

There was something that he wanted to say ever since he entered the house, and under that lamp, he finally said it.

“Can I accompany you at work when you go back for your afternoon shift?”

Shen Yan’s hands holding the bowls trembled minutely.

There was a band-aid on his hand, it had been plastered there just a while earlier.

Just the existence of that band-aid more or less undermined the convincing power behind Shen Yan’s following words, “Don’t worry about me, I’m fine... It’s better for you to stay at home and have a good rest.”

“How can I not worry?” Qi Jing laughed bitterly.

For someone as careful and meticulous as Shen Yan to be so out of it that he cut his finger; how could Qi Jing not be worried? He kept his calm and found another excuse to support his original plan. “Well, I’m just idling my time away at home anyway. You do you, I won’t bother you during work, I can just chat with nurse Pang for a bit. And in case she’s busy, I will take my notebook and browse the internet in your office or something.”

Shen Yan fell silent for a moment.

But even though he fell silent, Qi Jing could still hear his irregular breathing in that silence, more hurried than normal, but also more heavy.

“No, Qi Jing.” In the end, Shen Yan still shook his head and said hoarsely, “Today... it won’t do.”

“Why?” The reason behind it was exactly what he wanted to know the most.

“That’s because... I’m really a bit unwell today, so I might not perform the best at work.” And so, I don’t want you to see that even more.

After saying that, he sighed even before Qi Jing could.

Qi Jing had once said before that his working attitude was what he respected and admired the most—he couldn’t let that image be ruined by his current disappointing self. The him now wasn’t capable of any thoughts other than trying to calm himself by working and digesting his negative feelings by himself.

“It’s okay, I can get over it myself. Besides, it’s your first audition, right? You’d better stay at home and prepare yourself for it.” Shen Yan gave him a soft smile, albeit a little forced.

“Then I’ll only accompany you for an hour. It should be fine if it’s just an hour?”

At that time, Qi Jing surprised him with that question.

Shen Yan didn’t expect that he would still bargain over it. He was taken aback by it, but in the end, he was unable to convince him otherwise, so he could only agree.

When they were leaving home, Qi Jing decided to bring Little Return Date along.

After all, that little fella was already so big, but he hadn’t had an occasion to play with other animals, so maybe he would be able to meet a playmate.

Maybe it was because of that kiss, but Shen Yan wasn’t as silent as before; on their way to work, he would sometimes reply shortly to Qi Jing’s chatting.

After they got to the clinic, Qi Jing didn’t forget to go and greet the head nurse, Ms Pang.

It seemed as if she mistook Qi Jing as Shen Yan’s neighbour and hence didn’t feel surprised at all seeing them appearing at the same time. She kept remarking that she found it quite coincidental, saying that they had to be fated in some way for living so close to each other. Just as they were exchanging pleasantries, a younger nurse came in and said to Shen Yan who had just put on his white lab coat, “Dr Shen, it seems like the puppy we operated last night had made it through the critical phase, may I get you to go over to verify its recovery.”

Qi Jing heard that it was the patient from last night’s surgery and got concerned, so he asked hurriedly, “Can I go take a look with you?”

Shen Yan nodded his head lightly.

He led Qi Jing to the isolated ward for the hospitalised animals. After opening the door, there was only a two, three months old mixed-breed, “China-special” puppy to be seen inside the room. Most of its body had been wrapped with a soft quilt, with only its fluffy little head sticking out. Its fur was very light—ashen gold, reminiscent of wheat that could make one feel cozy just from looking at it.

The puppy’s ears were drooping weakly and it had its eyes shut. Only when it heard their footsteps coming over did it open its eyes just a peep.

But its body remained still.

“It was hit by a car and was sent to us with an internal trauma, as well as a severe internal bleeding.” Shen Yan explained in a low voice.

Even just hearing him say so left Qi Jing shocked—it was easy to imagine that the puppy’s appearance at the time was even more disturbing. Thinking so in his heart, he came over, trying to tread as lightly as he could, and had a closer look at that puppy.

At that time, Little Return Date popped its head out of his hold and looked straight at that pup as it called, “Meow~”

The other animal didn’t respond, so Little Return Date brandished its paw with vigour, reaching out in midair, wanting to scratch that pup’s drooping ears. “Shh... Don’t make a fuss, the puppy is sick so it needs to recuperate.” Qi Jing took a quick step back, so as not to let Little Return Date startle the dog.

“Meow meow meow!” Little Return Date pawed his arm in protest, feeling wronged.

Strangely enough, when the puppy heard Little Return Date meowing loudly, it finally opened its eyes completely. Its black irises were plenty peaceful, looking calmly at two men and one cat before it.

Shen Yan gently put his hand on its body, petting the top of its head. His fingers stroked back and forth, filled with utmost gentleness.

It kept looking at them for a while before finally closing its eyes once again, going back to sleep.

“It’s already gotten through the most critical phase and there’s no trace of the inflammation, but it’s still best if we kept it for a while to observe it.”

Hearing this, Qi Jing suddenly thought back to the interview he had done before, its main topic being the concern about the arrangements for the animals after undergoing a surgery, so he asked, “When it’s recovered, its owner will come to take it back, right?”

At that time, Shen Yan froze suddenly.

Qi Jing noticed the changes to his expression... And it was absolutely not for the better.

Realising that he could have said something wrong, Qi Jing intended to lead the conversation away from that topic, but Shen Yan said slowly, “... No, the one who sent him here was a kind passerby. They said that its owner thought that there was no way it’ll make it, that even if it was rescued, it wouldn’t live too long, so... They didn’t need it anymore.”


To be honest, I saw the comments under the previous chapter, and the more I look, the more I feel like... Is my view on morality so abnormal? (kneels) The scale of indignation of the mob exceeded my imagination, so really... Is it like, every time I write a character from the other side of things, will it always incite a dispute like this? (facepalms)

I really didn’t forget it’s a healing novel! *sobs*


Lucilla: *chants* keep calm and pet the pupper, keep calm and pet the pupper...


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