Evolving Ghost System: Phantom Universe Expansion Pack

Chapter 25: Drake The Conqueror

Chapter 25: Drake The Conqueror

"I-I robbed someone before you," Kyle said with a smile. "He seemed pretty angry about it."

"I'm sure it's nothing to worry about," Harvard finally saw a sign that said Central City 10 kilometers away near a resting post on Main Road 997.65. The resting post had a few merchants in makeshift stalls selling various, and a few beautiful NPCs giving out quests.

There also were some level 30 Monsters being kited by some level 29 Ghost Adventurers. And a few men that seemed to be trying to buy a plot of land for a Guild House.

'Isn't this kind of far from Central City?' Harvard let Donkey tie himself to a tree. 'Oh well, I'm sure when we get there, things will just work out.'

"Dude, what are you doing heal!" A nearby Ghost Adventurer screamed. "The field boss is going to spawn soon! Do better!"

"Man we need a healer! Stop blaming me!"

"It's spawning! It's spawning!"

[A level 30 Field Boss, the Drake Conqueror has appeared!]

[First one to kill the field boss will receive a bountiful reward!]

"Harvest King! Stop hassling the female NPCs and come here! Let's fight Drake Conqueror!" Harvard walked over to him and kicked him in the shin. "Hey! We have a grand opportunity here!"

"She's into me! She wants me to do a quest at her house! Screw off!"

"Mmmm, so you really are going to follow me?" Harvard looked at the NPC in front of a stall up and down. Something seemed a little off about her. She looked pretty, but had a black vail covering her mouth. Did she want to eat him or something? "I like men like you. However, if your friend comes it will be quite the feast!"

[New Quest Offered]

[Quest declined. You're out of slot for quests.]

"Ugh, maybe it's fine?" Harvard patted Harvest King on the back. "Go to her house and be safe! She might have big teeth under that black mask!

"I'm fine! I'll meet you in Central City!" Harvard and Harvest King agreed to part ways. "However, just a recommendation! Don't try to take down any field bosses! Consider it a parting gift, friend!"


"We're all going to die!" Dozens of Ghost Adventurers ran away from Drake the Conqueror. "He's too strong! He chewed up that archer like he was a midnight snack!"

"He ate my best friend!"

"He ate my lunch!" Another Ghost Adventurer complained. "He's just too fast! No way anyone can keep up with his attack speed! He's definitely a Class 2 monster!"

Class 1 and CLass 2 Monsters could both be level 30, h0wever, Class 2 Monsters usually had close to 1.5 times the amount of attributes. That might not seem like a lot, however, Drake the Conqueror was eating players like they were cookies and spitting them out in pieces.

"Save me!" Tabitha screamed and ran away from a merchant stall! "He's going to eat me!"

Tabitha had inadvertently found herself in the way of Drake The Conqueror. Field Bosses unlike normal spawning monster's could attack nearby communities and towns.

There had been a Quest by a local NPC to stop Drake The Conqueror which is why so many players had showed up. Unfortunately, not a single person in Central City had succeeded at a quest for a second class.

Hence, many guilds decided to try and do every Quest possible to try and get information from NPCs. Unfortunately, many had died today because of Drake the Conqueror. Tabitha was just the next delicacy on the menu for the large bulbous headed four armed blue monster. He had two large green eyes and massive claws that shot out like bullets when he attacked.


"That girls in an upcoming play!" Harvard blocked Drake the Conqueror's attack with a faster attack. "You-you will not hit her! Tabitha, go make sure Donkey' still alive."

"Yes! Don't die, Harvard!" She ran away like a bat out of hell and found Donkey sleeping by a tree. Why did nothing bother him? What exactly happened to this donkey in his life for him to be so calm! Harvard thought about that for a second before he and Drake the Conqueror's hands started to blur!

One holding two broken daggers the other with massive claws.

Boom! Boom! Boom!

"Wow, they are fast. Who the hell is that guy?"

"He looks like that Slime dude. The one who tortured Ghost Slimes for 2 weeks." A nearby Ghost Adventurer wiped the sweat off his head. He almost lost an arm, but still had it hanging from his shoulder.

"Dude, you need a doctor," His guildmate Sorros replied. "Doesn't that hurt?"

"I want to see who wins," His Vitality decreased a little bit every second, but he should last till the end of the fight! "Attack Speed vs Attack Speed! Who will win!"



Harvard's silver blade struck Drake The Conqueror in the abdomen and caused blood to splurt out.

-100,-80,-200,-300,-250(critical), -300

Unfortunately, he had a lot of health! Harvard only had to make one mistake and he'd die. However, this big guy seemed like an endless health bar.

"Men! Attack!" Sorros screamed. "Hamlord is on his last leg! We have to save him."

'You're trying to kill steal!' Harvard started slashing faster. 'I spent 20 minutes fighting this guy, and they are trying to get the last hit!"


[Drake The Conqueror has entered into an enraged state. His attack speed has increased by 25% and his defense has decreased by 10%!]

[System information: He only cares about killing Hamlord! You ruined his plot to go find a wife!]

'A wife?' Harvard ignored the prompt and ducked past a swiping claw before he slashed him in the gut. Then he dodged another 10 claws in like 5 seconds. Why was this guy so fast!


Harvard kept versing Drake the Conqueror while dozens of guilds showed up to watch the show. A few noticed Harvard didn't have a guild. This included Alpha Thunder, who was at number 3 on the leader board.

"Is... Is that Hamlord?" Alpha Thunder shook his head. "No way, Gina, use Analyze on him."

"You know him?" Gina coughed. "I can barely see his hands! What's happening?"

"He's going to be in our guild, Alpha Thunder," The number 5 on the leader board smacked a man to his right that was holding his sword. "Go run up to him after Guild apprentice! Offer him 10% of all our loot!"

"I'll offer him 15% of our loot!" Another guild leader screamed out!"

"He's really not that impressive! What's wrong with you guys?" Someone said, but he got ignored.

"My girlfriends are your girlfriends?!" Another man said.

"I volunteer to be your wife!" Another girl said, "Please! Elope with me! I'm beautiful in the dark! I promise!"

[Drake the Conqueror is activating it's final skill. Drake's Wish!]

[Drake's wish increases its attack speed by 100 percent for 1 out of every 5 attacks!]

'Shit! Why does it keep getting faster!'

Harvard slashed it once in the belly and then again in its back and then on the top of its head. He was literally moving around its body with such speed that some people gasped! How was he so fast!


Harvard slipped and fell on the floor and looked up at a giant claw coming towards his face. He crossed his arms and prepared to die!


The Drake fell over and died. Someone had hit it from behind.

[Harvest King has killed Drake the Conqueror!]

[You did 99 percent of the damage and have received 150,000 experience!]

[You've leveled up to level 27]

[You make pick 5 / 10 of Drake the Conqueror's drops. The other 5 will go to Harvest King for getting the final hit!.]

'That's surprisingly more fair than I thought,' Harvard got helped up by Harvest King. "Anyways, what happened with the girl?"

"She needed help babysitting her daughter. I'm done," Harvest King smiled, and held up his thumb. "Now, shall we look at the loot?"


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