Evolving Ghost System: Phantom Universe Expansion Pack

Chapter 14: Puff's Candy Shop

Chapter 14: Puff's Candy Shop

The next day,

Harvard woke up with a note on the bed from May.

[I left]

It had lipstick on the bottom of the letter. However, where the hell did she go? He had such a good night with her that he slept past noon!

[Drugs have been found in your body's system. Seemed some type of sedative was given to you yesterday night.]

[Your Vitality has been restored to full!]

'She-she drugged me. Ugh.' Harvard shook his head and looked down at a small piece of candy stuck to a piece of hair on the wall. "She-she's so perfect for me! Wait, I know just where to go to find her!"


The Anti May Alliance, and not the month may, the person May.

A large pack of Candy Packing Children plotted in a dark room. They had pictures of May Tape on the wall for their archers, and candy throwers to practice with. All of the children had shaved heads! They had a dastardly plan!

"She's heading towards Central City! We'll cut her off and bomb her with candy!"

"That dickhead she's with is so evil," Another boy replied to the leader, "I kind of like May now. She made the Candy Thugs Alliance what we are today."

"I like her too, but I still haven't gotten revenge! Not till she's covered with candy can we stop!"

"Anyways, that man is still crying outside," The lone brunette haired NPC of the group said. She had blonde hair and a small pink dress. She was known as warhead because she tossed warheads. "Should we go see him?"

"Please! Please tell me what you know! I'll give you 100,000 Lograms!" Harvard bowed in front of the door. "Please!"

"Egg Bomb! Open the door!" The small boy pointed at it! "Cake! Help her pull the chain for my father's garage door!"

"Why does he have a garage. He drives a horse and buggy?" Warhead complained. "Anyways, it's daytime. I got to go back for lunch.

"Good, meet you in the candy store at closing." The leader, Puff, said and waved. "Thanks, you guys rock! As for that man, tell him to meet me in the shop!"


[Welcome to Son and Puff's Candy Shop!]

[Minimum level 20]

[You must be over 3 feet to enter]

"This is a candy shop, right?" Harvard walked inside and cleared his throat. "Hello? Is anyone home!"

"Come into my lair," A small boy in a black mask clapped his hands to turn on the lights. He then clapped his hands and turned off the lights and then back on. "My father owns this candy shop, but I'm the overseer! Buy some candy if you want me to tell her where we're keeping her!"

"You know where May is?" Harvard took a deep breath. "She's really bad at stealing, and quite a dunce, but I like her a lot. Last night, she even pushed the beds together."

"Hmmm, this is serious. You're looking for our sworn enemy," The kid laughed. "I miss her too! Hehe, she's so fun to toss candy at man!"

"I love taking the candy out of her hair!" Harvard gave the boy a high five! "Good shot yesterday! You got her right in the back and I had to help her remove it!"

Harvard and the children had come to an agreement over the last few weeks. They'd attack May everyday, and he'd never get attacked when he was with her. It was a very simple agreement, but nonetheless an agreement.

It just felt like yesterday they surprised her at the town's gate and she got covered in rainbow sprinkles. She looked really pretty in rainbow sprinkles. That was two days ago.

"Anyways, this is serious. She's in danger," Puff took off his cape and tossed it to the side. He had two deep brown eyes with little yellow lines leading to his pupil. He had a small ponytail in the back of his bald head that was brown. He looked like a little ninja with candy. "Apparently, some guild has something on you, and she'd going with them to Central City. To save her, you will need an army!"

"I-I don't have anything to hide?" Harvard only had the system, and how could anyone know about that. "Why would she go with them and not tell me? Seems kind of pointless?"

"We planned on attacking her in the bathroom one day," Puff got serious, and recalled the the one time Warhead went on a solo mission. "She-she and Slyvia wanted to practice the kissing scene. They'd practiced 3 times that week, and Warhead thought she'd have the perfect opportunity."

"Her and Slyvia practiced together?" Harvard wondered why she always seemed so serious about going to the bathroom at night. It always took her much longer than him to finish in the bathroom! No wonder! Slyvia had been sneaking inside his house and practicing kissing with her! It all made sense!" Harvard nodded his head in understanding. "So how did it go?"

"Warhead panicked. She knew hitting Sylvia would lead to her death, so she just stood in the corner. However, when they started gossiping. Slyvia mentioned that she had been approached by a man named Loonie, and that Lester had information on you. Specifically, that you had a bandana in your inventory!"

"Huh! How would he know?" Harvard shook his head. "That's impossible!"

Harvard had used the bandana immediately after he met that beautiful NPC that made him deliver a letter. Wait, didn't she say out loud he had a bandana in his inventory? He instantly paled, which sort of turned his skin more blue.

"Warhead! Tell him the rest of the story!"

"I'm eating lunch. I can't!" A girl replied.

"Wait, what? She's been here the entire time?" Harvard returned to the task at hand. "Anyways, continue with the story!"

"I heard Loonie is a real evil dude that likes to use girls to make himself happy. Father won't tell me what it means to like to use girls, but he has like 5 girlfriends. Anyways, if you want to stop him, you probably have to kill him.

[New Quest: Her Scent!]

[Loonie must be killed at all costs in order to protect your secret!]

[However, you can't do it alone!]

[Find a Guild to join in Central City! Make your way to the center of the world!]

[Mission Difficulty: D]

"Thanks, I'll buy 10,000 Lograms worth of candy." Harvard pointed at the shelves. "Hurry up! I got to go!"


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