Evolution to GOD

Chapter 181: The Village's past

Chapter 181: The Village’s past

I am really feeling useless.

“What happened?” Alexandra asked me.

I turned to look at her. Her gaze was fixed on me, but I could some concern in her eyes.

I shook my head and stood up. “Nothing. I just want to become stronger as soon as possible.”

Alexandra fell silent for a while before she hugged me from behind. “Don’t think too much. One or another day, you are going to leave this world.”

“Fine. Leave it. Just tell me the details,” I said to her.

“What details?” She asked. 

I turned around to see that she has a confused look in her eyes.

“How did you manage to convince those people?” I asked her.

She smiled when she heard my words, “I was not that difficult. You should know my position in the forces. Even if I don’t rely on the influence of my family. They can’t ignore my words.”

“And apart from that. That base was totally ruined. Even if we can repel those aliens. There would be a huge loss for our forces.”

My brows were raised when I heard her words. “Everyone would be returning to the base?” I asked her.

She nodded, “Yes, Everyone would be returning. There is no point in making unnecessary sacrifices.”

“Oh,” I replied and sat on the bed again. Anyway, I don’t care about others. For me, Tanya’s life is important.

“And one more thing. We have decided to destroy that planet.” Her voice reached my ears.

My eyes went wide. What is she saying? 

“There is no point in keeping that planet. If we can’t control it. Nobody can.”

Isn’t it too absurd? They will destroy the whole planet. But anyway, why should I care about that planet?

I shook my head. “What about those aliens? Did you find anything about them?” 

“We have captured some of those aliens. To be honest, this is the first time we have seen something like that. They seemed to be affected by some dark power.”

Her words piqued my interest. “Could you tell me?” I asked her.

She sat on the bed and looked at me. I could see the seriousness on her face. “You should know that we have conquered many planets, but we didn’t face this much of difficulty while fighting any of those aliens.” 

She took a deep breath and said, “We are a technologically advanced society and we have knowledge of almost every life form. After so many years of research, we have concluded that the Power of everyone is originated from the same source. But these aliens are different. This is the first time we have seen something like this. Their source of power is different. We are still researching the source of their Powers.”

My brows furrowed when I heard her words. What is she trying to say? But then I remembered, a long time back, this world was normal. There were no Power users in this world. But one day, everything changed. Many people awakened Powers. Maybe she was talking about the source.

I don’t want to dig into that matter. I looked at her and said, “Leave it. What about the other planets? Did you find any suspicious movements?”

She shook her head, “No. But we are well prepared. This time, it was the surprise attack of those aliens. But in the future, we are prepared for that.”

I nodded, “Fine. Anyway, I want to talk to you about something.”

Her brows were raised. “Yes,”

“Do you know about the village in the jungle?” I asked her while my gaze was fixed on her.

My brows furrowed for a moment before she took a deep breath and said, “Yes, I know. What do you want to ask?”

“I met those people when I was in the jungle. It’s just that the people in this world are hunting them. May I know the reason?”

She fell silent for a while.

“I think you know about the history of your past self, right?” She asked me.

I nodded at her.

“Even after that man ascended, the status of that family was akin to royalty. But after some years, their status dwindled. They had many hidden enemies in the dark. There were many assassinations, which killed many of the Power users of that family. After some more years, the family fell under the knives of those enemies. But one day, that man returned and killed all those enemies. Once again, no one could offend that family.”

“Ok,” I know that. Amelia has told me before. But what was the main reason?

“After so many years, you didn’t appear on this planet and no one in this world ascended to godhood. People started getting desperate, and they started hunting the remaining members of that family to know the secret. You should know that the ancient families were behind that hunt.”

My brows were raised when I heard her words. I knew that. The forces were up to no good. Even though they pretend to save this planet. They have done much hideous crimes behind the back.

“Even though they were being hunted, few prodigies appeared in this period. And they hid in the village. You must know that, in that jungle, many ferocious beasts could rival these old dogs from the ancient families. That was the reason no one from the forces could explore that jungle.”

I know all these things, there is nothing new in it. I thought there would be a different reason.

“What are you thinking?” Alexandra asked me.

I looked at her and asked, “You will not ask about their location?”

She shook her head and said, “Why should I? I know that this world is sealed. That is the reason no one could become GOD. There is no need for me to hunt those people. I know that once you become powerful, you would free those villagers.”

I shook my head. “Yes, but what would happen when I leave this world?”

“It’s up to you.”

My gaze was fixed on her for a while before I sighed and said, “Leave it. I will leave that for the future.”

“Anyway, when they will be back?” I asked her.

“I know that you are concerned about Tanya. But nothing is going to happen to her. Even though she is a woman, she is one of the most powerful soldiers in the forces. You know that she is the triple power user and the forces have groomed her with the future in mind. They wanted to make her one of the Prime Three, but she rejected the proposal. She didn’t want to be shackled with the dirty politics.”

It’s good to know that she would be fine. I still remember her lifeless eyes. Even though it was a dream. I really felt that the part of my heart was torn apart. Anyway, I know that she is quite powerful and nothing should happen to her. But from the words of that mysterious figure. What is seen was the premonition and there is a chance that she would have died horribly.

“You should take care of yourself.” I looked at her and said. 

Even though she was putting up the strong front. I know that she was exhausted. But for my sake, she left hurriedly to contact the forces.

To be honest, I am lucky to have so many people in my life who would do anything for me. 

She nodded her head and stood up. “I should be going,”

My brows were raised when I heard her words, “You can sleep here, right?”

But she shook her head. “I have some work to do.”

My gaze was fixed on her for a while. I know that because of me; she has created a huge mess. 

I stood up and hugged her. “You don’t have to work this hard. Wait for a while, we will leave this world together”

Her body shuddered when she heard my words. She moved back and stared at me while her lips curled into a smile.

“I know.” 

She kissed me and turned around to leave the room. 

A sigh escaped my lips, and I fell on the bed while my eyes stared at the roof.

Suddenly, Eve’s voice echoed in my mind.

“Don’t burden yourself with unnecessary things. As I said to you, wait for some time and you would undergo the third evolution. During this period, strengthen your body. Otherwise, you could not bear the pressure of the evolution and there are chances that you would die.”

I nodded when I heard her words, “I know. But you are forgetting something.”

“What is it?” Eve’s voice echoed in my mind again.

“You told me that after I undergo second evolution, I could transform, right? But till now, I know nothing about that.” I asked her, while my gaze was still fixed on the roof.

She didn’t reply, but suddenly, many memories flooded my mind. 

I stood up and closed my eyes and suddenly; I felt that my body was changing, with my body welling up with Power.


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