Evolution to GOD

Chapter 98: Day out with Tanya (III)

Chapter 98: Day out with Tanya (III)

I was rooted on the spot as my heart started beating faster. 

Is she really the Isabella I know? What is she doing here and why is she here with someone else?

You may call it hypocrisy that I came with Tanya, so why can’t she come with anyone else. Maybe it would be some unique occasion.

But suddenly I felt a nudge on my arm. I turned my face to see that Tanya was looking at me with a questioning gaze.

I shook my head and took her to a nearby vacant seat. The good thing about this pub was the isolated seats and slight music in the background.

As we sat opposite each other, she fixed her eyes on mine as she said, “Why are you so lost?”

“Nothing, I thought of a day when Olivia bought me here for the first time,”

She had a surprised expression on her face for a moment, but then had an understanding look on her face. “Oh, so you were the one?”

“What about me?” I asked her, but then understood why she asked this question.

Olivia created the mess to get permission to visit the jungle, and it was all because of me. 

“Oh yes, it was me,” I said with a look of understanding.

“Hmmm, I didn’t know that you knew her so well,” she said with a smile on my face.

To be honest, I was not in a mood to speak anything. From time to time, my gaze was drawn towards the seat where Isabella was sitting.

But after some time, I took a deep breath as I decided, I will ask her later when I meet her.

Speaking about her, it was my fault that I didn’t ask her about the location of her parents. I thought that they could be living in different cities.

But today I got to know that she was living in this city and didn’t even come to the facility to enquire about me? Is that my value so less in her heart even after so much happened in the forest? Negative emotions started surrounding me as I thought about her.

One part of my heart wanted to confront her, and the other part wanted to stay rational.

While I was thinking about this, Tanya ordered every possible dish available in the pub, along with some beer-like drinks.

When I heard about her order, I was really surprised that she ordered so much.

Would she be able to eat all of it? Looking at her figure, it was so perfect that it didn’t look like she would be able to eat it.

As she felt my gaze, she again said with an enchanting smile. It’s for both of us. You should know that I eat a lot. In the future, you should be able to bear it.

I was surprised when she said that, but I know she was joking with me.

“Sure, I would never let my women go hungry”

She smiled and said,” You should never, not especially me,”

I nodded as we waited for the order. Even though I took a resolve that I will ask her in the future, my eyes keep on being attracted towards Isabella.

Where she was having a drink as she smiled and laughed with that man. 

To be honest, my behavior really surprised me. In the past, I was never jealous. Maybe I am changed. In that world, I never took the relationship seriously. That’s why maybe I was not jealous.

But this world changed me and many people grabbed an important place in my heart and a new feeling arose in me and that too was jealousy.

I derided myself as I took a shot of drink.

For the first time in my life, I really wanted to have a drink. Maybe it was the after-effects of that feeling of jealousy.

But anyway, I even cannot disappoint Tanya, as she was really looking forward to spending some time with me.

When the food arrived, we both attacked it together, and honestly, she was really a glutton, just like me. We both ate so much, but it didn’t have any effect on our bodies.

As we ate we drank a lot, but after drinking so much she didn’t seem to be drunk as she ordered more food, but things were different for me.

I really drank too much this time as I keep on drinking. Maybe those feeling affected me.

My mind was shaken as I started feeling dizzy and after don’t know how many days, I really felt drunk.

Even though I knew what I wanted to do, I became very clumsy as my stomach was filled with water.

“I.. will go to the bathroom,” I stuttered to Tanya as I stood up from my place.

“Will you be okay?” She asked me with a look of concern on her face.

Maybe she was really worried about me. Even though I was drunk, her gaze was telling me her concern.

“I will be fine,” I said as I staggered towards the bathroom.

But my shoulder touched someone, and I felt that the person staggered back. Well, I can’t blame him, my body has become really strong.

“Sorry…Br” I said, as I supported him. But that man deflected my hand and had a look of disgust on his face.

When I saw his disgusted face, a fire lit up in my heart. He was the same man who was with Isabella. Even though I wanted to control myself by not thinking about it.

This fucking asshole made a disgusting face towards me.

“Who the fuck do you think you are by making a disgusting face towards me. You should be blessed that my body has touched you asshole” I was so drunk that I keep on blabbering about what was coming into my mind.

Suddenly I hardened my skin, with spikes all over my hand, as I punched him really hard in the face.

His body crashed against the wall, as his face was bloodied. As that man slumped on the ground, but he was still conscious as he looked hatefully at me.

A black mist started forming around him as if he wanted to attack with some dark forces.

But all of that did not matter to me. When that man looked hatefully at me, all the fuses of my mind lit up as this was the first time I really wanted to kill that man from all my heart.

Even though he looked somewhat alright, can he be compared to me? He was just a fly in a dustbin in front of me.

What an asshole. 

A big fireball suddenly formed on my palm, with the spikes burning all around it.

I wanted to nail him to the wall and torture him to death. How dare he come with Isabella and stare hatefully at me.

My mind was really in a mess, but one thing for sure, I wanted to kill that man. Even she was shrouded in darkness. As he was about to attack, I fired that spiked fireball towards him.

But everything vanished the next second. Even the darkness surrounding him was dispersed.

“What are you doing?” Suddenly I heard Tanya’s voice beside me and I was sober instantly.

I turned my head to see that Tanya was walking towards me, and I could tell that she was really angry.

Well, she would be. All her mood was destroyed because of me. I shook my head and looked ahead to see that a man with a bloody face was standing and glaring at me as if he wanted to kill me. If not for Tanya, he would have attacked me.

“What are you looking at?” I shot back at him. Even though I was sober, I really could take his hateful gaze as my hands were itching to pull out those eyeballs from his god damn socket.

“Enough!” again a yell came from Tanya as she stood beside me. She was when she was a woman was approaching fast to this place and she was surprised that she knew this woman.

But that woman stopped midway as her face was filled with horror when she saw me. Yes, she was Isabella; she was thunderstruck as she saw me.

“Alan, why are you here?” She asked in her shaky voice.

I don’t know, but when I heard her voice, all of my hopes for her faded away. I shook my head as I made my way to the exit.

People were gathered all around us when they heard the commotion. Nobody stopped me when I went out, as everybody saw that I was a power user and nobody messes with the power users.

“Alan, listen to me” I heard Isabella’s voice, but I was not in a mood to listen to her. Maybe I can try to listen to her reasoning, but it will be in the future.

Amid the crowd, I left the place.


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