Evolving Ghost System: Phantom Universe Expansion Pack

Chapter 10: Stalk Skill

Chapter 10: Stalk Skill

Harvard walked out to a tree and took out his level 3 slime conqueror sword.

He also took out the Eight Year Bliss Wing out of his inventory and set it down in its cage. It had been put to sleep, and didn't make as much noise as the girl he tied to the tree.

"Hamlord! Help me! Help me!" The girl screamed. "Plwease! I'm fun to squeeze! Mister! Please don't kill me!"

"May Tape?" Harvard face palmed himself. "Is that you?"

"Ywes!" May Tape screamed. "Oh no! Are you a debt collector! How did you find me? I'm sorry! I just needed to buy something at auction, okay! Please! Please let me go!"

"It's Hamlord!" He removed her head from her bag. "Ugh, I could tell by the bouncy quality of your upper body. Very hard to miss," Harvard sighed and let her go from her binds. "Now, if I let you leave, what will happen?"

"Harvard, I owe you my life! Wait, did we get followed?" May Tape looked at Harvard. "There is something over there! It's staring at us!"

"That's just the Eight Year Bliss Wing I bought," Harvard face palmed himself again. "Can you hide behind the bushes. I need to do something in private."

"I-I have to go anyway. I need to retry my quest," May Tape rushed off happily and ran back to the town. Harvard couldn't help but imagine where he'd see her again soon. Maybe next time she'd being hanged and he'd have to save her.

[Eight Year Bliss Wing can be fused in the evolution cage.]

[Current evolution slots available 1 / 3]

[Would you like to fuse with the Eight Year Bliss Wing!]


[Fusion starting]

[Slow count down beginning: 15...14...13...]

"I'm glowing. Is this normal?" Harvard looked down at his body, and noticed he didn't feel so good. "I-I can't feel my legs! More so than normally! What's happening!"

[Fusion commencing. Restructuring Host Physique]

[You have gained 1 centimeter of height!]

[+3 Strength]

[+10 agility!]

[Fusion Complete!]

[You learned the skills Mutate and Stalk!]

"That-that's it?" Harvard looked down at the cage. The Eight Year Bliss Wing had gone to a better place and probably died during the fusion. "Well, time to do the quest!"


Sylvia snuck out late at night from the tavern and inn she owned.

Harvard followed after her through dozens of dark alleys until he arrived at a small little bar. He pulled down his black mask and sat down at a table a few meters from her.

'She's not noticing me. Something must be really bothering her.' Harvard hadn't had to use stalk yet. She had to be the easiest person to follow in all of history. She never looked back, and kept her head down and occasionally paused after crossing the street to stare up at the stars.

The night was very pretty tonight, and Harvard enjoyed looking at her from a distance. She had on a tight white dress tonight and the same golden hair as her sister. However, she kept it messy. Maybe because her sister always kept it pure.

"Welcome back! Today, we will be having a romcom performance!"

"Woohoo!" Sylvia clapped! "Bring me a drink!"

"On the house!" A handsome man with a large mustache that looked like a birds wings dropped a pint. "Glad to see you back. You want to act today?"

'I think I'm on to something. She's embarrassed to be a girl since she's in charge of the Black Fist Tavern! Her father was mistaken."

"Hey, what you looking at?" Sylvia tossed a knife right between a man's pants. Harvard immediately changed his assessment. "Can't you see I'm waiting for someone! Don't block the entranceway!"

'She's dangerous," Harvard took more notes for her father. "Is waiting for a man. She doesn't like it when people block the door for this man. She looks nice it gold.'

"Oh, a man is coming!" Harvard took more notes! "I wonder who it is!"

"Sylvia! You're here!" A woman in a black cape ran into the room. Harvard took the time to reach out across the table.

[Snatch complete]

[You've gotten a basic gold ring.]

[Worth 5 Lograms.]

[1 / 100 thefts completed]

"I could do better,' Harvard tossed the ring out the window. "Now, time for the great reveal!"

"Kiss me! Mmmm, I'm so sorry my sister dated you because I wanted her to!" The actress on stage kissed the male lead. "Mmmm! Love both of us!"

"Not the best writing," Harvard got up and went to another table. He noticed a nice sword in front of a black haired NPC.

[Snatch complete!]

[You've acquired a Busted Blade]


[2 / 100 thefts completed]

'I'll just put that back,' Harvard sighed and tried to get a good view of the masked person. Luckily, Sylvia leaned forward and puckered her lips. The other person had to take off his mask right.

"Oh, no! You can't break up with me!"


On the stage, the actress hit the lead actor, and the curtains closed. Sylvia leaned forward and gently peeled back the person's mask.

'Well, I wasn't expecting that,' Harvard gulped when he saw a beautiful woman kissing what appeared to be another beautiful woman. "Huh, she likes women. I'll write that down."


Harvard activated Stalk in the women's bathroom in the corner. He waited patiently for the two girls to come out of their respective stalls.

Swirl! Swirl!

"How was that? You think I can get the part?" Sylvia came out and washed her hands. She accidentally hit Harvard in the face, but then just pulled out a wiping rag. "Am I good enough for the kissing scene yet?"

"Something is missing. You need to find love," The other women came out. She had on a black tight skirt and a large black jacket. Her cleavage was just big enough that she had to be careful when washing her hands. "Your father has been wanting you to marry a man for a while right?"

[Stalk time remaining: 1:56]

'Not enough time! Why didn't I think this through!' Harvard started to sweat and nodded his head. 'I'll be fine! They can't take too long in the bathroom right?'

"Practice again?"

"Not Yet. I need time," Sylvia pointed at the corner. "However, let's practice the third scene!"

"Please no! Don't let anything else bad happen!"


The door swung open and a girl in a white shirt rushed in and ran into a stall. She had tears in her eyes, and was covered with sweat.

"Swave me! I'm getting chased!"

"No way!" Harvard started to tremble. "Not this bathroom! Why this bathroom!"

Harvard watched Sylvia make eye contact with May before sparks started to fly through the air. They both instantly paled while something seemed to occur he couldn't understand. He imagined a chat box.

[Understanding between two girls acquired!]

[One girl has been caught acting.]

[The other stealing!]

[Agreeement reached! Ignore each other!]

"Who was that!" The female partner of Sylvia said. "She's getting chased. Who'd dare chase her here?"

"I don't know," Sylvia grabbed the woman's lips. "But I love you! I love you Lindon! I love you with all my heart!"

"Passable. More emotion."

The two girls kept talking and going between different scenes while Harvard tried to remain stationary in the corner.

[10 seconds remaining till Stalk deactivates.]

[9 seconds]

'Please! Please something good happened.' Harvard prayed while he sat in the corner.

"How about one more kissing scene?" Sylvia crossed her arms. "I want him to love me! I want to get the part!"

"Yes, close your eyes!" Harvard looked down at his hands. They no longer were invisible! In fact, he could be seen!


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