Evolving Ghost System: Phantom Universe Expansion Pack

Chapter 77: Great Sealed Dungeon

Chapter 77: Great Sealed Dungeon

[System Quest Update: Tricky's meeting point has changed.]

[She has decided to not meet with the Monsoon Kraken's henchman and design the battlefield herself. Unless you can find a way to change her thoughts about her father, she'll almost single handedly cause the downfall of the Ghost Adventurers in Central City.]

[Find a way to get Tricky to not hate her father.]

[Venture to the Great Sealed Dungeon and try to get her father to return to the light of day. A team of 5 is required for this dungeon. Or else you won't be allowed to enter!]

'Ah, can anything ever go my way!' Harvard stomped the floor. 'It's like every 5 second something bad happens! What's next? It's going to stop raining and lighting is going to fall down from the sky instead?"

Harvard sighed and turned around with a hood over his head. He didn't want to use morph anymore, and was just wallowing in the rain. Even the woman that had been burning an effigy of him seemed downcast. He watched them walk off and saw a gigantic boulder crab break through a tree and then begin attacking them.

He almost didn't want to save them! If they thought he was such a bad person, they could just save themselves!

"Harvard? Is that you?" Tabitha road on Donkey through the clearing. For some reason, she had a crown on her head, and a large wand. "I-I got a new class in order to try and help you, Harvard. Hehe, don't I look awesome? I'm a Crown Magic Wielder!'

"Tabitha, you found me," Harvard smiled, "However, what is it? Is something wrong?"

"Donkey sniffed you out for me," Tabitha said with a smile, "However, there is bad news. Candy Kid has joined the side of the Monsoon Kraken. Come with me to the Candy Shop and we'll tell you why However, just be warned, you aren't going to like hearing about it."


The Candy Shop didn't have a single piece of candy in it.

In fact, a palpable sadness was in the room. Candy Kid was nearly as strong as Harvard was at 12:00 - 12:04 PM all the time. If he really did join the other side, then how the hell were they supposed to win?

"I-It's my fault!" Great Styles slammed his hand into the table. His muscular frame shaking from all the rage he felt! "Ah! I-I should've attacked that weird white haired man when I Saw him! I should've known that May Tape and Snow Lilly wouldn't be captured! Why was I so stupid?"

"You-you're being too hard on yourself," Harvard shook his head. "I have complete confidence that Candy Kid literally can't join the Monsoon Kraken's side. You see He considers me a father. He must be doing what I'd do. Pretend to be on their side only to slice them in the throat later!"

"We-we got a letter from him," May Tape placed it on the table. "He-he seems serious. He said that he was offered a new type of special candy and that he's sticking around for it! We-we aren't 100 percent sure what that means, but he's definitely not on our side anymore!"

"Cut the crap!" Tilly said, steam seeming to come from her ears. Her beautiful smile vanishing from her face. "We-we can't just sit around here! We have to start leveling up! However, all the monsters are gone from the continent, and the bouldercrabs don't give experience because they are quest monsters!"

Quest monsters were monsters that spawned for certain quests, and you wouldn't get experience from them until after the quest was complete.

It was clear to everyone at the table that the Monsoon Kraken had done this on purpose! By threatening the entire continent, he knew that the system would create a Quest for it, and then he could take advantage of it! However, there had to be something they could do! Somewhere that the monsters hadn't left to get experience.

"I-I heard about this dungeon called the Great Sealed Dungeon, It's a really difficult dungeon, but if we beat it, at least we'll get some experience. There is the added benefit that we might get a battlefield designer to help us on the day of the big battle."

'Well, then let's do that!" Tilly said, "Hmph, with my 10 girls together plus you 5 moderately good Ghost Adventurers, I'm sure there will be no boss we can't beat!"

"I think-I think there is tons of people we can't beat yet," Harvard slammed his hand down. "Now here this! I will be the leader in charge of raiding the dungeon! If any of you have any problems with that, fight me outside right now!"

"Oh, you do have some backbone," Tilly smiled, "Well, then. How about this? Rather than fighting, we take turns leading, and the one who does a better job gets to be in charge of the team. After all, I did get a message that you nearly tied my record in Tricky's Conqueror Dungeon. It's the least I can do."

'Fine, that does indeed sound fair," Harvard looked at the letter Candy Kid had written and gently folded it before tucking it in an empty container where candy used to be. "However, all of you here me, right now! On the day of the battle, even if we have to fight Candy Kid, we have to win! There can be nothing, not even a level 100 boss, that gets in our way! We must save this continent! Or else this entire planet might be destroyed because King Yama does that apparently!"

"Hmmm, well, I'm sure we can't be doing the worst out of all the planets. I mean, there are 1,500 of them right," May Tape smiled and jiggled a little bit before she pulled out an item from her inventory. "However, Harvard, before you go, I forgot to mention Candy Kid hid this in the letter for you! We can't figure out what it means, but maybe you can!"


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