Evolving infinitely from ground zero

Chapter 134: 114. Heading to the Tianren Pavilion Headquarters_2

Chapter 134: 114. Heading to the Tianren Pavilion Headquarters_2

“Then this Blood Tempering Technique is really too impressive, it has me wanting to follow the Pureblood Human Path.”

Shen Qinghan said enviously.

If given the choice, who wouldn’t choose to become stronger without undergoing Genetic Fusion? Probably very few people in the world would opt for Genetic Fusion.

After all, the thought of fusing the genes of other organisms into one’s own body is quite repulsive.

“It’s not just the Blood Tempering Technique that’s impressive, it’s also my own awesomeness. If someone else practiced the Blood Tempering Technique, it’s highly unlikely they would achieve the same effective results as me.”

Lin Zichen said bluntly and without modesty—better to prevent Shen Qinghan from impulsively dropping out of Evolution College to pursue the Pureblood Human Path.

With a 21% adaptability to Genetic Fusion, joining Tianren Pavilion to follow the Pureblood Human Path would be such a waste, utterly irrational, and totally unnecessary.

Most crucially, Shen Qinghan’s physical strength was not outstanding—in following the Pureblood Human Path, it would be a dead end.

At least that’s how it seems for now.

[You are puncturing the back of your right hand with a sewing needle; right hand skin resilience +1+1+1+1+1…]

For the next half a minute or so, Lin Zichen continued to prick his hand with the sewing needle.

The pricking became faster.

And harder.

Until the sewing needle bent, yet the skin remained completely undamaged.

The right hand, after second-stage Tempering Skin, had reached maximum resilience, to the point of being impervious to blades and guns.

After testing the skin’s resilience,

Lin Zichen quickly stood up and walked into the kitchen to test the next attribute of his skin—heat resistance.

He turned on the gas stove, and placed the palm of his right hand above the flame.

Soon, a plethora of digital information began to pop up in the void.

[You are burning your right hand palm; right hand palm heat resistance +1+1+1+1+1…]

In the beginning, there was no sensation of burning at all.

It wasn’t until after a minute had passed that a clear sensation of burning emerged, becoming slightly painful.

“The effects of the Blood Tempering Technique are really fierce. With the Biometric Attributes principle of ‘use it or lose it,’ I’ll eventually reach physical sanctification.”

Lin Zichen murmured to himself, slightly energized.

In the time that followed,

Lin Zichen sat cross-legged on the floor of his room, focusing on the second-stage of Tempering Skin.

The efficiency of the Tempering was a bit slow, he had to stop about every half an hour to rest and eat something to recover the Qi-Blood consumed by Tempering.

Just before 4 p.m., the smartphone by his side vibrated slightly.

He picked it up to see that President Liu Chuanwu had sent a message on WeChat.

[President Liu: Zi Chen, have you reported to Shanhai University yet?]

[Zi Chen: I arrived this morning.]

[President Liu: How do you find the luxury personal dormitory I prepared for you?]

[Zi Chen: It’s nice.]

[President Liu: Are you free right now? If so, do you want to come over to Tianren Pavilion’s headquarters for a tour? I’ll show you around, and you can meet other members of the Pavilion.]

[Zi Chen: I’m free.]

[Liu Chuanwu: Okay, wait for someone in the lobby of your dormitory building to come pick you up. You just arrived at the school, and aren’t familiar with the place yet. It’s better to avoid getting lost.]

[Zi Chen: President, I’m not at my dormitory right now; I’m in my childhood friend’s dorm, Zhongyuan Building No. 8, Room 603.]

[Liu Chuanwu: Then I’ll have someone go to Zhongyuan Building No. 8 to pick you up.]

[Zi Chen: Alright, I’ll head down now.]

After responding to the message, Lin Zichen said to Shen Qinghan who was at his side, “The head of Martial Arts College has invited me over to Tianren Pavilion’s headquarters for a look. I’ll step out for a bit.”

“Oh, go ahead.”

Shen Qinghan responded.

At the moment, she was browsing through seasonings on the school’s food delivery app, doing the groundwork for cooking in the dormitory in the future.

Lin Zichen put on his shoes, went out the door, and took the elevator down to the lobby of the dormitory building.

Then, he walked to a tree in front of the building and stood there playing with his phone, silently waiting for someone from Tianren Pavilion to arrive.

Before long, a boy with bleached blond hair, a muscular build, and a bit of handsomeness walked past him nonchalantly.

This guy recognized him as the second-ranking top student from Nanjiang Province who had joined Tianren Pavilion, and he approached him with interest saying, “I know you, you’re Lin Zichen, the second-ranking top student from Nanjiang Province who joined Tianren Pavilion!”

Lin Zichen looked up upon hearing this, gave a polite “hello,” and then lowered his head to his phone again, not wanting to engage in further conversation with the swaggering blond.

However, the blond adopteda rather familiar manner and didn’t move on, starting to chat on his own accord, “To be honest, I really admire you for giving up the path of Genetic Fusion and taking up the currently uncertain Pureblood Human Path.”

“It’s genuine admiration, no sarcasm here.”

“I’ve always believed that any research direction, if started with good intentions, should be encouraged rather than ridiculed.”

“I’m also a freshman like you this year, but I’m from Capital City. I lived close to the Capital University, often wandering around its campus when I was a kid.”

“Once upon a time, there was a research institute in Capital University that studied the Pureblood Human Path, but with no significant progress after more than twenty years, they dissolved the institute.”

“As far as I know, only Shan University still maintains this kind of research institute.”

“I hope the Pureblood Human research institute at Shan University will continue to stand the test of time until one day it achieves groundbreaking results that will astound the world.”

“There I go again, blabbering too much, as always, I didn’t mean to ramble. I still have to get my dorm sorted out, I’ll head off now.”

“I hope you make great achievements at Tianren Pavilion. Fight on!”

With that, the blond guy made a cheering gesture to Lin Zichen and turned to enter the upscale dormitory of Evolution College, in the very building that Shen Qinghan was staying in.


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