Evolution to GOD

Chapter 94: Tanya

Chapter 94: Tanya

When I saw her smile, all the hair on my body stood up. I suddenly had a bad feeling about it. Why did her smile seem demonic to me?

She had a peculiar expression on her face when she looked at me and started walking towards me.

I gave her a stiff smile and said, “Welcome, my name is Alan.” 

She nodded and started revolving around me and observed me. As if she was inspecting me.

“Hmmm, so you are that evolved monkey that would train with me,” she said in her angelic sweet voice.

But to me, it sounded like the sound of a witch who would do the experiments with me.

She finally stood in front of me and stared at me as she held my chin. “You look quite good, finally my time will be passed easily,”

What the fuck is she talking about? Is she charmed by me this quickly? 

As she was observing me, I was also observing her. She may be stronger, but it doesn’t take away my right to examine her.

And as said before, she was really comparable to Amelia, but while she looked calm and composed, she looked quite wild to me.

After observing me carefully, she let go of my chin and said, “Good, we will have quite a time in these two months. Maybe more than you expect”

I was really confused about what she wanted to say, but I nodded at her and said, “I am also expecting the same.”

She had a surprised expression on her face when she heard my words, but then a smile blossomed on her face as she said, “Yes, more than you think.”

But instead of excitement, I felt a different vibe from her words.

All this time, Alexandra was trying hard to control her laughter. Now I understood why she had a teasing smile on her face when I spoke about the trainer.

She knew all along who would come for the training and didn’t inform me. But anyway, she wants to play with me, huh? Let’s see who will play with whom.

Afterwards, she moved back and started speaking to Alexandra. From time to time, I could see Alexandra looking at me with a look of pity in her eyes.

What is there to be pity about? After coming to this world, I have used none of my skills on the girls. As all of my time went on surviving, there was no time for me to play with my moves.

I could hear the sound of laughter from time to time. Hah, I really want to join them, laugh with them. But I think it’s not the time for that. These ladies are stronger than me.

“Eve,” I called out to Eve.

“Yes Host,” I heard her usual emotionless reply.

“Give me more tasks while I am in training. I want to become stronger sooner,” I asked as I gazed at the laughing ladies.

I didn’t hear the reply for a while, then suddenly replied with one word:


I was surprised by her behaviour; she started acting quite strangely nowadays. Is she getting jealous that I am getting closer to ladies?

But after Eve’s reply, I am confident that she would really give me good tasks. My power is currently averaging 75. I still need twenty-five attribute points for the second evolution.

As if they felt my gaze, these ladies signalled me to sit in the vehicle. I nodded and sat in the passenger seat, and after a while, they both came and sat in the back seat.

But suddenly, I felt a tap on my shoulders. I turned around to see that my trainer was looking at me with her mischievous eyes.

I still don’t know her name. She really wanted to play with me.

“Come and sit with me. Now that you are under my command for two months, you have to listen to my every command.”

What the fuck is she talking about? Did she expect me to jump off the cliff on her command? In her dreams. But I nodded and went back and sat beside her.

I could feel that her body was sticking close to me and I could feel her breasts, which were quite big.

To be honest, apart from Diana, all the women in my life were human. And all of them had unique personalities. Even though I have to sort out the relationships with all of them, every once in a while a new one is added to my life.

Hah, how am I so lucky? 

Suddenly I heard her breath on my ears as she whispered to me.

“You know, you are the first person I am going to train?”

I was surprised, and turned to look at her and saw that she had a playful expression on her face. My gaze shifted to Alexandra, who nodded at me.

Then I turned back to look at the trainer and said, “So I would be the first monkey you would experiment with?”

I said with a serious expression on my face. I felt really irritated with her playful expression towards me. Everything has a limit, and she started crossing the limit.

Even though she was a beauty. She can’t cross my limits.

When she saw that I started becoming serious. The playful expression disappeared from her face and she moved away from me.

She peered into me and said, “My name is Tanya, Major of the Second fleet of Alpha team.”

I was surprised but nodded at her.

“Well, this is my first assignment of training someone personally. And I hope we will have a good time ahead.”

“Same to you,” I nodded and said to her.

But her playful expression returned as again she sat close to me and said,

“But our training will start tomorrow. Today you are going to accompany me all day long. We have to know each other before the training starts. So that it would be easy for each other to understand the requirements.”

Is she playing with me? I know she is going to play with me all day long. But anyway, I can’t refuse her. I nodded at her and gazed out of the window.

Is she really charmed by me that she wants to spend more time with me? I know that I look out of this world, so handsome that even the most handsome man in this world would pale in front of me. Hah, now I understand why my demand has skyrocketed. These charms of mine are out of this world.

Now see this, a new lady is going to be added to my harem. But somehow, she doesn’t seem so simple to me. She is behaving opposite to her cold face, which gives the urge to stay away from her.

A sigh escaped my lips as I closed my eyes. Images of the ladies flashed across my mind who was in my life.

But suddenly, I was caught off guard by the face of Lucia. It felt that she was gazing directly into my eyes. My heart ached when I looked at her face as she was gazing into me.

Suddenly, some memories started flashing in my mind. 

It was the same as those dreams. I saw how I met Lucia in some isolated place, where she was lying on the pool of blood. 

How I took care of her and started falling in love with her. Isolated memories flashed across my mind, then suddenly a sweet voice echoed in my mind.

“I am waiting for you, my love. It’s been so long.” I somehow knew that Lucia was speaking to me. But where is she? Her face has disappeared.

I suddenly opened my eyes to find that a tear had slid across my face. I turned my head to see that both Alexandra and Tanya had shocked expressions on their faces.

When they saw that I opened my eyes, Tanya suddenly clutched my shoulders and shook me as she stared into my eyes and asked.

“Who are you?”

What the fuck is she talking about? Did something happen? But then I looked that the soldier who was driving the vehicle had fainted, and the vehicle had crashed into a tree.

“What the fuck happened?” I shouted as I tried to remove the hands of Tanya from my shoulders.

Seeing my confusion, she removed her hands from my shoulders and asked,

“You didn’t know what happened”

I shook my head and clearly tried to remember, but apart from those memories, I didn’t remember clearly.

Wait? Memories. Did something happen because of it?

But I kept my face still, as I didn’t want them to doubt me. I still don’t know what happened.

I looked at both the ladies and said with a surprised expression on my face.

“I really don’t know what happened?”

They both looked at each other and then looked at me and asked

“Are you going for the second evolution?”

When I heard those words, I was surprised and quickly called the menu option to see the status.

My eyes bulged out from the socket when I saw my status.

What the fuck happened to me.


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