Evolving Silver Dragon

Chapter 306: 304 A Profitable Deal_1

Chapter 306: 304 A Profitable Deal_1

Translator: 549690339

Witnessing such a magical spell effect, Flame of the Red Lotus finally took a closer look at the half-elf he had not paid attention to from the beginning.

Upon closer inspection, each member of this strange combination seemed so different from the rest.

With careful observation, even the wand that fluttered around and muttered incessantly, which seemed annoying, appeared to be no ordinary object.

At least, even most Legendary weapons could not speak like this one did.

There was the peculiar Silver Dragon with immense combat power, who seemed uninterested in the olive branch extended to him.

There was the half-elf girl who wielded many strange spells, and seemed to be the master of the bizarre wand.

Upon closer examination, it seemed that the Blue Dragon Welin had the simplest composition in the group.

Unconsciously, the Flame of the Red Lotus became curious about this peculiar group.

But at this time, she remained silent, because the Death Lord and his undead army had already arrived.

Although Sofia’s stealth spells worked well, it was best to be cautious at this time.

The Death Lord’s undead army was large and spread out, with some undead passing by the massive rock that hid the group.

Due to the large number of undead and the crowded conditions, some undead directly climbed up the huge rock and rolled over it.

This scared the Flame of the Red Lotus, and she instantly prepared for battle.

However, the others around her looked at her with baffled or exaggerated expressions, and in the end, nothing happened as the numerous undead armies passed through.

Even the Death Lord did not discover that beneath the unremarkable rock in this remote place, several people were hiding.

Otto’s choice of location was excellent.

Although it was far from Har City and even behind the undead formation, as long as the Farsight Skill was used due to its higher terrain, everything ahead could be seen clearly.

Moreover, there was no risk of being affected by the battle while staying here.

When the undead launched an attack, they would not discuss any major principles with their opponents nor read out any manifestos.

Once they reached their targets, they would immediately start the battle!

However, with such a large number of undead in the Death Lord’s army, they were spotted by Har City from a distance.

By the time the undead army reached the city, the heroes from all over the continent had already prepared for battle within Har City.

Truth be told, there was quite a disparity in numbers.

Most of those who came to Har City were like-minded individuals or so-called righteous partners with a single-minded goal of eradicating the undead

Regardless, compared to the undead, there were far fewer people who came to Har City.

Even if some lords or nobles brought their troops or followers, they were still far from being able to match the vast numbers of undead.

However, since they had already arrived at this place, the various heroes in Har City had mentally prepared themselves.

Moreover, there were many powerful Metal Dragons besides them, weren’t there?

Because most Metal Dragons like to transform into humanoid beings to hide themselves, even Konoheim and the Stream of Golden Flame did not know how many Metal Dragons had come to Har City.

But everyone who was in Har City firmly believed one thing – justice would prevail!

Well, Konoheim might be the only exception, as he had already cast a faction check on himself.

Unconsciously, Konoheim had become Chaotic Neutral.

Without further ado, the undead’s attack on Har City had begun.

At the beginning, it was a tentative attack, with the Death Lord sitting on his throne and Lich Catherine in charge of commanding.

The Undead army differed fundamentally from other creatures’ armies; they did not need to consider morale at all and did not need to worry about the difficulty of delivering orders.

Catherine floated in the air, looking at Har City from a distance, with the soul fire burning in her empty eye sockets.

Without even a basic command, the lowest-level Skeletons or Zombies advanced towards Har City according to her wishes.

These low-level undead were cannon fodder, just to test what the fools in Har City were capable of.

The best way to deal with these undead, who had nothing to offer but numbers, was low-level area spells with minimal damage but wide coverage.

Conveniently, Har City was full of spellcasters who could use such spells.

Before long, spells like Ice Rain and Spell Burst, which had wide range but low damage effects, filled the space beneath Har City.

After being reinforced, although Har City’s walls did not look very high, these low-level undead could not shake or climb over them.

To the observing Otto, it looked similar to the early stages of a tower defense game.

Group after group of low-level undead were wiped out by various spells, and then more low-level undead filled their places.

This was a complete waste of lives!

Watching this, Otto couldn’t help but twitch his mouth, thinking that it was a good thing he had moved most of the creatures out of the Dragon Bone Wasteland beforehand. Otherwise, who knows to what extent the Death Lord’s undead army would have expanded.

Thus, under Catherine’s command, this pure act of dying continued until nightfall before stopping.

At dusk, the number of area spells cast by Har City began to decline rapidly.

After all, the spells were being used by people, not machines. Even low-level spells take a toll; the depletion of magical power was a natural occurrence after continuous casting.

Although the undead stopped attacking at this point, no one thought the battle was over.

Nighttime was the field where the undead thrived!

Moreover, most of the mages in Har City had their magic power temporarily depleted. Before getting enough recovery, they would not be able to offer any help to the battle.

This was precisely why Catherine used so many low-level undead – first to probe the depth of Har City’s defenses, and then to exhaust the spellcasters’ magical power as much as possible.

So far, the results seemed promising.

Although many low-level undead were killed, the losses were still within an acceptable range for the even larger undead army waiting behind.

Moreover, the low-level undead had one characteristic: while they were shattered or turned into piles of rotten flesh, as long as they were moved back into the Undead Transformation Field, they would soon emerge as a new batch of low-level undead.

Although there would be some attrition, considering the current situation, it was still a worthwhile trade-off.


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