Evolution to GOD

Chapter 88: Encounter

Chapter 88: Encounter

As I remembered my training with Alexandra, my hair stood up. Apart from Amelia, she was the strongest person I had practiced with.

I was beaten quite a time by her. But it helped me a lot. My reaction became quite faster and I even learned the combat manual because of her.

As I saw the smiling face of Alexandra, I sighed helplessly. But anyway, this time I would give her quite the challenge.

“Take rest for today, we will leave tomorrow,” Alexandra looked at me and said.

“I want to discuss one more thing with you people,” I looked at them and said,

They had a confused look on their face, but they nodded at me.

Then I recalled the whole incident regarding Isabella, how she was cornered by those assholes and how I killed them, and about the call from that Captain.

I got to know he was captain when that middle-aged man told me.

After I told the whole story, the looks on the face of Alexandra changed drastically. 

“How dare they!” She stood up and left the room. She was really furious.

“What happened to her?” I looked at Olivia and asked.

“Nothing good is going to happen,” Olivia said, as she stared at the open door. 

She then looked at me and said, ” Isabella was scouted by Alexandra, it was she who trained her,”

Olivia stood up to leave as she said to me, “Take rest for today, tomorrow we will meet,” 

She quickly gave a peck on my cheek and ran out of the room.

This was the first time I got to know about Isabella being the protege of Alexandra.

A sigh escaped my lips as I slumped on the couch. Even though I wanted to follow them, I still have to officially join the forces.

If I intervene, it may backfire on me now. Anyhow after joining the forces, I would definitely be a target of these people.

I stood up and closed the door and jumped on the bed. Anyway, I will be getting the news tomorrow.

Sometimes I feel useless, as I can’t intervene in many of the matters, but after thinking rationally, I understood, I am still not powerful enough to encounter these guys.

Even though I am powerful, I still haven’t realized the full potential of my body. 

How did I realize that I still have the potential?

When I got the training in that isolated space. I got a lot stronger in a week after training in ten times gravity.

Imagine what would happen if I started training with more gravity. I still have to learn many combat techniques though.

Hah, I am still a novice when it comes to fighting. Well, it can be understandable, as I didn’t receive the proper training about it.

Even though, I survived in the jungle. I didn’t meet any human as such. 

As I thought of all these things, I closed my eyes and slept. 

I dreamt of my days in the village, with Diana and Isabella.

A sudden sound of a doorbell woke me up again. As I glanced towards the window, I observed that it was already morning. I stood up and opened the door.

“Good Morning,” Olivia smiled and again gave me a quick peck on my cheek. 

I was really surprised, she was getting bolder.

“Good morning,” I smiled and said and I pinched her cheek.

“Ouch!” She exclaimed as she hit my chest.

I don’t know why she is acting so coquettishly, but I liked it.

“Come inside,” I said to her as I made way for her. She quickly came inside and I closed the door.

She sat on the couch and stared at me intently. I looked at her and her, “Wait, as I get to freshen up,”

She nodded as I went to the bathroom.

After I took a bath, I felt really refreshed. Then my gaze drew towards the mirror. There stood an outstanding handsome one. A man that would never be seen in this world.

Yes, that was me. And now I know why Olivia was acting like that. I looked too good to be true.

And even after I consumed that blood, my body has changed drastically. I am even more handsome now.

I still remember the days, when I lost my hair. And now, I have long hair till my waist. 

I shook my head and quickly dried myself. I am more efficient in using firepower now. 

After changing quickly, I went out to see Olivia staring out of the window. When she heard the sound, she turned her head to look at me.

She smiled as she saw me. Hah, she really likes me. I can see that in her smile. 

“So, can we go now?” I asked her as I looked at her pretty face.

“Yes,” she said as she nodded at me.

As we went out, I quickly locked the door and caught up with Olivia.

“Can we have breakfast?” I asked her. To be honest, I was really hungry. I hadn’t had a proper meal for a long time. For six months, I ate nothing but meat. Even though that meat was barbecued, but still I got bored of it.

And even in that, half the time I ate that snake meat. I was so exhausted that whenever I saw a snake. I puked. 

Anyway, after handing the room access card to the soldier at the reception. Oliva took me to a good restaurant in the facility.

After ordering everything in the many, I waited for the food to arrive. 

To be honest, now I understand why Isabella ate so much. After using the power continuously, my appetite grew exponentially.

Olivia had a stupefied look on her face. Then I told the reasoning for my appetite. After listening to my reasoning, she nodded at me.

I looked at her and asked, “Then what happened last night?”

I really wanted to know. I had a feeling something big had happened.

Olivia looked at me for a moment and said, ” Rodrick has been hospitalized,”

“Rodrick?” I looked at her and asked

“That captain who scouted those guys,” she said to me.

“What happened?” I was really surprised. I didn’t know Alexandra would go to this extent.

A look of hatred flashed in the eyes of Olivia as she said, “He always had a beef with me, as I got a lot of recommendations before him, but yesterday he crossed the limit. “

She paused for a moment and looked at me. “He told me that he would never let you join the forces, and he would kill you because you killed his brother,”

What? That asshole was threatening me? And how would I know that I killed his brother? Even if I knew, I would have killed that asshole.

As I looked at Olivia, she continued, “But this time he crossed his limit, I couldn’t control my temper and electrocuted him at the spot,”

My hair, stood up as I imagined the scene of him being electrocuted. 

“Take it easy, what about you? Nothing will happen to you right?” I asked as I looked at her innocent face.

Even though she looked innocent, she was really fiery. From the way she was reacted, I know that she liked me to the extreme.

“Nothing, Alexandra handled the consequence,” She smiled and said to me.

Hah, I should have known. If not for her, Alexandra would have killed him, the way she got furious yesterday. I know, she really liked Isabella.

“Anyway, he would be expelled from the forces,” Olivia looked at me and said.

“Expelled?” I was surprised, 

“Yes, he messed up with the wrong person. Those people touched Isabella,”

I nodded when I heard her answer. Alexandra was really protective of her people. I way she came to meet me, really touched me. I could never forget the days I spent with her. Even though she was strong, she took care of me very well. 

I even flirted with her a lot of times and she didn’t mind. 

“Anyway, where is Alexandra?” I asked Olivia.

“She wanted to discuss something with higher-ups, maybe something about you,” She replied.

“About me?” I was surprised, what she wanted to discuss about me? But then I remembered about my request to stay in the facility.

Maybe she would require some permission for me to use the facilities.

Olivia nodded and me, “Maybe, but I don’t know”

I nodded and looked at the counter. I was really waiting for the food to arrive as I really felt hungry.

And my wait ended after a while. Few waiters carried the dishes and placed them at my table. Everyone in the restaurant looked stupefied. 

I ignored them and started wolfing down the food. Hah, this was heaven. Food was always heaven. Even though the table was full of dishes. I wolfed down everything within a while.

Everyone was more surprised when they saw the way I was eating the food. As I was wolfing down the food, I heard a voice behind me.

“So how’s the food?”


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