Evolving Ghost System: Phantom Universe Expansion Pack

Chapter 4: Auction House

Chapter 4: Auction House

[You have set a record for receiving the highest bid on the auction house.]

[Current offer: 158,000 Lograms.]

"158 Thousand?" Harvard coughed.

He looked outside and noticed a few women waiting by a carriage stopping point. It was sort of like a bus stop, and if he wanted to he could split the fair with a nearby traveler. However, he didn't want to focus on that right now.

[Current offer for experience potion, 168,000 Lograms]

[Current offer for experience potion, 170,000 Lograms!]

"What? What's happening?" Harvard coughed and looked outside. A woman with black hair seemed to be crying when he looked into her white pupils. "Are you okay miss?"

"I-I need a ride! I got robbed! Some assassins stole all my items and I barley kept my life! Please! Please pay for my fair!"

"I-I normally wouldn't, but I'm doing pretty well with money," Harvard opened the door and let her inside the cabin. She had on a black set of tights and a set of basic female armor. It tended to be a little bit tight around the waist, and really pushed out her modest cleavage. "Come in! I'm going to Bane Root Kingdom. Are you sure?"

"Yup, thank you so much. I'll pay you back once we're there. I have a lot to offer in more ways than one," She winked and squeezed her body next to Harvards. He could feel even though he was still a ghost, and actually had to go to the bathroom. Needless to say, even though he had ghostly properties, he was still a functioning human in many ways.

It must have been a decision by King Yama to give them transparent bodies that functioned like human bodies. Perhaps she wanted the players to be able to experience pleasure? He didn't know, but he looked at the girl up and down once and nodded his head.

[May Tape]

[Level 15]

[Class: Unchosen]

"Hmmm, you looking at my eyes or lower down, bad boy?" May winked at him and patted his leg. "Heh, it's okay. You seem nice. You won't rob me of any of my special possessions right?"

"Nope, I used to be a lawyer," Harvard smiled and gently put his hand on his knee. "I used to save people that stole all types of things. However, I never stole a single thing in my life?"

"What about a girls heart?" May giggled and tapped his leg. "Have you stolen one of those?"

"I thought so, but then she killed me," Harvard laughed and looked down at his arm.

[Current offer for experience potion 205,000 Lograms]

[Current offer for experience potion 210,000 Lograms!]

He stopped looking at it and took a deep breath. Wow, that was probably enough to fully fund his armor expenses until level 30! He was in disbelief!

"I'm sorry, what were you saying?" Harvard looked into the girl's white eyes.

To be clear, she looked like a human girl besides for her white pupils and somewhat transparent body. However, she looked a little bit upset.

"Hmph, I said I'm sorry she killed you. I-I dont remember how I died. I got tied up I think and then everything went black."

"Sounds horrible." Harvard offered her his condolences. "Anyways, sometihing is wrong. Driver, can you stop?"

"That will increase the toll. Are you sure you want to stop?" The driver sounded like an old man. He was clearly an NPC and looked like an old man too. He had a white beard with a glower no matter if he smiled or frowned. "That will be 5 Lograms."

"Stop." Harvard saw a flashing red light on his compass. Most players probably didn't have a warning. "Something seems to be happening."

[Quest activated: Dark Journey]

[Additional information provided by the system]

[Dozens of archers are about to flank your position to try and rob you of your possessions! Word out on the street is you earned a special item after slaughtering 10,000 Ghost Slimes!]

[Escape into the woods or face certain death!]

"What? What's wrong? Did I come on too strong?" May bit her lip and looked into Harvard's eyes. "Are you upset you had to share a ride with someone with such a big butt?"

"Why would I care about that?" Harvard opened the carriage door and quickly surveyed his surroundings.

The moonlight had began to shine in the sky and besides for a few torches on the sides of the granite road there was only the dark forest. "Anyways, there are some men about to attack me. I got to run!"

"Hmmm? How would you know that--" May turned and saw an arrow stuck in the wooden wagon. "I-I'm coming with you! I'm fast when I'm not scawered! Oh god! Rwun! Rwun!"

"Agreed! Harvard bolted for the forest with May's hand firmly stuck in his own. A few dozen types of monsters glowed white when he ran passed them.

Arrows shot passed them from all directions as they hopped over a log and sprinted towards a mountain.

[Midight Mountain]

[Level 20]

[Beware! Do not enter!]

"Enter! Enter the cave!" Harvard ignored the prompt and rushed into a crevice on the side of a mountain. An endless tunnel appeared in front of them and they rushed deeper into it. It had a few flames, and dozens of different directions they could head.

After 10 minutes, they felt pretty safe.

[Quest Complete]

[+ 500 experience]

"Great. We're safe!" Harvard smiled and let go of May's hand. "Now where the hell are we?"

"You-you shouldn't be here! You shouldn't be here!" A voice echoed in the tunnel. "They are coming for you! You've unearthed the beast that knows no defeat!"

"I-I think we accidentally entered into a dungeon," May face palmed herself! "I-I should've said not to enter into this mountain. Didn't you see the Beware prompt? Ugh, what level are you anyway?"

"You mean you can't tell?" Harvard thought everyone would see boxes when they looked at other players. Was that not normal? "You're level 15 right?"

"How do you know that? Did you get the appraise skill?" May sighed and crossed her arms. "I-I can't win! First I get all my equipment stolen, and now I'm with a player who doesn't know what an appraise skill is! Did you get a skill book with level 1 appraise? You could join any guild with that skill!"

"I-I did," Harvard nodded his head. Of course he had to lie!

He figured his appraisal skill came from the system, but he didn't want her to know he had one obviously. If he was a one in ten million, it would make time 10,000 times more likely to be killed. "I-I learned it immediately."

"One of those skill books sold for 150,000 Lograms," May sighed. "I can't think of anything selling for more."

[Your Experience Potion has just sold!]

[Would you like to know for how much? Y / N?]


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