Evolving Ghost System: Phantom Universe Expansion Pack

Chapter 37: Dragontail Kraken

Chapter 37: Dragontail Kraken

Off the Coast of Heartless Provisional Capital, A large flotilla of boats docked against a wharf while the all female coast guard tossed them life jackets.

A few bodies floated behind them torn to pieces while one man muttered "Hamlord" over and over and over again. The water around him was dark red like a cherry stomped to pieces by an angry farmer.

It was well past midnight and a few ships still exploded in the distance trying to stop the legendary Dragon Tail Cracken. It seemed that someone named "Hamlord" had found an extremely important item to it, and once it made it to the water it probably destroy all of planet Kart95.

"He's got to have done something really stupid," Captain Bansill said. He was a Class 2 Phantom Seer. He had a bullet hole in his arm from when his own man shot himself in the head and the bullet went through the wall and pierced him. Things were just that bad.

Some men had started killing themselves and their loved ones while other confessed their hidden infidelities. Soon, very soon, all the villages from Great Space Coast to Central City would get utterly decimated by the beast. That was, until, and only until, Harvard completed a Quest!

"It will be the first B+ rank Quest on the entire planet," Captain Bansill said, "Whatever this Hamlord did. He better solve it fast. Otherwise, we're all doomed!"


Meanwhile, back at Harvard's hotel room in the Six Star Groom's Suite.

"The Menace Lord was somewhat of an underpowered King. While most men spent a few hours to get to level 2, he had to spend 10 years. However, after those ten years, he discovered he had a rare constitution known as Menace Lord's Unlimited Constitution. He went from level 2 to level 100 instantly" The man crossed his arms and laid on the bed next to Harvest King. He stared up at the ceiling and smiled while he remembered the stories he heard as a child. When things were good, and the world wasn't going to end. "He ruled all of the monsters in the Ocean, and all women wanted to marry him. Hence, I have 50 young, thirsty sisters stuck here at home because he was an overprotective jerk as a father.

"Go on," Harvard said and nodded his head. "Tell us more!" He ate a bite of popcorn and gave some to Donkey. "What happened? Did he die, or did he elope with a woman from across the ocean?"

"In the past," The grey bearded bald man, Jornen, with a muscular frame said, "There had been a single monster that he loved more than anything else. That would do anything to serve him. It was known as the Dragon Tail Cracken. It had assassin like abilities, and can change its size from big to small. If you could get that thing in a cage and steal its abilities, it probably give you a minor boost in strength, but that thing. That thing loved my father, but has been asleep for longer than a 1000 years!"

King Yama had actually created the 1,500 planets in the new expanded universe over 100,000 years ago, but to her that was just enough time to Beta Test the planets, and design all the NPCs. She made each one unique like each part of her body. All the women NPCs were made somewhat in her image. Harvard had wondered why they were attractive, and that's because King Yama pain painstakingly designed each one to be pleasurable to look at! Like she turned the finest blocks of unpolished jade stone into shimmering diamonds!

"Uhmmm, so what do you want me to do?"

"Long ago, longer than before my father was a live and before he met my mother and they made me for 10 days and ten nights on a beach." Jornen cracked his neck and smiled. "Long before my mother's mother had been on the same beach, and the family lineage made it to this generation, there was a single woman decided to never have children. She would've made a line of family full of my cousins, but she chose to stay pure in order to birth a single pearl!"

"This is confusing! Hurry the hell up!" Tabitha smiled and grabbed some popcorn. "I'm ready for the ending!"

"That pearl is the only thing that the Midnight Ruler could use to calm down the Dragon Tail Cracken. And if you don't get it, I have a feeling since you used his calling card, we're all going to die."

[Quest Accepted: Very Mandatory]

[After finding three of Jornen's sisters, you must start on an adventure with them to find the legendary virgin's pearl. When you find it, you must break it in order to defeat the Dragontail Kraken! If you don't, millions will die!]

Knock! Knock! Knock!

"It's an emergecy! Jornen! The Kraken just hit First Village! It's going for Second Village next!"

"My sisters like chocolate and cake. They will be at the beach tomorrow where we all got conceived by that tree. I heard that each of them want to conceive by that same tree. I have faith that you will become the Menace Lord's replacement, and deal with the Kraken!"

[Jornen has given you a key to his house.]

[Jornen would like to request to be your best man.]

[Voluntary Quest: Jornen's mother is single. She might get shit drunk at the wedding. Please bring an older man with you that suits her taste!]

Jornen smiled and then left as quickly as he had come. He walked out slowly to a vehicle and slowly road down the road. A few hours later, he couldn't be seen, but could be heard. He sent a telegram to Harvard and told him to remember to go to the beach.

"There is only one thing wrong with tonight," Harvard said, "I still don't understand why I have to take his sisters. Do you know?"

"I think they want what I want," Shea said. "I need you to get an extra room, Tabitha, Donkey, Harvest King. It's time I test out Harvards capabilities."


"You're going down!" Shea screamed and put her elbow on the table. She had an intense look with her brow tensed while her muscles slightly tensed. Her attractive bust shook from the pressure.

She had started arm wrestling Harvard, and felt the burden on her body begin to be unleashed. The next moment, she slammed Harvard over, and he hit the bed. The table flew into the air while a bunch of items Harvard had wagered fell into Shea's hands.

"Hah, and now it's time for the lights to go off!"

Clap! Clap!

"When you wake up, I promise you'll want to stay awake." Shea jumped in the bed! "You're really good at arm wrestling! However, did you know there is another way for men and women to wrestle!"


Orange Sunrays came into the window, but Harvard didn't wake up.

He turned over to the side and expected to see Shea not there, but she was there. She was fully clothed for some reason, in a track suit, but she was smiling.

[+100 Vitality!]

[Bond with Shea has increased!]

[You are missing 20,000,000 Lograms! Who could have taken it!]

"Ugh, well, at least it's been a pretty good night.' Harvard looked outside and saw smoke in the air over the large forest. "I wonder what happened. Looks serious, but that's not my concern. Time to go to the Midnight Ruler's tomb!"


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