Evolving Ghost System: Phantom Universe Expansion Pack

Chapter 105: Calling All Opponents!

Chapter 105: Calling All Opponents!

The Dragontail Kraken was truthfully not yet on their side.

However, when she saw Snow Lilly in danger she devoured Great Pina Calada because she was afraid of the women she loved getting hurt. She couldn't stop thinking about Snow Lilly even as Candy Kid and Lollypop girl were trying their hardest to fight her.

She had leveled up greatly in the last few weeks, and was no longer level 60, but had already made it to level 85. When her quest monsters destroyed villages, because she was a special type of NPC called a True NPC, she got 1 percent of experience for every one of their kills.

True NPCs were quite rare, and only one out of a million NPCs could be considered True NPCs, and only one in a billion could create quests that could change the fate of their entire planet. Of course, there were at least a million True NPCs in all the 1500 planets, but only a few of them were active right now.

In another world, a six armed gigantic snake was on a similar quest, but even that snake didn't have a brother. Frankly, in this way, unlike in other planets, the two Monsoon Krakens were quite unique. They were related, and because of that should have no trouble destroying Hamlord after all the experience they received.

Yet this wasn't the case with the Dragontail Kraken, her hundred eyes were focused on Snow Lilly's beautiful body. There was a somewhat manish quality to it, the way she spread her legs open when she cut a terror double fin shark in half. She then spun and slashed a apex bouldercrab while the Dragontail Kraken felt some lasers tickling against her skin.

"She's too strong!" Candy Kid said, "Ugh, I never leveled up passed level 60! How the hell are we supposed to beat her?"

"I-I'll go in her mouth!" Lollypop Girl nodded her head. She remembered how Harvard defeated her the first time, and it was the only way! "Just! Just tell Hamlord I'm sorry! Tell him I'm sorry for doubting that he was a horrible lawyer in his last life!"

"I-I'm going in its mouth instead of you!" Candy Kid shook his head while a smile came on her face. "I-I know the risks, but I-I consider you like a sister, Lollypop Girl! We wear the same underwear, and have the same taste. We even have similar abilities! My world would be over without you!"

"Wait, where's she going?" Lollypop girl watched the Dragontail Kraken run to Snow Lilly. She immediately smashed a gigantic Apex Doublefin Shark into pieces before smashing a boulder grab into bits. "Is-is she helping us."

"I don't know, but now is our chance! Attack her with all your might!"



Harvard watched the time tick by while he fought the Monsoon Kraken.

He probably only had one minute left before it was 12:07, and it seemed his only chance to win was slowly ticking away. He knew that soon, once he was in his normal state, the Monsoon Kraken would probably kill everyone on the battlefield. However, he was starting to understand what happened. However, why did things have to be this way.

It was really hard to defeat him! He had to have reached level 86 because he was a True NPC! Frankly, Harvard just learned what that is because he felt like someone wanted to make it harder for him! However, he couldn't lose! Not when so many things were on the line!

'May Tape, Tilly, Hot Yummy, other girls who names I forgot.' Harvard wiped a tear off his eye. 'It's incredibly hard right now to see a way out of this. Every time I try to get close enough to him to use Golden Seal he attacks me from every direction.'

'I thought-I thought since we leveled up this would be easy as making one of you conceive, but that's not the case. This is much harder! This is like trying to make 10 women conceive at the same time! What are the odds of that?'


Harvard got hit in the side of the face by a powerful appendage of the Monsoon Kraken before he shot to the other side of the field.

He looked over when he crashed and saw Harvest King and Great Styles lying a few feet from him with injuries all over their bodies. He looked down at his hand and noticed his normally somewhat pale blue hands had turned a darker blue. He was clearly injured, and running out of energy.

"Guys, I-I'm about to do something very stupid right now. If I die, can you tell May Tape to pay for my funeral. She owes me at least that. Tell Tilly that she can be the leader of the guild. Tell Candy Kid Tell Candy Kid he can only have one piece of chocolate before he goes to bed!"

"Hmph, who are you kidding?" Harvest King said, standing up and holding his shield. "We-we aren't going to let you die! We're going to help you now! What do you need? Just time for a measly one attack."

'Indeed, that would help,' Harvard nodded his head but then shook it with fear. "However, are you sure you can handle it?" Harvard watched five beautiful girls get struck by a laser and instantly turn to dust. "He's so strong, and he's no longer holding back."

"You can trust me," Harvest King smiled and held up his thumb. "Hahaha! There is no wrong path for me to take so I'm fine! Great Styles, can you help him too?"

"I-I may not be an overinflated muscular man right now, but I'm still the 2nd on the leaderboards in Central Continent," Great Styles smiled and stood up as well. "Yes, I believe the only one who shall be dying is him! Now, let's do this! Charge!"


The Monsoon Kraken sighed and looked around at the destruction of his troops.

He too was doubting what was happening in this battle. He could even sense that Hamlord kept trying to get close to him because he had some special attack he wanted to unleash. He fired a laser at some beautiful woman and killed her instantly before he looked back at the tent where Tricky was currently located.

Looking closer, he noticed that two women silhouettes could be seen instead of one. It seemed even Tricky was engaged in some type of battle.

"Smoke Man! You're my only elite left! Go make sure Tricky is okay!" The Monsoon Kraken sighed and watched the troops rushing towards him. He specifically noticed a small floating tank and scoffed while Harvard shot towards him like a missile.

'My only true enemy is only level 59. Hmph, if this was a month ago, he would've stood a chance against me, but not now.' The Monsoon Kraken fired 10 more shots of his laser with such speed that Harvard's Magnificent slashes could hardly keep up. 'I-I'm going to really enjoy crushing him, but not as much as he thought. His power is nothing compared to mine! I need a true enemy!"

"You-you're fighting me! Magic Agression activate!" Harvest King slammed on his shield before every single being on the battlefield, except of course his allies turned towards him. 

Smoke Man, who had been inches from Tricky's tent, turned around and slowly turned into a gigantic claw with feet. All the large boulder crabs that were hiding underground in Tricky's traps, instantly ran out as well.

Even the Monsoon Kraken, and the Dragontail Kraken, who was minding her own business, also turned! Harvest King instantly regretted what he did.

"That-that is my true enemy! He must die!" The Monsoon Kraken shot at Harvest King while he instantly regretted what he did. He forgot that his Magic Aggression was able to attract any enemy within a 2000 meter radius.

Unlike normal tanks, this could be considered a perfect form of aggression, however, he felt like an idiot! The Dragontail Kraken that had been literally helping them was now running towards him with the Monsoon Kraken.

'I-I chose the wrong path again didn't I.' Harvest King smiled and activated Magic Defender's Defense and Magic Defense. 'Hahaha! But it's okay! Hamlord will think of a way out of this.'

'My true enemy! He's right there! Inches away from me!' The Monsoon Kraken ran right towards him as the Dragontail Kraken flanked him on his other side. 'Yes, the enemy I've been waiting to fight! He's right here!'

Harvard smiled and watched the two Krakens charge up their lasers at Harvest King inches from each other before he smiled and stepped off his back foot. His body instantly elongated thanks to stretch before he seemed to turn into a large slinky that extended for almost 3000 meters.

He smiled, and jumped right towards the Monsoon Kraken and Dragontail Kraken while Harvest King shut his eyes in fright.

'I-I'm going to die now, aren't I?' Harvest King watched the two Monsoon Kraken's large appendages smash towards his shield as he dropped on his feet. 'Hahaha! This is great! I get to go out with a bang!'


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