Evolving Ghost System: Phantom Universe Expansion Pack

Chapter 94: Wrong Direction and Right Choice

Chapter 94: Wrong Direction and Right Choice

Monsoon Kraken's Palace,

Snow Lilly took a submarine to one of the deepest parts of the sea in order to visit the Dragontail Kraken. Since Krakens were so large, they lived deep underwater, so it was natural that their palace would also be underwater.

However, unlike she expected, the palace was actually quite modest in size in comparison to the town built around it for the shark and crab soldiers. She forgot that the Monsoon Kraken could turn into a small boy, and was even more shocked how normal he seemed when she was around him. He seemed like a good kid, minus, of course, the fact he was willing to kill hundreds of thousands of Ghost Adventurers to get what he wanted.

"I-I don't believe in kings owning more than ten times the wealth of any of their poorest soldiers," the Monsoon Kraken gave Snow Lilly a tour. Her beautiful blonde hair was floating over her head while her blue eyes twinkled. The Monsoon Kraken had to have the prettiest castle she'd ever been in. Though it was small, to say it wasn't lavish was like saying a pretty girl didn't get hit on by lots of men when she went to a bar full of men. "Anyways, I pretty much want to take over the entire continent because I want King Yama to learn something."

"What do you want her to learn?" Snow Lilly entered down a long corridor and watched a few crabs salute the Monsoon Kraken in his boy form while he kept his hands in his pants. His real name was Glenny, but he didn't bother to tell anyone that. His black hair wavered in the gentle underwater tide while a few fluorescent fish swam happily by him. "I mean She's the king of the underworld right? Isn't she responsible for making this universe in the first place."

"She's the king of inequality, in my opinion," Glenny opened the door to Dasota's room, and pointed at the bed. "If she wanted to, she could make every single human being immortal, but chooses to let them suffer in order to make her job easier. I-I figured if I took over Central Continent, I could rule in a way that she might one day emulate. I also hate the man that sealed me in that damn tomb, but that's beside the point! I-I can't stand how people let power get to their head! I-I let it get to my head a little, but not too much! And damn it! King Yama's head is so big, when I saw her at family gatherings, she didn't look at me! I was like 100,000 tables away from her, and she didn't even smile in my direction."

Glenny had spent weeks trying to even be able to see King Yama for five minutes, and hundreds of times he got letters back from one of her attendants saying that she was too busy ruling the universe. Yet, if that was the case, then why was she building a new universe!

He instantly decided to sign up with his sister, Dasota, in order to try and at least get her to pay attention to them. Yet, now it was more than that, he-he wanted to teach her how to rule the universe! He wanted to teach her by taking over this new universe and making it his own! Then he could rule it how he wanted and one day make her wait to see him! He somewhat snickered while Dasota ran into the room and jumped into Snow Lilly's arms.

"Mmmm, I missed you!" Dasota kissed Snow Lilly on the lips immediately while her brother shook his head. "Hehehe, I didn't think you'd ever see me again! Are your lips still sore from last time?"

"Snow Lilly, after you're done catching up with my sister, come meet me and Candy Kid in the war planning room or leave. I obviously won't kill anyone my sister loves, but this is a small castle and I'll hear everything tonight if you're still around! Get me! Either join our side or scram!"

"Ohohohohoh! You still remember the trick," Snow Lilly and Dasota ignored Glenny and kept catching up the way that the two girls new best. He sighed and left the room. He had one day more to make sure that the entire Central Continent would become his! Then, and only then could he work on taking over this new universe!

'Hmph, that's two of Hamlord's best warriors in my pocket,' Glenny walked into the war room and found Candy Kid fighting hundreds of level 60 golden crabs by himself. "Hahaha! Hamlord, wherever you are right now, I bet you have no idea how fast your defeat will be! Nothing at all will be able to stop me!'


Harvard wanted to toss Katie overboard, but that wouldn't be enough to explain his anger towards her.

She had been confident that the Monsoon Kraken's Palace would be where the boulder crabs migrated in the winter, so they literally went down to the border of Central Continent to their nesting place.

When they got there, it not only took them a day, but 50,000 Lograms! He was pretty certain the Monsoon Kraken's Palace was literally a kilometer away from where they were! After all, it's not like the Monsoon Kraken was particularly secretive about his army! He saw troops moving underwater right before they ventured all the way down the coast for no reason! She-she looked so pretty, but damn. They literally only had a day left!

"Do you see that? What are those eight large diamonds?" Katie said, her voice trembling. "I-I can sense a ton of despair in that direction. And look. That family near the beach is getting whipped! What did they do? Hamlord, we got to save them!"

[Warning: Crossing into Dame Continent will cause all current quests in Central Continent to expire]

[Would you like to request access to enter into Dame Continent?]

'We can't Katie. Sometimes, you just have to let people suffer,' Harvard grinded his fist into a ball while he watched a girl jump into the ocean and swim towards him.

Her father got whipped and pulled out a sword before they laughed and the two gigantic men attacking him kicked him over. Harvard obviously wanted to interfere, but he wouldn't dare do it! If he lost the quest, he wouldn't be able to lead the battle against the Monsoon Kraken!

"Please! Please save my little girl! Ah!" The person Harvard assumed was the father got smacked into the water while the little girl pattled her hardest towards the boat.

She had pink hair and beautiful brown eyes and a little skirt on. She looked like she hadn't eaten for weeks, and seemed to be trying her hardest to make it to Harvard's floating battleship. Yet, he really couldn't save her! She still hadn't crossed the border of Dame Continent.

"I'll go! Idiot!" Katie jumped overboard while Harvard let her do it. Her beautiful body dove into the water and instantly a splash erupted. Their boat was flying 100 meters in the air, so the most Harvard could do to help was watch her swim towards the girl.

At the same time, he was getting a bad feeling in his stomach! Now was exactly the wrong time to be barking up the wrong tree! Their enemy was the Monsoon Kraken, and not whatever was happening in Dame Continent!

"They-they're going to get me!" The little girl swam into Katie's arms while two gigantic men walked in the ocean towards her. "Please! Please save me."

"I got this!" Katie pulled a wand out of her inventory and looked at the approaching level 45 Gigantic Bouldermen. "Stay behind me. Harvard, throw down the ladder!"

"Damn it! Where's the ladder?" Harvard complained, there were like a thousand useless gadgets in the ship! He was afraid if he pressed the wrong thing, he might accidentally blow up the ship, or worse, spend more lograms by accident! "I-I'm going broke just operating this thing!

"It's on the fifth shelf," Katie's wand began to glow a white light while her bleach blonde hair floated in the water. Feeling the little girl's arms grabbing her while her father laid with blood flowing out of him on the dock, she suddenly had no doubts about killing the enemies in front of her. "Hurry! I-I don't know how strong these things are!"

"Hmph, Punishment 67"

"Punishment 68!" The two Giant Boulderman rushed towards Katie with boulders floating around their body before they unleashed them at her. "Punishment 69 too!"

"Punishment 70!"

"Hmph, ultimate silent rain!" Katie responded with an attack of her own while Harvard finally found the latter. 

He sighed, and saw a gigantic explosion occur beneath him. This-this wasn't what they were supposed to be doing! Someone might chase after them soon! In fact, he was sure he saw over a hundred boats coming towards him! This-this was not lowkey!

"Get up here!"

"Not yet! They have to die!" Katie activated Ultimate silent rain again from her ultimate healing rain class. "I-I get stronger when I'm angry! Let me do this!"


Katie caused one of the bouldermen to shoot back before the other one jumped up and got within inches of Katie before a dagger pierced into his head, and killed him. Harvard didn't want to throw that dagger because he now had no way of getting it back! He sighed, and watched Katie slowly climb up the ladder. 

He had no idea who he just pissed off, but at least a cute little girl was saved. And he also had a floating ship! Could anyone really mess with him?

"She-she passed out," Katie kissed Hamlord on the lips and then smiled. "You also saved me. Who knew you could come through in a pinch so well?"

"Let's get out of here. Put the girl in one of the rooms, and let's pray that we didn't piss anyone off." Harvard rubbed back the little girl's pink hair, and for some reason felt like she looked very familiar. "Huh, she-she looks like Candy kid." He smiled and put a few more Lograms into the steering wheel. "Anyways, back to the main quest! Defeating the Monsoon Kraken!"


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