Exclusive Rights to An Online Voice Actor

Chapter 121

Chapter 121


“Eh?” This noise from Yuan Zhengming was very quiet—exactly the type of sound one would unconsciously make in spite of oneself, lasting not even a second. When he realised that it was “Qin Tuo’s” first line, he quickly shut his mouth.

By the time the management hurriedly set the timer, Two had already finished this line, five seconds having passed. Under Yuan Zhengming’s rule of scoring based on elapsed time, he was giving himself a disadvantage, throwing away 0.05 point for nothing.

The audience, including Qi Jing, only now managed to process it.

And everyone’s feelings right now could be summed up to that “eh?” as well.

Audience 1: Σ(っ °Д °)っ Eeeehhhh?

Audience 2: Σ(っ °Д °)っ Are?? Wai, wait a moment, it started just like this?? 【That’s Qin Tuo’s line, right?】

Audience 3: Our fella Two, you... Don’t just start with no word of warning, my heart might fail from the shock... This delivery of the emotions is on point, but are you really fine with losing that 0.05 point?【Ah, I’m speaking as your fan, I’m just worried for you that’s all】


Still, everyone uniformly thought of one thing: doesn’t that mean that Two didn’t forfeit, agreeing to perform with Kitty’s Papa?

He himself was too self-conscious to admit that, so he just did it right away, or at least it could be interpreted like this—Qi Jing guessed what Two’s currently thinking, smiling instinctively; this weight was finally off his shoulders.

But Shen Yan’s next line once again disturbed his heart. And it was not because of the line itself, but rather the tone it was said with—

Calm like dead still water, one which even though has no waves to be heard, one can still hear it colliding time and time again in their heart—a tone that gives rise to sorrow upon listening.

Even more so if it was the voice of an aged old man.

“Qin Tuo...” The man speaking didn’t sound quite like a human being, but more like a clay figure, the words he uttered hard like a dry earthenware, “What are you hiding from me?”

When Two heard Shen Yan ask this, a panicked gasp found its way into his choked voice, staying there for a moment. He stopped breathing for a second or two, then swallowed. His tone changed along with his breathing, strong at one moment, faint and quiet at the other, even starting to shake slightly.

“This student lied to the Master, hiding away from him the fact that, he’s in contact with the Twelve Wulin Alliance...” He hardened his resolve, bringing the truth of his association with the rebels to light.

“Qin Tuo—” He didn’t even have a chance to finish before the other man harshly cut him short.

“What, are you hiding from me?” This time the old man’s voice finally showed some billows. This character’s temperament was profound like a sea, so although this small, meagre wave didn’t sound as much, it actually took a great deal of effort for him to ask that shakingly. Each word he spoke was weaker than the previous, as he slowly seemed to start losing control, his whole body shaking faintly.

—As if he knew from the very start that his student was telling lies, and he knew that rebels and whatsoever were nothing but a pretence, a disguise for something else.

“Old Man Xiao Shan” loved “Qin Tuo” dearly, and rarely spoke from his position as a sect leader to this student of his. But now, when he suddenly showed this stern side of him, it was like deep still waters disturbed by a hit of a stone—even though the ripples weren’t quite the majestic and billowing waves, it still could make a person shake.

This gap.

So this was the gap between them—Qi Jing suddenly felt how away he was from those two in terms of the skill. This time, it was even more evident than when he competed with Two in the individual auditions during the semi-finals.

His two auditions for “Fang Yisheng” just now both weren’t half bad. But both still lacked maturity.

If the previous scene between “Fang Yisheng” and “Yan Buliu” was a ‘dynamic conflict’, with intense clashes in dialogue and great dramaturgy that could easily move the audience... Then the current scene was a classic example of a ‘static conflict’.

There was no tit for tat in the lines.

There were no heart-stirring cries.

—The un-der-cur-rent.

Under those circumstances, for the tension that could catch every listener’s attention only through the contestant’s control of their own voice... It was truly a difficult feat.

People would say that the shouting scenes could bring out the entirety of a voice actor’s skillset, but it isn’t exactly the case.

Just as with two movies of the same length, an action movie would always have it easier grasping the audience’s attention than an arthouse movie, with its quick pace and clear-cut conflicts. And an arthouse movie would often appear rather simple production-wise, but to attain the same result, the requirements for the actors’ skills and performance of the lines would be much stricter.

The voice actors would always fear such works, because if they didn’t perform up to standard, it would be easy for the acting to fall flat with no appeal, and so their still not that bad skill would inevitably get looked down on and picked on.

And voice actors feared voice acting in pairs for such works even more—because with two people, it would be much easier to commit a mistake than alone, as even the smallest of mistakes would turn out double as severe.

This scene between “Old Man Xiao Shan” and “Qin Tuo” was precisely this type of ‘static conflict’.

And within the duration of those three, four lines, there was close to no activity in the chat, until the first person finally uttered at loss, “&#k2026;I, I’m kinda worried.”

Once this got out, the other listeners finally started to add to it as well.

Audience 1: &#k2026;I, I’m worried too now.

Audience 2: ...I’m also a bit worried...

Audience 3: _(:з」∠)_ So is it because I’m worried that those two won’t cooperate well, or because I’m too immersed in their performance, I can’t tell already...

Audience 3: _(:з」∠)_ I think it’s because of the breath control... It sounds so stifled, that’s why it’s so heart-wrenching (holds heart from the pain)

Audience 5: They’re doing so well keeping the tacit flow... This is quite a difficult part of the dialogue, but it actually makes it feel as if it flows naturally... When I first saw their lines, I thought they should be stuttered and disjointed, but they actually got the grasp of the transition points so well without getting stuck with any of them. It sounds so lifelike!

Audience 6: I don’t think you could do that without both sides cooperating on the highest level... Aaah, to think that this is their first work together after their reconciliation, and it’s so great, it makes me so emotional! ┭┮﹏┭┮

Control over the breath was Two’s strong suit.

To fill out the blank left by the internal struggle of the character between the lines, he didn’t waste a single moment, using all kinds of changes in breathing to paint a living image of this man. This man, kneeling before his master, on the brink of resisting his grief, wavering and uncertain after getting hit by his master’s words—Qin Tuo.

His mic was probably of quite good quality, as it caught all of the little details in his changing breathing, making it sound even more lifelike. And he also took care to keep a control over the choked sob of a character in grief, not inserting it everywhere to be heard, but only showing it emerging every now and then, painting an immensely vivid image.

And as for Shen Yan, up till now it sounded as if he had two lines, but in reality, he only had one: “What are you hiding from me”.

There was nothing to pick about whether his old man voice suited the role, so the main point was how he would take one identical line, and differentiate the context and tone between them. And more than that, he also had to consider how to play along with Two—which was anything but an easy task.

The first line was when he heard his student break into sobs, and understood that most of his guess was real. His heart went cold, and his tone sank along with it as well.

The second one, was when he heard his student refuse to tell the truth, sorrow and worry rushing right into his head, the usually calm and composed heart in disarray.

The same line, yet two completely different mental states, as well as different layers of them. If he and Two left it without either of these, there would be no chance of creating an effect this natural.

If it wasn’t known that it was just now that they’ve reunited, and if it wasn’t for the randomised selection for the audition group, people would certainly assume that they’ve practised it multiple times beforehands.

At that time, Shen Yan suddenly began to cough, as if from having spoken so urgently, that he couldn’t help a coughing fit. The previously full of tension atmosphere loosened to a certain degree, now midways between tense and calm.

As he coughed chestily, Two’s voice suddenly got closer to the mic, making it feel as if the character leaned over, now calling out nearby, “Master... Master—”

Such an earnest and troubled image, so vivid that one could virtually see it before their own eyes.

The listeners too breathed a sigh of relief, oblivious to the fact that the next part of dialogue was the one that was about to deliver the stab, tearing out hearts and shedding blood.

Shen Yan’s coughing gradually grew weaker and scarcer, finally disappearing. He finally asked, “Those twenty seven people from the Tuo Yang sect—who killed them?”

At this moment, an indistinct sound from Two’s throat showed his faltering while speaking, “...The imperial soldiers...”

“No.” The abrupt cut here sounded almost callous, but in reality, it was one from a pained heart as he laughed slowly, hopelessly; an indescribable misery. “It was your Senior... It was your Senior, wasn’t it? The owner of the Listen to the Wind Inn, he was also poisoned by him, wasn’t he?’

After no reply was heard from Two for a long while, his breath suddenly got more urgent, as if he stood up from the ground having settled on some decision, then said through gritted teeth, “I’ll go down the mountain to find him, and I will drag him right back here!”

“Qin Tuo!” Shen Yan called even more heavily and urgently to stop him, his voice shaken and brimming with grief, “As your master, I can’t be more clear about your senior’s character. If he can even harm his benefactor, then... he can also harm you as well.”

“Master, my senior, he... he wouldn’t do something like that.”

In this old man’s life, bloodshed between the brothers was the last he would wish to ever see, there was no way “Qin Tuo” didn’t know that.

So when Two said this line, his voice was faint as if each word he said was made out of cotton, with the hollow, surface-level optimism and filling to support it. Even he didn’t believe his own words, having to convince himself so, squeezing out a shadow of a weak, pale smile.

“He would.” But the old man was already resigned to this reality. He gradually curbed his grief, only leaving the numbness behind, “If one day, he will think of killing you, posing a threat to your life—at that time, you...”

At this point, the pain in his voice stopped him from speaking further.

Saying it out loud would be to foresee the end of the child he had brought up with his very hands. As a man, a teacher, a father, he couldn’t accept it through neither feelings nor reason, yet he still couldn’t stop the pain from twisting its blade in his heart.

“You... eradicate this traitorous disciple in my name.”

Even with things coming to this point of no turning back, the old man still stressed that ‘in my name’ strongly. The morals codex of Wulin, the principles of the sect, all of those could be put aside... To have raised a child like this, it was all his fault, and the one to make up for it had to be him as well.

If Bai Ke already committed his crime, his sins deserving death, then... At least if he was the one to give the order, it would keep his heart from breaking.

The timer stopped at “0:55”.

Since Two started early, they also finished five seconds early.

After this conclusion, the listeners couldn’t free themselves from that sorrowful atmosphere for a long while, one after another breaking in tears.

Audience 1: QAQ ...Master...

Audience 2: QAQ ...At first my heart was already squeezed in the ball, it got a bit easier in the middle, but I didn’t expect the end to be the real killing blow...

Audience 3: QAQ Kitty’s Papa’s voice was so miserable, I’m crying!! And fellow Two’s voice was so desperate, it made me cry too!!

Audience 4: QAQ The way Two portrayed Qin Tuo being unable to talk and swallowing it back in silence, making it even more hard to bear for the Master... I don’t have enough tissues for that...

Audience 5: ┭┮﹏┭┮ I can really virtually see it... I’m imagining the animated effects after this appears in the game... It’s straight up an onion ninja siege!

Audience 6: ┭┮﹏┭┮ Everytime I hear Kitty’s Papa playing a grandpa character, it’s so realistic and moving... There’s even no saying about whether he suits the role anymore, his tone always makes me think of a benevolent and warm elder. But because his disciple had committed an unforgivable sin, he had to put justice before his family, so he certainly feels so pained about that too, sobs...


It was finished now.

So great.Qi Jing sniffled quietly—his nose was getting more and more runny as he listened. He couldn’t help but admire how those two’s skill managed to pull him completely into the plot of ⟪Order to End the Heavens⟫.

When the final score calculation showed, everyone accepted it wholeheartedly.

【Group Score】: 4.5, 4.5, average score 4.5

【Elapsed Time】: 55 seconds = 0.55 points

【Audience Votes】: 93.9% voting ratio = 0.939 points


Overall group score: 4.5+0.55+0.939= 5.989 points

“Gimme a proper dub, dumbass” individual score:

【Voice Quality】: 4.5, 4.0, average score 4.25

【Enunciation】: 4.5, 4.0, average score 4.25

【Foundation Points】: 4.5, 4.5, average score 4.5

【Charisma】: 4.5, 4.5, average score 4.5


Overall average scores: 4.25+4.25+4.5+4.5 = 17.5 points

Additional audience vote points: 88.9% voting ratio = 0.889 points

Overall score: 17.5+0.889+5.989 = 24.378 points

“Kitty の Papa” individual score:

【Voice Quality】: 4.5, 4.0, average score 4.25

【Enunciation】: 4.5, 4.0, average score 4.25

【Foundation Points】: 4.5, 4.5, average score 4.5

【Charisma】: 4.5, 4.5, average score 4.5


Overall average scores: 4.25+4.25+4.5+4.5 = 17.5 points

Additional audience vote points: 90.7% voting ratio = 0.907 points

Overall score: 17.5+0.907+5.989 = 24.396 points

Audience 1: 〒▽〒 Two bullied Kitty’s Papa! So I won’t give you a vote, no matter how well you perform! Humph!【Okay, I actually voted】

Audience 2: 〒▽〒 That’s right! I decided to bully him back in Kitty’s Papa’s name! Humph!【I actually voted too...】

Audience 3: Hahaha! You weak minded peasants, I’m the one who actually didn’t vote!! (Although I’m sure that he isn’t short of that single vote)... See how you will bully Kitty’s Papa now!! Huh!! This time it’s you that’s losing in individual scores to him, huh?? ╰(*°▽°*)╯←mental case

Audience 4: But now that we’re saying this, those two really are so incredibly skilled... The difference in score is also only because of the votes, and even Teacher Pu gave both of them 4.5, I’m on my knees.

Audience 5: Isn’t the group score the most terrifying one?

Audience 6: Isn’t the group score the most terrifying one? +10086

The group score was definitely the most terrifying one—both Longbow and Teacher Pu gave them 4.5 points.

This one... It really couldn’t be outdone.

Speaking from a VA’s point of view, it would certainly feel a bit upsetting, but there was no logical way to refute this score. Perhaps someone would say that both of them played roles which they ranked first in semi-finals, so there was an effect of two powerhouses working together at play. But it wasn’t like any other two first places would mesh together this well.

Qi Jing smiled lightly, then opened the QQ chat window.

Don’t ask for my return date: ^_^ I’m so happy. For both of the results, the one from the audition, and the other one as well.

Geese Fly North: Mn... Thank you.

Geese Fly North: Ah, Two is messaging me in YY DMs.

Geese Fly North: He probably has something to say, and I also want to take this opportunity to have a good talk with him... Qi Jing, wait for me for a while, I will be back in a moment.

Don’t ask for my return date: Mhm.

This time, it was his turn to hum dejectedly.

When Shen Yan listened to him and Crossing the bridge noodles perform together... That’s probably how he felt, right?

“What to do, I’m also getting a bit jealous...” Qi Jing muttered half-jokingly, half-serious to himself, propping his chin as he stared at the chat window—there was no new message in it for quite a long time, making him feel a bit desolate.

—But thinking of this now, it was his first time hearing Shen Yan acting with someone else aside from him.

—And thinking of this now, the performance between him and Shen Yan... Aside from the staff from ⟪Trap⟫ production group, there was not a single person who heard it.

It was a very long time ago when Two and that group had already started practising with Shen Yan, and even though they almost completely broke apart before, their understanding of each other was still as good even long years later, it really made a person...

“So envious.” Qi Jing chuckled bitterly, lowering his embarrassed gaze as he said those words. Just so envious...


Patting 2Yan’s shoulder, honestly, I think that among the little buddies, only Two can manage that, does that make you feel any better? (Eh, why does it keep getting worse...)

P.S. It’s not like every single of the little buddies are so amazing at voice acting, the strongest two had already appeared, the rest of them aren’t as impressive... But they each have their own strengths. If, if you think that this is too much of a cheat, then... I have no choice as well (kneels)


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