Evolving Ghost System: Phantom Universe Expansion Pack

Chapter 91: Call of the Mighty

Chapter 91: Call of the Mighty

Harvest King finally felt like a man after five days of training with the Golden Genie Serpent. Though at first he thought she was going to eat him, the Golden Genie Serpent was really not the type to eat someone. Instead, she was the type that liked to watch men suffer, and then eat them if they failed to accomplish a task.

Harvest King was in luck that the Golden Genie Snake was interested in Harvest King being a Magic Tank, and more specifically, interested in the aura he gave off when he used his magic abilities.

She smiled happily while Harvest King opened the steel door to the boss room and began trying his hardest to tank fifteen gigantic tank fish by himself. Though he only had the abilities, Magic Defender, Magic Defender's Defense, Great Magic Shield, and Call of the Mighty, these skills were more than enough to defeat a few gigantic tank fish in the Nilly's mind. 

However, she was beginning to get a little bit disappointed that Harvest King didn't notice thats she made her breasts a little larger every time he came back in the room. It was really hard to get this man's attention once he got a quest! Unlike Harvard, who seemed to use his brain in battle, Harvest King was all about tenacity, and learning through stupid mistakes over and over again.

Right now, Harvard was probably doing something really smart, and Harvest King, as usual, ran outside of the dungeon after she healed him by licking him a few thousand times.

It's like he almost wanted to get licked, but if that was the case, why didn't he compliment her! Such a silly man didn't deserve to be a Magic Tank! She was going to eat him if he didn't defeat at least one Magic Tank Fish this time around! After all, Magic Tanks did have one attack Call of the Mighty, that returned 10 percent of the damage they blocked once every three minutes!

He was so stupid! Did he not read the prompt about the skill all of the Mighty? She-she looked down and shrunk her beautiful bosom a little bit, wondering if he liked perky girls instead of girls with large chests! Such a hard decision! Nilly gently walked over to Harvest King and saw him hold out his shield before he activated Magic Defender's Defense! His shield seemed to swell to 20 times its original size before a gigantic beam of light shot into it!


"I-I can do it this time! This time, I can block every attack that comes at me! I-I know I can do this!'

'Though sometimes, I-I'm careless, and walk down the wrong path and end up almost getting everyone killed, I finally have purpose! I-I can block attacks that come from any hidden path! I-I can be a tank that can shatter the strongest attacks by standing still! I'm learning! I'm learning the importance of taking paths other people have taken! I-I will no longer make foolish mistakes and go down paths that say keep out! I-I will do it! I can do this!"

Harvest King stepped forward to block another attack fro another three Tank Fish while sweat poured down his forehead. He looked back, and noticed the two glowing prizes that had kept him focused these last few days. Specifically, he was looking at Nilly's chest.

Every time he failed, her chest would get larger, and because of that he had trouble truly defeating the Tank Fish. Yet, this time, her chest seemed to get smaller. This was a sign that he was going to be victorious! He finally decided to see what his other skills did!

'I-I think I finally got Magic Defender down, Magic Defenders' Defense down, and Great Magic Shield down! Now, it's finally time to see what Call of the Mighty does! I-I have a feeling with this one skill, no one will ever be able to defeat me!'

[CAll of the Mighty]

[Returns 10 percent of the damage you took over the course of three minutes to a target of your choice. Cannot be used on creatures that have not attacked you, and must be used within 5 minutes of taking damage. The damage also must be from an enemy, so don't think of having your teammates attack you. Call of the Mighty requires a person with a pure heart! Now go! Unleash it! You can do this!]

'Hmmm, this sucks! I can only target one foe! There are like 15 Tank Fish in the sky!'

The Tank Fish were orange creatures that had twenty large fins on the side of their bodies and gigantic mouths that shot out large water bullets. 

He-he took another shot from the mouth of a large tank fish and finally couldn't take it! He-he was ready to return fire! He was ready to be as useful as Harvard was in a room full of three women at night! It was time to make it happen!

"Call of the Mighty! Strike down that one!' Harvest King swung his shield forward before a bright beam of light coalesced from the four green crystal gems inset on the shield. The next moment, one of the tank fish that seemed to be laughing at how pathetic Harvest King was opened its mouth and got a taste of its own medicine!

A beam of light struck it right in the center of its mouth, and the next moment a large explosion shook the Great Sealed Dungeon!

Harvest King smiled, and watched it burst into pieces of filleted fish! He-he could even use the fish to become a cook someday! He smiled, and laughed. Nilly should be so proud of him!

"Hmph, you're not done yet," Nilly complained and walked over to Harvest King! "14 more Tank Fish to go before I finally take you to a room every Magic Tank dreams of! Now hurry, and unleash chaos onto those fish surfing the sky above us! Return the light of day to Central Continent. Are-are you listening Harvest King?"

Harvest King completely ignored Nilly, but at the same time she smiled.

'Hmph, maybe you'll be a good tank someday after all," Nilly decided to grow her chest larger again while she watched Harvest King and smiled. "And thank you, Hamlord. I'm sure wherever you are, you're making much better decisions that Harvest King is."


Harvard sat patiently behind the bushes watching Tricky get escorted into a tent.

Apparently, she'd gotten so frustrated after her father sent her a letter asking her to join Hamlord's side of the battlefield that she asked Smoking Man and Great Pina Colada to come with her into the tent.

On the outside of the tent, Hamlord could only see the shadows of five people, and could slightly hear their conversation! If only he some way to sneak in, and be a part of the conversation! All he could hear was an occasional word screamed from Tricky every few minutes! What the hell was she talking about?!

"The girls are here," A man said, walking past Hamlord with three girls. "Is Tricky still requesting a pay raise? The Monsoon Kraken isn't going to be able to build a kingdom at this rate! She-she's asking for too much!"

"We sent get girls from the brothel for a reason," The guard receiving the girls said, "We are hoping to keep her calm by having these girls massage her. Remember, if one of you girls can get her to stop requesting ten billion Lograms, we'll give you a hundred million Lograms each!"

'What a rip off,' Harvard walked over to one of the girls and looked at her body. She was in a black and white dress with a tiara on and had the most pretty eyes he'd ever seen. "You should at least give them five hundred million Lograms.'

Harvard got impatient and finally grabbed one of the girls, knocked them out, and used Morph to transform into them. He smiled, after changing into her clothes, leaving on her underwear, and walked with the other three girls into the tent.

Inside the tent, Tricky was crying on the bed, and finally stopped sobbing when she saw Hamlord and the two other girls. Remember, Hamlord was a pretty brunette now in a white and black dress so she really didn't see him, but was nonetheless enthralled by his hips.

"You two may leave now," Tricky said, pointing at the girls to come over to her side. "I-I can't believe it! I-I finally find a powerful enemy and get a little bit evil, and my father sends me this nice letter! I-I want to tear him to shreds!"

"Excuse me, miss," Hamlord said, watching the other two girls jump on the bed and begin massaging her back. "I-I'm new at the brothel. What am I supposed to do."

"You're on lip duty. Massage my face." Tricky held up her head and wiped off a tear. "Hmph, and talk to me. Tell me which side you think I should be on. Hamlords side, or the Kraken's side."

"I-I can't believe you asked," Harvard grabbed Tricky's face, and tried to massage it, but it was really hard! He never even heard of a face massage! Was this even a thing?! "I-I actually have a client that knows Hamlord. You're not going to believe what he told me."


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