Evolving Silver Dragon

Chapter 145 - 145: 143 Spiritual Battlefield 1

Chapter 145: 143 Spiritual Battlefield 1

Translator: 549690339

Everything was a total mess!

Even worse, Otto couldn’t see his precious little brother down below, and his indescribable smoothness was unbearable.

At the same time, he realized that his current state seemed very similar to that of a ghost…

So Otto tried to float and move himself like a ghost, but still failed.

Watching the orc’s thrown axe getting closer and closer, Otto couldn’t help but become anxious.

He couldn’t count on the opponent missing every time, but with no footholds around, Otto couldn’t run away.

So Otto simply went for broke, reaching out to try to catch the spinning, flying axe with his bare hand.

The idea was good, but the chances of success were slim.

Having grown accustomed to his dragon body, Otto was surprisingly clumsy with his human limbs now.

As expected, the spinning axe slashed off a piece of Otto’s forearm.

Fortunately, this forced a change in the axe’s trajectory, and it flew past the edge of Otto’s shoulder.

The severed half of Otto’s forearm floated beside him for a moment, before vanishing into stardust.

Looking at the smooth cut on his arm, no blood flowed, only a faint glow emanated from the wound.

There were no signs of bones or blood vessels, as if his entire body was made of the same material.

Surprisingly, there was no pain, but the arm missing half a forearm felt a little awkward for Otto.

And Otto also saw with his own eyes, the ferocious-looking orc across from him clasped his hands, and another legendary battleaxe with the same design appeared out of thin air.

So this thing can be summoned out of thin air?

With that doubt, Otto also stretched out his intact right hand. Soon, the same black-gold battleaxe appeared in Otto’s hand.

It turns out this thing really can be mass-produced…

As Otto was thinking this, the orc across from him had already thrown his axe at him again.

Although a bit surprised that Otto could summon the same weapon, for now, the orc’s thoughts hadn’t changed.

That was to kill this unknown guy first and then figure out how to leave this strange place.

Yes, like Otto, he too had been suddenly pulled into this bizarre white void without any prior knowledge.

As for being able to summon the black-gold legendary battleaxe out of thin air, it was entirely his subconscious act.

It was because he was Genocren, the first master of the legendary battleaxe, who in order to make the axe even more perfect, personally beheaded himself.


The two identical axes clashed, and Otto’s strength was clearly no match for the orc’s.

He felt his right hand go limp, and both axes flew past him.

This only added to Otto’s pressure, and he also noticed that the orc across him had a much brighter glow on his body than he did.

As the opponent re-summoned the battleaxe, Otto quickly thought about his strategy.

Soon, he discovered the existence of the Light Ball Boss on his body.

Then Otto realized that all this was because he had devoured the legendary battleaxe.

The axe was different from ordinary legendary weapons, as Genocren’s soul was sealed inside it.

When Otto devoured the legendary battleaxe, the sealed Genocren was released too.

However, Otto’s devouring ability from the Light Ball couldn’t devour souls yet, so this gave Genocren an opportunity.

This powerful legendary beastman soul wanted to turn the tables, kill Otto’s soul, and occupy his body.

Comparing Otto’s powerful dragon body, his own soul was still that of an ordinary human, how could he possibly be a match for Genocren.

So at a critical moment, the Light Ball Boss activated emergency mode, pulling both Otto and Genocren’s souls into this strange white void.

This place was called the Soul Battlefield, one of the abilities that the evolved Light Ball would be able to use later, but it wasn’t ready yet.

As the name suggests, this was a battlefield specifically for souls.

As long as Otto defeated his opponent’s soul here, he would be able to devour and absorb the fragments of their soul to strengthen his own soul.

That way, not only could his physical body become stronger through his devouring ability, but Otto’s soul would no longer be as weak as it was now.

Of course, the premise was that Otto could defeat the orc’s soul across from him.

If he failed, what would happen wasn’t described in the Light Ball, but Otto didn’t want to find out for himself either.

After all, the Light Ball Boss’s ability hadn’t been fully perfected yet. If it were its final form, this place wouldn’t be called Soul Battlefield but Soul Furnace.

Just like the most common devouring ability, no matter who you are, if your soul enters here, it will be broken down into soul fragments to strengthen Otto’s own soul.

And fighting in this empty white void was simple – just use your imagination.

From the Light Ball’s feedback, it could be known that in this void, all souls could use their soul power to imagine and create almost any object.

However, if you want to use it, the created object must be a real, plausible object that has existed before.

Otherwise, it would just be a pile of trinkets with only appearances.

Whether creating objects or taking damage, a certain amount of soul power would be consumed.

If one party’s soul power is exhausted, it would mean they lost this soul battle.

How to properly use one’s soul power for effective offense and defense is the key to winning this battle.

Even though Otto is the host of the Light Ball, the current situation is extremely unfavorable for him.

It was because the orc’s soul power across from him was obviously much more abundant and powerful than his own.

But Otto also had a very clear advantage, that was information about this place.

However, as time went on, the opponent would slowly become familiar with the Soul Battlefield, so Otto had to fight quickly!

Just as he was considering this, another identical legendary battleaxe flew towards Otto’s neck.

This was already the third flying axe attack, and the orc across from him seemed to be getting more and more skilled.

At least this time, the trajectory of the flying axe seemed much more accurate than the previous two. If left alone, Otto’s head would be chopped off.


With another crisp sound, the black-gold battleaxe crashed into a piece of iron that appeared out of thin air and bounced off it with the iron plate towards the edge..


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