Evolution to GOD

Chapter 40: This Earth

Chapter 40: This Earth

“Welcome to your new world”

I was surprised by her mood; she was almost attacking that pig a few minutes ago, and now she is smiling at me.

I don’t know what else to say. My awesomeness is contagious.

I smiled and said, “Thank you.”

It’s not clear to me why, but my instincts were screaming to me she’s powerful. That’s why I didn’t go near her.

The fact that she was middle-aged does not diminish her beauty. With her blonde hair and round face and that red dress, she was looking quite charming. It’s safe to say in her early days, she was a beauty.

I glanced around the room and saw that this place was clearly an office, and she appears to be the facility’s administrator.

Her arm rested on her chair as she motioned for me to sit on the couch.

“I’m sure you were wondering why I asked you to come here, wouldn’t you?” she asked with a smile.

“Well, you’re smart,” I smirked and said.

She raised her eyebrows and chuckled as she continued, “Yeah, I am. Well, actually, we find evolved beings such as you more important. You can be the cornerstone of our planet for many years to come.”

“WTF is she talking about,” I thought to myself, but I didn’t let it show on my face. But continued to look at her.

After a brief pause, she continued, “Oh! I forgot to introduce myself. I am Alexandra, the head of this facility. By the way, this facility isn’t just for evolved beings; it’s also for everyone who has crossed the 18-year mark.”

A smile crossed my face “That a glorious name. I wonder, though, if you would explain it more clearly to me?”

After a moment of contemplative gaze, she said, “Come here”, pointing to the chair in front of her.

As I sat on the chair and looked at her, she clicked on something on the holographic screen, and the map of this world appeared in front of me.

When I saw the map in front of me, I was quite surprised. This differed totally from the earth.

It seems like North and South America have been merged to become one continent.

Africa and Asia had been merged to become one, and Europe is still there, but it is separated from Asia and Africa.

The last one is Antarctica.

She then described the continents on this planet, whose names were surprisingly the same as on earth.

They still refer to the American region as the American Continent. Even so, Europe is still Europe and we are currently in Afrasia.

Her explanation surprised me greatly. I don’t understand the connection between my earth and this one.

“We are currently here” she pointed at a part of the map before looking at me.

After I nodded at her and turned my attention to the Map she continued, “There are many facilities like this on earth!” Then she clicked on the screen and many red dots appeared, which were spread across the globe.

“These dots represent the facilities and you are in one of them.” She stopped and stared at me.

“Ok,” I replied, nodding my head in agreement.

She continued, “You will gain more knowledge about planets when you attend the training sessions.” She paused momentarily before continuing, “Now, the reason I told you that evolved beings are important is they could become part of the special forces of our planet.”

My confusion about this explanation made me question whether it was even the explanation.

Then, as if she understood my confusion, she smiled and said “Don’t worry, you will understand everything in the future, but the most important thing is that you are important to us and you will enjoy your life while you are with us.”

“What about that Pig Face?” I asked about the Pigface trainer.

“Don’t worry about him. He can’t do anything to you,” she said mildly.

“Anything else?” I asked her.

She thought for a moment and then said, “Nothing, for now. As far as lodging goes, you can go down to reception, she will assist you.”

“Thank you.” I got up and walked towards the door, but stopped halfway and turned to see her.

But I do not know where I got the courage to ask her, “Are you single?”

A charming smile spread across her face. She chuckled lightly, and she asked, “Why? Trying to hit on me?”

Smirking, I left the room to go downstairs. Her expression would be priceless; she would definitely fall in love with me.

When I went down to see if that beautiful receptionist was still there, I smiled and approached her.

A smile spread across her face as she looked at me.

“Hello beautiful, I was wondering if you could help me, as I am new here.”


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