Evolving Silver Dragon

Chapter 263: 261 Submit to the Death Lord_1

Chapter 263: 261 Submit to the Death Lord_1

Translator: 549690339

261 Submission to the Death Lord

In a crevice in the north and south of Black Gold City, a huge arch made of twisted, pale yellow bones of various creatures flickered with eerie green light.

Below the arch was a vortex-like, rotating green light curtain.

It seemed to be a teleportation gate.

A skeleton in tattered leather armor shakily walked out from the light curtain, the dark flames flickering in its skull as it looked through the empty eye sockets at the unfamiliar surroundings.

But before it could raise its head to see this strange world, a metal foot violently shattered it with a kick.

Then, a massive figure about five or six meters tall, clad entirely in heavy armor, slowly stepped out from the curtain of light.

This figure was wrapped in blue-black full-body heavy armor, engraved with various intricate patterns, and its face was covered by a mask with an evil ghostly countenance.

Besides the two dark blue-green flames flickering through the eyes, there were no openings for breathing in the nose and mouth area.

At first glance, it could easily be mistaken for a magic puppet or a construct golem.

However, anyone with a bit of insight would quickly realize that this figure felt more like a purely undead creature.

He was the Death Lord.

Another side of the Legendary Witch Demon Moray.


A huge, ferocious metal heavy hammer was slammed down heavily by the Death Lord. He looked around at the cramped surroundings and felt somewhat irritated.

After he walked out of the light curtain carrying the heavy warhammer, a group of high-level undead creatures of various shapes followed him into this place.

“Honorable master!”

A lich bowed respectfully to the Death Lord; it was requested to arrive early and continuously expand the teleportation gate leading from the Dark Domain to this place.

The Death Lord glanced at her with slight discontent and said coldly, “Catherine, I think I need an explanation. This place doesn’t look anything like Nolan Forest.”

This lich was surprisingly a female. However, her withered body and husky voice made it impossible to tell any difference at this moment.

Catherine looked at the Death Lord with an apologetic expression and said, “Honorable master, I’m deeply sorry for this. There was an issue with the coordinates of my teleport gate to the surface world.

Although this place is not Nolan Forest, according to some local natives, it is right next door to Nolan Forest.

Based on the surrounding magical power of this ground fissure, this is the best location to build a large teleportation gate.”

While it seemed reasonable, the Death Lord still said coldly, “But I don’t want to stay here until my last soul is reclaimed!”

“Regarding this matter, rest assured, I have arranged for a large undead army to construct a palace worthy of your status!”

Catherine answered with a strange giggle, and this time the Death Lord finally nodded in satisfaction.

“Don’t make me wait too long!”

“Black Knight Landry is in charge of this mission. I believe he will not disappoint you.”

It seemed the Death Lord had great trust in Black Knight Landry. Once he heard this name, the Death Lord fell silent and led the group of high-level undead creatures behind him to find a temporary place to settle down.

Black Gold City.

At this time, due to the astonishingly large undead army, the entire city-state of Black Gold City was in a state of panic.

Just a few years ago, Black Gold City had disbanded the city’s guard for some special reason.

Now, the soldiers who guarded the city gates and maintained order in the streets were either servants from the major trading firms or mercenaries hired with money.

These people were enough to deal with some bandits or lawbreakers.

However, when faced with an endless undead army, they fell far short.

Standing on the city wall, many people’s legs trembled as they looked towards the terrifying sea of bones.

Many masters of the trading firms scolded their servants for being useless, but they were also among the first to flee the city wall in fear.

Except for Lady Bauhinia, who had now become the backbone of Black Gold City. In the absence of reliable people, she had to take charge of the situation.

Through the proposal made in the conference room earlier, almost all movable personnel within Black Gold City had been gathered on the city walls.

Besides the weapons, equipment, and promised rewards provided by the major trading firms, these people had no other requests.

The enemy they faced this time was the undead, the enemy of all living beings. No one believed that after the city was broken, these undead creatures would sit down and have a proper chat about the distribution of benefits behind them.

Returns to the same place, both sides couldn’t wait to see the death of the other.

Although the servants, mercenaries, and other armed personnel from the trading firms standing on the city wall were afraid, they guarded their positions vigilantly.

Lady Bauhinia cast a farsighted spell on herself and carefully observed the situation in front of her.

Black Rose, clad in tight black clothes with daggers in hand, stood by protectively, but she had complicated feelings when she looked at Lady Bauhinia.

Black Gold City’s eventual destruction had been set in her heart, and before the Soaring Dragon Legion arrived, a massive undead army showed up, something she could never have imagined.

Suddenly, Lady Bauhinia frowned and said, “Where is that kid Black Spirit? Isn’t he an undead mage? Have him come and take a look at the origins of your undead creatures!”

“Black Spirit? I haven’t seen him for a while now.”

Black Rose thought for a moment and then said.

Short-haired female warrior Heel giggled and said, “That kid always looked sickly, probably couldn’t live much longer, maybe he was scared to death!”

“It’s not the time for this! Heel, you go find Black Spirit. In Black Gold City, no one knows more about undead creatures than him.”

Hearing Lady Bauhinia’s request, Heel pouted in dissatisfaction but eventually went obediently to do the task.

There was one thing she was right about; Black Spirit was indeed the person in Black Gold City who knew the most about undead creatures.

So, the moment he saw that large group of undead creatures, he knew that Black Gold City alone could never defeat them.

As a result, the night before, he had sneaked out of Black Gold City and headed towards the direction of the undead creatures.

Using some special methods, he successfully met the highest leader of the undead creatures, Black Knight Landry.

Landry, a powerful Headless Knight, held his own head in his waist as he looked at Black Spirit, who was kneeling in front of him.

“You say you want to submit to the great Death Lord?”

“Yes, if he is the master of this undead army!”

The slender black-robed Black Spirit nodded firmly.


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