Evolving Ghost System: Phantom Universe Expansion Pack

Chapter 70: Practicing Golden Seal With Three Daughters

Chapter 70: Practicing Golden Seal With Three Daughters

Harvard decided to try and train himself in using golden seal while lots of other people were dealing with the incoming army.

He had an idea of how golden seal truly worked, and it didn't just involve golden seal, it also involved the skill slim down. Though it had a normal name, it was actually quite miraculous when he tried it. His body could get longer in many places, and he could even wrap around a rock like a rope.

Once he did that, then golden seal worked! However, it was really hard! Even with the golden snake eating the expensive meat he got for goldy a long time ago, he felt like an idiot! He'd completely lose his combat power if he wrapped the Kraken's like this! Also, he could barely stretch enough to fit around a rock! He needed another ability that made him grow larder!

"Golgol," Harvards name for the snake. "You-you mind telling me how you go so good at stretching?"

"Mmm! Mmm!" Golgol meant he wanted more food so Harvard fed him. "Reh! Rah Rah! Rooh! Rooh!"

[System translation activated: Go to snake paradise island in the center of Central Continent and there you can meet the largest golden genie snake! However, you must bring me and feed me along the way! I know him! He's my teacher!]

"I'm not going to a damn snake paradise island!" Harvard stopped stretching. "I'm going to do the dungeon competition, and everyone can die if they want to! I'm definitely never going there!"


Snow Lilly and Tilly got along surprisingly well.

Tilly saw Snow Lilly perform with Great Styles on a bed and it greatly excited her. When she was on a bed, it seemed like nothing could stop her. They went up to the top floor of a hotel because a woman was screaming and all three of them ran into room 105A and slaughtered all the Green skinny two clawed Clawdaggers that attacked them.

Snow Lilly was amazing at defense and Tilly was the best damage dealer while Great Styles stood on the bed destroying any monsters that got too close to either of the two girls. From below, men kept hearing the bed viciously shaking and got somewhat shocked. Everyone knew that Snow Lilly had been staying with Great Styles in that room last night, and many people instantly wondered what this meant for her and Hamlord!

"She's really getting it! I heard he brought another girl!"

"Dude, we're all about to die, and you're thinking about it and not watching! Let's go outside and look!"

Two men rushed outside while thousands of Ghost Adventurers either killed or died against a invading sea creature.

A medium sized boulder crab that was a crab in a boulder over 2.5 meters tall and level 40 smashed a ghost adventurer in pieces before an arrow barely missed its eye.

Behind it, a few level 30 adventurers that could never get a class 2 quest were viciously trying their hardest to pierce its skin.

"Dude, it's actually terrible. Unless something major happens."

"I'm coming!" Great Styles jumped out the window with Snow Lilly and Tilly in his arms and landed on the head of the Boulder Grab. He used the skill Destroy Wall and instantly the crab broke into pieces.

It's crab body got revealed but a second later it's head got cut off by Snow Lilly's impressive long sword! When she moved it, everyone was impressed beyond measure by her beautiful body! She looked like a spinning windmill! Her white dress spun around her body while her golden hair shimmered and she smiled.


The boulder grab disintegrated into pieces before dozens of more boulder crabs charged out of the water.

"Here, take this. It should help you find a class 2 quest," Snow Lilly tossed out a few dozen types of legendary trinkets Harvard didn't have room for in his inventory before Great Styles jumped with her into the air.

It wasn't 12 PM yet, but that was why Great Styles was so impressive! One of his most useful skills was high jump, and it really took him places fast!


Great Styles landed on another boulder crab, and destroyed them one by one! At the same time, his experience started to soar! He smiled! There was no way Harvard was doing as well as him! He'd be the strongest in their new guild! He knew he would!


Harvard sat with his hands and feet crossed around his body, which was apparently a great way of practicing Slim Down.

While he was doing this a sagacious golden man that had snake like arms hit him over the head and shook his head. Behind that golden man was a picture of Hamlord with an arrow in it.

This man had been the caretaker of the geniesnakes and also the only hybrid geniesnake in existence, which is why he was called the snake genie. Since he had arms and a human head and body and the geniesnakes didn't, they often came to him for food and to learn skills because they couldn't read.

He found after centuries that certain geniesnakes could learn certain skills like Golden Seal and Slim Down. Together, these made Geniesnakes extremely precious creatures! This Hamlord deserved to die because he was the reason he had no more students! However, this stranger just showed up and claimed he had been gifted the skill Golden Seal by a Geniesnake. Ugh, and now he had to train this moron instead of hunting for Hamlord and seeking vengeance!

Harvard sighed and smiled while he looked at the prompt for Morph.

[Morph has upgraded to the skill Semi-permanent Morph]

[Your system has an upgrade feature that will be used automatically when skills reach level 5!]

[Semi-permanent Morph allows you to keep the appearance of one person activated for five hours. However, this skill can only be used for longer than 3 hours at a time more than once a week.]

'Makes sense,' Harvard took a breath of relief. "So now Now he's going to teach me something wise right?"

"When you can wrap your arms around your body 200 times, then you will have 1200 feet available, which is just enough to activate Golden Seal around the Monsoon Kraken. However, right now, you've only wrapped your arms around your body 15 times! I must beat the shit out of you to make you stretchier! Take this! I'm going to pretend your Hamlord and beat out all your potential! Close your eyes, and take it!"

"Wait," Harvard tried to hold up his hands, but they were tied around his body. "Please! Please be gentle! I only have so much Vitality! Ow!"


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