Evolving Ghost System: Phantom Universe Expansion Pack

Chapter 84: Teamwork Training

Chapter 84: Teamwork Training

In Ghost Cape Falls, 

Jab Lock decided to choose the screen name Wastrel. 

He looked over at himself in the mirror, and noticed his white hair from when he was the Patient Assassin had been replaced by bleached blue hair. He was quite attractive in this new body, and had a bulging muscular frame with large, hulkish muscles. 

In his last life, as the Patient Assassin, he spent many hours and nights eating as much food as possible in order to try and gain weight, but he never could. However, it seemed like King Yama really did favor him. He was so attractive that an NPC giving out a basic envelope quest blushed when he walked up to her.

"Hi, would you like to take a Quest? Wait, do you happen to have any special items in your inventory!"

"I don't. Why?" Jab Lock shook his head, He could see a few players glancing over at him. Clearly, someone had set up workers here to take notes on the novices that entered the town. He looked over at a man in a black cape handing in a find the chicken quest. He was level 30! Clearly, he was here because someone was paying him to be here!

'Hmph, amateurs. No wonder this world is on the chopping block,' Jab Lock walked over to an NPC in the corner of the village, and asked to take her inside before finding out what his ten bandanas did.

However, he was patient, and only decided to turn one in now. He could turn in the other nine with any NPC. He wasn't in a hurry. People who hurried to get good at anything, usually lost to those who took their time. He killed many people by waiting an extra day longer than they suspected he would. He sighed, and looked at a beautiful brunette NPC letting him into her house to avoid the rain. She was nice, but if he wanted to kill her, the butter knife on her plate would be more than enough to cook for her and then kill her with poison!

"You-you aren't any normal novice," The NPC smiled, "I'm Limani I-I work at a brothel as a side job. Why don't you come around for the late shift? Maybe we can find out what other special items you have in your inventory then?"

"No thanks, once I reach level 60, I can meet you there." Jab Lock sighed and opened up the information on his system

[You've unlocked the Great Classful System]

[You can go down multiple different class paths at the same time, and switch from one to the other. You can even switch classes in battle! However, others might notice how great you are! Thanks to the Great Classful System's Greatness!]

'Great Classful System? That almost doesn't make sense,' Jab Lock sighed and sat down at Limani's table. She had a large bandage around her right hand that made it hard for her to do most things, so she struggled to pour Jab Lock a drink.

"If I get you drunk, will you at least give me a single Logram for spending the night? It's been hard as an NPC. Thanks to the weather because of the Monsoon Kraken, no novices are bothering to stay around Ghost Cape town."

"Hmm, what a pain. I'll give you a billion Lograms the next time I return." Jab Lock stood up and looked out the window. "In exchange, tell me if there are any quests in this village no one has ever completed, and hurry! The tea is getting cold!"

"There-there is an old man that is in the well, but no one ever bothered to get him. He-he's apparently a murderer, but if you rescue him, I heard the reward is either death or to die for."

"No one can kill me unless I want them too," Jab Lock sighed and walked out into the rain. His boots, instantly got covered with mud before he looked back at Limani with a slight smile. "I-I owe you a lot for letting me get some privacy. I-I see no reason to kill you either." Jab Lock sighed and tossed a bandana out of his inventory. "Here, convert that into whatever it is. However, in exchange, you have to work for me. What do you say?"

"Are you serious?" Limani said, "I-I've checked with the other NPCs. Only 100 people even had bandanas. And you're giving your second one away?"

"I'm making an investment in my future wife," Jab Lock said, "I-I suck at romance, so I normally just go to brothels when I want attention. However, you own a brothel. I figured I figured just make you mine, and then you can let me go for free once you're my wife. What do you say?"

"I-I'm not sure," Limani said, "Can I get a week to think about it?"

"I'll return with a thousand heads as signs of my affections for you," Jab Lock slammed the door. "Now, let's get this old man out of the stupid well! And damn it! Whomever made it rain like this I'm going to kill first! I don't care how long it takes! He must die!"


[6 and a half days and 30 minutes until the Monsoon Kraken turns Central Continent into a palace because of what Hamlord did.]

'Why? Why is it suddenly getting more specific,' Harvard sighed and walked down the 580th staircase. The last boss was just moments ahead, but pretty much everyone was tired of fighting monsters.

Harvard had reached level 55, and he should be happy, but in reality he was never in a dungeon with more than 3 bosses before. Even when he played games in his cell in the underworld, most boss raids woul dhave maximum 4 bosses! This dungeon, had like 20 bosses! Finally, they were finally almost down to the 600th staircase!


May Tape killed a gigantic dog balloon that tried to hit her with its bubbly tail. After that kill, the entire guild got 1,000,000 experience.

A few more balloon turtles tried to surprise them from the sides, but they were also popped. Harvard smiled when he finally saw a large boss door in front of him.

"We finally made it! Aren't you guys excited!"

"Hmph, me and May Tape and Hot Yummy and Katie have been talking! We-we need to teach you team work now! We-we are going to set a few tents up outside the boss room! No one besides us and Harvard is allowed to enter."

"Omg Can I join?" Snow Lilly said with a smile, "I-I want to help Harvard learn teamwork!"

"No, not you brother!" Harvard laughed and gently caressed Snow Lilly's shoulder. "How about later You tell me more about what you plan to do with Dasota okay? I-I have to develop on my own. Let me suffer with them in the tents. However, would you mind taking Great Styles, Harvest King and the other girls up a few floors. You really don't want to see this battle. 

"For my brother, I would do anything! Hmph, but It's strange to see you so flush. What type of training can four girls and one men in a tent possibly have? Hohoho. I bet they are really going to break you."

"Let's hope not," Harvard cleared his throat while a gigantic Tank Fish destroyed a pillar ten floors above. It shot a water burst out of its mouth, and bricks rained down! Yet Harvard just moved aside! After all, he really had to learn teamwork now! It was his destiny!

"What are you waiting for!" May Tape smiled, "I got them set up perfectly! Time to practice teamwork."

"Well, a man's got to do what a man's got to do," Harvard walked towards the tent and smiled. "Now, May Tape, you're fully in charge of teaching me teamwork, okay. You are my first girlfriend, so feel free to help me out."

"Hohoho! This isn't going to be the type of training you think it is," May Tape gently kissed Harvard on the lips before she opened the tent flap. "Now girls! Get in battle positions! It's time to teach Harvard how to be a team player!"


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