Evolving Ghost System: Phantom Universe Expansion Pack

Chapter 97: Strange Ties From the Past

Chapter 97: Strange Ties From the Past

The person he was fighting went flying back three steps before the mask on the person's head fell off. A small girl, with pink pigtails and dark silver eyes was revealed. 

"You-you aren't Candy Kid? Who are you?" Harvard said in disbelief as the girl tossed away her cape. She was a girl roughly 1.6 meters tall and had on a pair of dinosaur swim trunks and a white tube top. "How dare you surprise attack me like that!"

"Hmph, Candy Kid is useless compared to me. They call me Lollypop Girl. Even compared to Candy Kid, I'm more dangerous. Not a single man has ever defeated me."

"I see," Harvard nodded his head and pulled out his Ultimate Midnight Daggers. He just realized he could use them when it wasn't midnight, but they were like 500% less effective. Basically, they were roughly as good as epic weapons instead of artifact weapons, which was good, but obviously not perfect. "If you're talking about him, though, you must know him? By any chance, are you the girl that got him to try and assassinate me?"

"That pathetic loser failed because he went the way of lightning. I, as Lollypop Girl, travel the way of Thunder. Sound, especially underwater, is much more effective than even lightning. Hmph, I'll kill you right now, and then take your body to Candy Kids' room and make a mantle out of you! You-you've corrupted him! He could've been the strongest person in all the planet, but because of you he's grown weak! He keeps pretending to be sick just so he doesn't have to kill you!"

"I see, so that's why I didn't get more than 5 horrible assassination attempts from Candy Kid. He's been sick this entire time," Harvard grinded his fist into a ball and then tossed his hand to the side with anger. "Well, no more will he have to pretend to be sick! Because I'm going to kick your ass! You think you can measure up to Candy Kid! You're just a girl that's clearly mimicking Candy Kid in every way possible! You-you even have on that bathing suit that's a cheap replica of his underwear! You-you like him don't you? Well, don't worry. I'll defeat you now, so you no longer have to put up this charade!"

"You-you irritable man! I'm over 30 years old! Candy Kid is just 15! Of course I don't like him," Lollypop Girl held out her hand before she activated the skill Loud Sonic Pressure Boom! "Take this! Loud Sonic Pressure Boom!"


Harvard crossed his arms before a large amount of pressure shot into him and sent him flying through the wall.

He sighed, and flipped up into the air before he immediately activated Double Stealth and Ulitmate Stealth. He sighed, and watched the girl run in the room. She looked left and right searching for him before he walked over to her and activated Ghost Mirror.

Lollypop girl immediately looked flustered and slammed her foot into the floor! Why didn't she attack him with more strength!

'Ow, that hurt,' Harvard hated that when he used Ghost Mirror if someone hit the shadow of the person he'd take damage. 'Anyways, she-she needs to really wash her clothes. It looks so dirty from down here.'

Harvard could now use Ghost Mirror for 10 minutes to hide in shadows, so he just watched Lollypop girl in her underwear, from her backside, begin running around the Mansion,

From this angle, even though he couldn't see much, he learned a lot about the Monsoon Kraken's Mansion Castle. He had equally sized rooms for almost all his guests, and his room was only a little bit larger. There was a training facility, and a few chefs that served vegetarian food. They-they didn't even eat meat? What kind of enemies was he facing?

[Ghost Mirror is about to deactivate!]

'I guess I'll see you later,' Harvard reappeared behind Lollypop girl as she sat over a large precipice with tears running down her eyes. 'I-I can't believe it you're crying? Ugh, I know just what to do.'

[Morph has been activated. Form: Candy Kid]

"Lollypop Girl. Is that you?" Harvard sighed and patted her on the back, rubbing it gently. She=she felt extremely soft and had extremely luxurious skin, but he was undaunted. "I-I saw you crying out here and decided to take a visit. What's going on?"

"I-I miss my mom and dad! I-I didn't tell this to anyone, but I died when I was just 20 years old! I-I'm so afraid, Candy Kid! When I first saw you, I realized I wanted to be like you! I wanted to be strong, but look at me! I tried to assassinate someone, but all I ended up doing was pissing off Dasota for destroying her wall! Why? Why does nothing make sense here. It's like, whomever is writing this story doesn't care about me!"

"We all care," Harvard as Candy Kid gently brushed back her hair. "However, maybe it's because you're choosing the path of evil instead of the path of good. Did you ever think of that?"

"I-I hear you, but my parents died because they chose the path of good," Lollypop girl shook her head. "They got killed by men from the mafia because they were trying to confess on a certain case. The lawyer, who represented them on the case, tried his hardest to protect them, but he failed miserably. He-he was such a good man, and didn't take a payment, and even used his own money from the state to buy my parents private security guards!"

"I-I just decided to be evil because it felt safer. Do-does that sound wrong?"

'I-I know that case! That was one of the worst cases I ever had!' Harvards mouth trembled, but he tried his hardest to hide it. "That mafia family ended up getting convicted for 100 years after they killed the two parents of the girl. I-I always wondered what happened to her! Sure enough, she must have died! How could I have been so stupid back then!'

"Hello, I'm talking to you?" Lollypop Girl stood up and leaned towards Candy Kid. "Ugh, Anyways, I just thought I'd let you know now, that no matter what happens. You'll never be able to change my Candy Kid, but thanks for listening. I feel like you changed so much. You're not even wearing your underwear anymore. Wait, who are you! Candy Kid would never wear a shirt!"

'Shit, my cover has been blown,' 

Harvard stepped off his back foot and then lightly tapped Lollypop Girl's Nape before she fell down onto the canyon floor. 

He sighed, and took out the paper that had lost all its ink. Luckily, he'd taken a pen that worked underwater from the Monsoon Kraken's castle, and began writing Lollypop Girl a note.

[Dear Lollypop Girl.]

[I personally knew your parents. They were extremely noble people who spoke about you often.]

[Your father was actually a spy for an agency and so was your mother. They were both not paid well, and went undercover into the mafia. They-they were not people who'd be okay with you being evil! So change your underwear and get back to being the girl they love!]

[Signed, the lawyer who preceded over their case with the first name Harvard]

'There, I'll just leave this in her bikini so she finds it.' Harvard smiled and then decided to take up back towards the surface. "Now, finally, the day I've been waiting for has finally arrived! The day of the battle is finally almost here!"


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