Evolving Ghost System: Phantom Universe Expansion Pack

Chapter 86: Fusing With the Snake Wyvern

Chapter 86: Fusing With the Snake Wyvern

The Snake Wyvern instantly detested Harvard, however, he let him get within ten feet of him because he smelled something interesting on him.

He specifically smelled a golden genie snake, and not only that, a female golden genie snake. His eyes somewhat dilated when he got close to Harvard. He had no idea what the Snake Wyvern was thinking, but he was glad he'd yet to attack.

[-1 Vitality!]

[+1 Agility]

Harvard ignored the prompts, and walked right upto the Snake Wyvern.

The two of them shared eye contact for a minute before the Snake Wyvern decided to go test Harvard's smell. To be more precisely, he went to go smell what kind of snakes Harvard had been with. He slowly floated towards Harvard while everyone stared in shock. They had no idea what was happening, but Harvard and the Snake Wyvern seemed to be communicating!

The Snake Wyvern stopped a few inches from Harvard's face and stuck out its tongue to check Harvard's sent before quickly moving away.


May Tape and the girls in the distance could only look on in horror! The Snake Wyvern made it to the other side of the room in less than a second! The room was almost 1000 meters wide with gorgeous tiled floors and beautiful windows on each side. 

However, no one cared about the room! The Snake Wyvern was just too fast! Even Harvard was surprised! It was at least 10 times faster than him at his maximum speed!

'I-I have to take this seriously,' Harvard's left and right arm started to grow longer before along with his body. 'I-I have to beat this boss! Even if I have to cheat, I'm going to win!"

"He-he gets longer? That's useful," Katie dropped her head and blushed. "I mean If he can make his arms longer, he-he can probably use long range attacks with his daggers. Even getting to the top of a cliff won't be a problem!"

"That's not what you're thinking about," May Tape smiled, "You're bad, Katie. You want to use that skill so he can make Tilly like you."

"What? That's quite a jump, hahahaha!" Katie whispered to May Tape, "How did you know? How did you figure it out?"

"I Saw you keep touching her back when she was the boss." May Tape smiled and gently patted Katie on the back. "However, trust me, Harvard knows what he's doing! I promise he'll get Tilly to like you!"

"Thank you," Katie blushed before Harvard extended his arm out and began to create all types of exotic shapes in the air. "However, let's watch that madman do whatever he's doing. Ugh, he seems to be doing something interesting, but I can't understand it!"


Harvard had gone out of his way to understand snakes because he wanted to understand Golden Genie Snakes.

He felt bad about them almost going extinct, and spent some time talking to the Golden Genie Snake Teacher while he was stretching his arms around himself. 

Snakes used their tongues to smell, but they also used many different things to communicate. For instance, they would sometimes make shapes to impress other snakes. Harvard, since he could stretch, was hoping that he could impress the Snake Wyvern into being his friend, and then he could gently guide him into the evolution cage.

The Snake Wyvern he was up against was roughly no more than 2 meters long with brown scales and extremely large eyes. However, went it went fast, it was like a bullet, and would probably be able to easily kill everyone, including Harvard, in an instant.

'Okay, here I go! My next shape will be chop sticks!"


Harvard turned his body into a pair of chopsticks before the Snake Wyvern seemed to snicker and fly over to him.

The two of them made eye contact, and then both of them laughed. Suddenly, Harvard felt lik ehis plan might not fail after all.

"Hey guys! Did I miss anything?" Harvest King walked into the room, and instantly the Snake Wyvern seemed to grow extremely pissed. It instantly turned to face Harvest King while the latter paled. What did he do? He figured since he didn't hear movement, they were done fighting the boss.

At this moment, Harvard could only watch in horror as the snake in front of him turned into a blur and arrived in front of Harvest King. The next moment, Harvest King collapsed before the Snake Wyvern was back in front of him.

[Harvest King has lost 99 percent of his vitality.]

[Harvest King has been poisoned!]

[Harvest King needs to be healed in 2 minutes, or he'll die!]

"Should I heal him?" One of Tilly's guild mates said. She was holding a white wand and had on a white dress. "He-he's going to die if I don't."

"He'll be fine!" May Tape replied! "Let's give Harvard 2 minutes! I know he can do it!"

"I-I have something to show you," Harvard took out an evolution cage and smiled before he tossed some food in it. "Would you like to see my den? I happen to have a female Golden Genie Sanke you might like.'

Harvard, indeed, had a golden genie snake in his inventory, and it just so happened to be female. He smiled at the Snake Wyvern while he suspiciously looked at the evolution cage and then watched a golden genie snake appear.

The next moment, his eyes shot open before he flew as fast as he could towards the evolution cage! However, he seemed wary about entering! He looked back at Harvard and nodded his head before he winked and closed the cage.

[The Golden Genie Snake and the Snake Wyvern are both in the evolution cage.]

[You can try to fuse them. Would you like to try and fuse the two monsters? You will not learn a new ability, but there is a chance the boss room will consider it killing the boss. After all, you're technically replacing the boss with a new creature.]

"Do it!" 

Harvard watched a bright light shine over his evolution cage before a powerful force shot him back into the large marble pillar behind him! All the girls in their beautiful white attire from Tilly's guild instantly watched a few of their buttons fly off their shirts! Something terrific was about to happen, but they didn't know what!

[Fusion of Snake Wyvern and the Golden Genie Snake has caused an anomaly in the system! Warning, it's at least 2 times stronger than the previous Snake Wyvern! One fatal mistake might lead to your death!]


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