Evolving infinitely from ground zero

Chapter 154: 123, the outcome has been decided

Chapter 154: 123, the outcome has been decided

That’s it!

I’m afraid I’m going to lose even my underwear!

Upstairs in the hallway, Liu Chuanwu looked down at Li Moyu with a face ashen as death.

Upon seeing the eerie red glow in Li Moyu’s eyes and realizing that he was a Genetic Integrator of the Demonic Eyes Giant Ape gene, Liu Chuanwu felt a darkness in front of his eyes and his heart twitched.

1900 academic credits!

That was 19 million yuan!

To pay off that much money all at once, his kidneys were definitely doomed!

However, unlike Liu Chuanwu, the other school leaders all breathed a sigh of relief at that moment, each of their faces showing smiles.

Having just seen Lin Zichen knock out Ma Xiwei with a single punch, they all thought they were bound to lose, allowing Liu Chuanwu to make a fortune.

Unexpectedly, Li Moyu, an even more talented individual, had emerged mid-way, completely reversing the situation.

It could only be said that the brothers of the Jingdu Li Family were indeed formidable.

Their talent in Genetic Fusion far surpassed their peers, leaving them trailing so far behind they couldn’t even see their taillights.

“Demonic Eyes Giant Ape gene, huh?”

The Student Union president, Zhou Xuehong, looked at Li Moyu on the stage with some surprise.

He had always felt that Li Moyu was no ordinary individual.

After all, his own brother was the genius of Jing University, Li Yijin, so it stood to reason that Li Moyu, as his younger brother, wouldn’t be far behind.

However, Zhou Xuehong had never imagined that Li Moyu could integrate the Demonic Eyes Giant Ape gene.

Li Moyu’s Biological Level was only ordinary, yet he could withstand the backlash from the Demonic Eyes Giant Ape gene. His constitution was truly strong, astonishingly so.

His older brother Li Yijin had talent in the rapid integration of various Exotic Beast Genes, albeit all of common Biological Levels.

As the younger brother, Li Moyu’s talent lay in integrating Exotic Beast Genes of extremely high levels.

The Genetic Fusion talents of the two brothers, one based on quantity, the other on quality, showed different kinds of strength.

But what they had in common was that both were incredibly powerful, so much so that they made most of their talented peers look pale in comparison, and nearly incapable of contesting them.

“The more talented these two brothers are, the better.”

“The greater their talents, the greater the sense of achievement I’ll have when I trample them underfoot in the future…”

Thinking thus, Zhou Xuehong silently smiled.

At the beginning of this year, he had lost to Li Yijin in the National College Students League due to inferior skill.

Next year, he planned to crush Li Yijin on the same Martial Stage and claim the title of the top college student in the country.

He was fully confident he could do just that.

Below the Martial Stage.

Shen Qinghan and Li Chuxin, the pair of best friends, had somehow gathered together among the crowd, chatting and laughing.

When Li Chuxin saw Li Moyu on stage suddenly transform into a muscular hunk, exuding a Biological Level pressure that was at least Sixth Order ordinary, she was completely stunned.

In reality, she had never seen such a strong peer before.

The strongest person she had witnessed was her best friend’s childhood sweetheart—Lin Zichen.

But now, Li Moyu’s appearance had shattered her perceptions, showing her an even stronger peer.

Especially since this peer had dyed yellow hair and looked like a misfit, which created an intense contrast with his current power.

“Han Han, which province’s top student is this little blond guy from your class? How is he so strong?” Li Chuxin asked curiously, linking arms with Shen Qinghan after regaining her composure.

“Huh?” Shen Qinghan replied with some confusion, “This little blond you’re talking about just introduced himself onstage as the new student representative before the trial started. You don’t recognize him?”

“I didn’t want to listen to the school leaders’ nonsense on stage. I kept my headphones on and played with my phone the whole time.”

“I see.”

“So, which province’s top student is this little blond guy?”

“He’s the top scholar from the Capital City.”

“The top scholar from the Capital City?!” Li Chuxin’s eyes widened in shock.

This little blonde was the top scholar from the Capital City?

What the hell?

Why would the top scholar from the Capital City choose to come all the way to Shan University, instead of attending the stronger and closer Jing University?

Li Chuxin was baffled but didn’t dwell on it for long. She soon sighed, “Oh, Zi Chen is so wronged. This Capital City top scholar should have been at Jing University, but he ended up coming to Shan University. Otherwise, Zichen would have been the king of the new students at Shan University. It’s such a pity.”

Shen Qinghan listened with a smile and didn’t say a word, her heart racing with excitement.

Not rooting for Xiao Chen, huh?

Just wait, Xiao Chen will knock out the Capital City top scholar with one punch and astonish you to the point of dropping your jaw!

Below the Martial Stage.

A spot with fewer people, hidden in the blind spot of the surveillance.

Lu Gang and Wang Shujie, at this moment, were both looking down at their watches.

On the narrow screen of the watch, some newly appeared small text was densely packed together, making it somewhat daunting to read.

For the average person, a magnifying glass would have been necessary to make out the words.

However, both Lu Gang and Wang Shujie had enhanced their vision over the summer, so even if the text was as small as grains of sand, they could still make out the content clearly.

[I’ve just placed an advanced Magic Seed in a park outside the school, at the same spot as before. Make sure the two of you come out to pick it up later. When you get the chance, see that Li Moyu swallows this advanced Magic Seed.]

After reading the message, both Lu Gang and Wang Shujie’s expressions changed.

Among them, Lu Gang replied to the other, [Li Moyu is a young master of the Jingdu Li Family. There might be too much risk in having him ingest the Magic Seed, wouldn’t there?]

He felt that as a young master of the Jingdu Li Family, even if Li Moyu consumed the Magic Seed, he wouldn’t easily capitulate to the organization. It was likely that he would make a big fuss.

And when that happened, he and Wang Shujie would definitely be exposed and retaliated against by the Jingdu Li Family.


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