Raidorl Seiken Senki

Chapter 102: Fangs approaching from the east

Chapter 102: Fangs approaching from the east

Translated by SoundDestiny

Edited by Zil

“Yes……our priority at the moment is to lift the curse that has been placed by His Highness Raidorl and to contain His Highness.”

To lift the curse, all the court magicians are working together. According to old Bavarois, the chief court magician, most of the analysis of the spell markers has already been done, and it should be possible to lift the curse in a month or two.

There is nothing Granard or Lockwood can do about the spell, they should put more effort to contain Raidorl.

“It is unlikely that we will be able to contain His Highness by force. Then we’ll have to use hostages.”

“Hostages….doesn’t he have a maid in his house?

“No, a servant would not be good enough to be a hostage. He also has an imperial princess in his house and should not be trifled with.”

“Hmm, then….”

Granard’s eyes narrowed and a slight smile crept into his mouth. He seems to have come to the same conclusion as Lockwood.

“You mean to hold his lands hostage? Before Raidorl returns from the East, you will overrun the frontier cities and contain him as a fetter?”

“Yes, we have already sent a handful of men to the cities to assess their strength. They are very good at fighting demons, but not so good as soldiers. If you send the soldiers from the palace, you will be able to defeat them in less than a month.”

“Oh, ……, that’s good. Very good.”

Granard’s face contorts into a depressed smile.

Sooner or later, Raidorl will return from the East with his nose in the air, triumphant.

And when he does, his second home, the frontier city of Zain, will have fallen into the hands of his brother the king, and he will be in chains that bind him.


Granard’s shoulders tremble with guilty glee as he imagines the despair on his brother’s beaming face.

“Suck it up! You think you’re going to take the throne from me? I’ll be the one who’s going to take it away! Just as I once took away your princely title, I’m going to take away your place again……!”


Granard’s hatred of Raidorl had given him a devilish look, and he was a shadow of the wise king he had once been.

Lockwood’s expression was one of inexplicable bitterness at what had become of the king he had nurtured so well.

Determined to see the king through to the end, Lockwood sets out to attack the frontier city.

“His Majesty the King! I beg your pardon!!!”

Before the Prime Minister could move, however, the door to the throne room was opened. It was a different soldier who opened the door and entered from outside.

Granard’s face turns sour at being interrupted by his moment of happiness.

“How dare you! Where do you think you are?”

“I beg your pardon! But it’s urgent!”


Granard realized that an unusual situation had arisen when the soldier firmly retorted to the king’s rebuke. He urges the soldier on and gives him permission to speak his business.

“General Garst at the fortress of Blaine has sent me using his horse! To inform the king that the Emperor of the Empire has appeared at the fortress!”

“HA?! What did you just said?!”

The soldier’s words were so unexpected that they could not be understood. Both Granard and Lockwood opened their eyes wide and asked the soldier to repeat what he had said.

The soldier gritted his teeth, knowing it was rude, and shouted even louder than before.

“Sir, My King! The Emperor of the Alsatian Empire ……Zacharias Von Althlein has appeared in the Blaine Fortress!”


Granard slips from his throne with a shriek of astonishment.

Lockwood manages to keep from screaming, but his face is still contorted, and he stands speechless.

The Battle of Blaine Fortress. A few months after the defeat of the Imperial Princess Célia Von Althlein.

The fangs of the continent’s most powerful power were once again pointed at the Kingdom of Zain.


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