Evolving Ghost System: Phantom Universe Expansion Pack

Chapter 103: Well Matched Foes

Chapter 103: Well Matched Foes

Tricky was currently in her tent while the battle was going on with a few girls besides her.

She'd for the most part made them work so hard to massage her body that they'd fallen asleep soundly while she stayed up all night wondering what she should do. She could either help Hamlord or the Monsoon Kraken. Side with her father, or destroy his reputation and be the reason the entire world was destroyed.

'I-I wish I requested more women from the brothel. Ugh, or a man. At this point, anything to distract me from the sounds of battle would be perfect!'

"Tricky! Activate the battlefield defense system!" The Monsoon Kraken screamed while Tricky pouted and looked down at the controller she had on the bed. This was the controller for her battlefield defense system, and anyone who had access to it would be able to control the weapons.

She pushed aside one of the female bodies covering the remote and grabbed the control. She activated the thousand spike cannons, and a few missile turrets, but something didn't feel right. She-she didn't know what to do? If she activated her weapon, so many people would die. She loved both men and women! Would the Monsoon Kraken have as good of brothels?

'I-I'm overthinking it. Here, let me activate it." Tricky smiled and gently put her hand down on the 'kill everyone' button. "Ugh, what's that sound?"

Jingle! Jingle! 

Jingle! Jingle!

A woman in a black dress entered into the tent in front of Tricky as she sighed and pressed harder on the kill them all button. What was that pleasant sound? It sounded like a girl that was trying to tempt her or something and she couldn't believe it. She felt her body getting hot as she saw a woman walking into her tent with a mask over her face.

"Hamlord, I'm only doing this because you begged me too!" Hot Yummy came into the room with a beautiful black dress with a beautiful black top on with bells that jingled when she moved her hips. She was clearly trying to make Tricky get distracted, and it sure was working faster than she imagined. Tricky almost lifted her hand up from the button, but Hot Yummy shook her finger to alert her to stop it.

"Hmph, I know how to dance. Im my first life, I was a professional dancer. I made men fall head over heels for me and give me large tips! I can do this! I can distract Tricky."

"It's already too late," Tricky smiled and held up the remote. "My finger is already on the 'kill all' button. If I lift it, everyone on Hamlords side will probably die. I'm sorry beautiful woman, there is nothing you can do. Not even your sweet curves or lips could stop me from lifting my finger."

"I-I haven't shown you my best dance yet!" Hot Yummy turned around and started viciously shaking her butt while she paled. "Please! Please don't lift up your finger! Just touch me with your other hand, hahaha!"

"Mmmm, you are quite yummy to look at," Tricky smiled and patted the bed. "Well, come here and kiss me then. If I'm unsatisfied with you, I will end it all. Are you ready to fight the ultimate battle?" Tricky gently rubbed Hot Yummy's back while she nervously sat down beside her. "Are you ready to engage in frivolous activities with another women!"

"Yes! Let's do it!" Hot Yummy laughed nervously before she jumped at Tricky and kissed her with all her might! She had to win this battle for Harvard! If she didn't, everyone would die!"


Harvard heard a few women screaming and shouting and even what sounded like one moan.

However, nothing could stop him from smiling now that he'd finally gotten Candy Kid exactly wher he wanted him! He looked down at his hand at the device he'd gotten off of Candy Kid's body! And it was just 10 more seconds until 12 PM! 10 more seconds until he put an end to this charade!

[You've dismantled Candy Kid's Loyalty Device!]

[The Monsoon Kraken will no longer be able to tell if he's doing something to help him or if he's joined your side! You've earned 5 experience!]

'I-I get experience for dismantling things? That's interesting?' Harvard stopped tickling Candy Kid, and gently walked over to Lollypop Girl. She was lying incapacitated with her finger in her mouth with her cute dinosaur swimsuit on.

He sighed and reached down and dismantled her loyalty device as well. With these two on his side now, the battle should be much more in his favor.

"I'll never join you, Hamlord," Candy Kid got up and wiped the tears out of his eyes. He'd never felt so defeated in his life! He'd told Harvard he was ticklish in a special hidden area of his back, and he used it against him! He wanted to tear him to shreds. "Howeverr, you, you really think you can help me find my sister? Are you sure about that?"

"I may have already found your sister." Harvard patted Candy Kid on the head. "She has pink hair. Do you happen to know her name?"

"He said she's nicknamed Billy." Candy Kid wiped a tear from his eye. "You-you couldn't have found her, could you father?"

"Indeed, I did. I believe someone right now, is looking out for us." Harvard looked forward at the Monsoon Kraken and all the mayhem that was happening. Women that hadn't remembered to cut their hair to prepare for battle were having cat fights with other women. Countless abilities were being used that he didn't know the name of and a few he did.

One women from Tilly's guild used something called War Hammer Scream and sent a gigantic hammer out of her mouth that instantly pierced a double fin shark. It seemed like it was time for him to join the real battlefield.

"Candy Kid, we're fated to win this battle today, but there are still so many ways we could lose. Can I count on you now?"

"Yes father." Candy Kid wiped off his eyes once again before he hugged Harvard with all his might. "I love you! I love you more than I love candy! Thank you! Thank you for tickling me instead of letting me kill you."

"I-I'm here too," Lollypop girl got up and walked over to Candy Kid. She immediately smacked him in the face before she kissed him on the other side of the face. "You-you asshole! How dare you hit me! I like you and hate you now at the same time."

"What-what's happening?" The Monsoon Kraken could only look around in disbelief as the weapons didn't activate. "Why? Why haven't Tricky's weapons activated, and their pathetic weapons are beginning to go online? Why? Why is everything not going my way! And who drained the damn water?! Why is there only an inch of water! It's been raining for 20 days!"

"Hehe, it's 12 PM," Harvard watched Magnificent Daylight Ruler activate while he gently tapped Candy Kid on the back.

For some reason, the Dragontail Kraken was only arriving right now, and the battlefield was only growing more insane. However, he was smiling. At least one thing had gone as planned, so it was actually going pretty well. 

[Magnificent Daylight Ruler equipment has all been equipped.]

[You are still missing the cape for the Magnificent Daylight Ruler, but your Agility has increased by 600 percent!]

"Hehe, you guys ready?"

"Yes, we'll take the Dragontail Kraken together," Lollypop girl grabbed Candy Kid's hand and blushed. "You get the Monsoon Kraken! That Harvest King or whatever is about to die! You confident you can destroy him Hamlord?"

"I'm about to get really long," Harvard cracked his knuckles and tossed a dagger through 200 double fin sharks before he took another step forward. "Let's go!"


Harvard shot forward like a missile.

He was so fast right now that the remaining water flew up. A streak of grass could be seen where he was running at his top speed. No one had actually seen the grass in a few weeks, and everyone was getting excited.

"Go for it Harvard!" Tilly screamed and shook her massive jugs! They were only around for five minutes, so she was happy to show them off. "Destroy him! I'll take care of these small fries."

"Who you calling small fry?" A woman with even larger boobs walked up to Tilly and took out a large wand named the Great Lilly.

All over the battlefield, similarly matched foes were beginning to find each other, while Harvard finally made it in front of the Monsoon Kraken.

He smiled and immediately used Magnificent Slash while a large water beam shot out of the Monsoon Kraken's mouth.


Harvard's blade sliced the Monsoon Kraken's attack in half before he jumped and attacked him from every side!

This was it! This was the moment he was waiting for!"


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