Evolution to GOD

Chapter 84: Spikes

Chapter 84: Spikes

When I heard the roar of that snake, I knew that my bullet had hit the eyes. 

I made the mistake, in excitement, instead of teleporting, I turned around to see the condition of the snake.

That snake stopped twitching and looked at me with one eye burned and blood pouring out of that eye.

It suddenly shot a stream of something from its mouth. I somehow knew it would be venom. 

I teleported from my place and saw that the place I was standing, started melting. This was such a powerful venom.

This bloody snake was so big, that it could swallow me in a single bite.

Again that snake shot those spikes over to me, and bloody those spikes were double my size.

I teleported so many times, that I even forgot the number of times I had done so.

Bloody this snake is getting on my nerves. I just wanted to go away from it but it even started chasing me.

Where is justice?

Again teleporting I shot the fired bullet to its other eye but that snake dodged that.

An incredibly crazy idea came to my mind. There is a high chance I can get killed. But this asshole is not letting me go so I don’t have any other choice but to try it.

I teleported again, but this time not away from it, but towards its head.

I landed on its moving head, and to keep my balance, I quickly gripped the spike with one hand.

I saw the snake’s other eyes in front of me. I quickly hardened my skin and punched it to it.

The snake other was destroyed and my hand destroyed it. I even felt some slippery sensation on my hand.

That snake roared and started shaking his head, but I tightly gripped the head to not to fall from its head.

As my other hand was inside the place where I destroyed its eyes. I quickly created a big fireball and shot it in its head.

I know it will destroy its brain. 

The snake shook its head so heavily that I was thrown away as I flew and collided with a tree

I felt a sudden pain over my shoulders and on my thighs but heard a roar from that snake. I didn’t have time to check what had happened to my shoulders when I suddenly saw that the spikes were coming in my direction.

I teleported again to different spots, but to avoid them, but they keep on coming after me.

But my condition kept on deteriorating. I felt so much pain on my shoulders and thighs that it was getting too much pressure on my body to get teleported.

Luckily, as I teleported again, I didn’t find any spikes coming over to me. I slumped on the ground and took the support of the tree.

Then when I looked towards my shoulders, I was surprised to find that two spikes were impaled into me.

It was the first time I was injured to this extent. Blood kept on oozing out of my body as I pulled out the spike from my body.

I felt weak all over my body because of the loss of blood. 

I immediately took out the Laro fruit from the inventory and ate it. While departing from the village, Amelia gave me some of them. I hope it would help me this time.

And as expected, a warm sensation spread through me, and the blood stopped oozing from my wounds.

But I still felt weakness all over me. Maybe I was too heavily wounded.

I stood up and approached in the direction of that snake.

As expected, the body of that huge snake was lying on the ground. I knew that my fire would definitely burn its brain.

The whole surrounding was destroyed, many of the trees were uprooted and the whole area was covered with spikes.

I slowly moved towards the body of the snake, but I didn’t find its body moving. It was finally dead.

I felt so small in front of its body, it was really a giant.

I quickly stored its body in the inventory and started moving away from this place. 

I should really be thankful to Eve, who provided me with the inventory. I can store anything I want, without even minding the size.

Take this snake for example, even though its body was this huge. It was easily stored in the inventory. This makes things easy for me as I don’t have to carry anything around me.

Why I decided to move from this place is because this fight would definitely attract some of the animals to this place and damn, I am not even in the condition to fight them.

My body was really injured. Even after taking that fruit, I felt weakness all over my body.

But luckily I didn’t find anyone on my way back. 

The first spot that came to my mind was that of the waterfall. It was really a good place as I didn’t find any animal which was dangerous to me and I know about the surroundings also.

I even checked the map to see whether there is any place, where it would not be dangerous for me, but it was all very far from this place.

I finally decided to be back at the waterfall again.

During my travel, my body recovered very slowly. I still don’t know why it happened.

Maybe those spikes were laced with some poison.

But anyway I slowly made my way back. I didn’t use any of my power while traveling. My body was really too weak to use any power.

Luckily I saved some meat from the animals I hunted before which served as food for me. I didn’t have to hunt for any animals for food, which reduced a lot of time for me.

Anyway, I was so fortunate that I didn’t find any dangerous animals on my way back. Slowly and steadily I made my way back to the waterfall.

To be honest, I didn’t think I would be back so soon to this place. Just within a week, I was back to my beloved place.

I quickly removed my dress and stood under the waterfall. I felt so refreshed, that I can’t even say that.

It was already night, so I quickly arranged the tent and slept on the bed. I was so tired, that I slept as soon as I closed my eyes. I didn’t even dream of anything that night.

I slept for the full whole day, when I woke up it was the night for the second day.

Even I was surprised that I was this tired. Maybe my body needed some time to recover. 

But then I noticed that my wounds were recovering quickly. I didn’t feel as much pain as I felt yesterday.

I started doing some workouts to warm up myself. Afterward, I again took the long bath.

Now it’s time for the results.

I took out that huge body of that snake. Now I need to check whether I can gain any powers from it or not.

I knew that the knife would not work on the skin of the snake as it was very hard. I took out the sword and pre-heated it.

Then slowly and steadily I started separating some meat from the take.

A huge piece of meat was in front of me. I really don’t know what types of power I would get from this snake.

I took a final look at the piece of meat and finally ate it.

I didn’t feel anything in my body for a long time. It made me really disappointed.

But suddenly, I felt prickled all over my body. Suddenly I had a bad premonition.

Small spikes grew all over my body. I was really scared this time. Instead of evolution, I felt a different feeling.

Am I being mutated into a different creature?

I quickly took out the mirror from the inventory to check my condition. And as I feared, spikes grew all over my body.

I felt no different from a hedgehog. From head to toe, there were spikes all over my body.

I should have expected this, the snake had spikes all over its body. There was always the chance that I could gain the power of spikes.

Instead of getting panicked, I asked Eve.

“Eve, I can control this power right?”

“Yes Host”

Hah, I took a heavy sigh of relief. even though I acted tough. There was a small fear inside of me. But now, Eve has confirmed that I can control the power. It will be a huge asset for me in the future.

I again looked at the mirror, which showed a handsome man covered with spikes. I looked like a hedgehog man.

Anyway, I think I will again spend some time here near the waterfall to control this power.

This waterfall is definitely a lucky charm to me.


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