Evolution to GOD

Chapter 167: Meeting

Chapter 167: Meeting

My eyes were fixed on the woman in front of me. Her acting was so perfect that it was out of bounds. My gaze shifted to other people who were sitting in the room. They were taking glances at me from time to time.

My gaze shifted back to Anna, who was staring at me.

“What are you looking at?” She asked me while her eyes were fixed on me.

“You are interesting,” I said, while my lips curled into a smile.

Her brows were arched when she heard my words.


“What do you think?” I replied back. I could feel that many eyes were fixed on me. Some were frowning, while others had neutral gazes.

But suddenly, my attention drew towards the door. Alexandra, along with her father, entered the room. Everyone along with me stood up when we saw them.

“Be at ease,” Alexandra’s father replied as he sat while Alexandra sat beside him.

She had a stony expression on her face, but her gaze turned around to look at me, and a smile formed on her face.

“I think you all should know why I told you to gather today,”

“Yes sir,” Everyone shouted in unison.

I was surprised when I heard their shout, but then I remembered that they were all veterans. Of the forces and discipline have been grilled in their blood.

Alexandra’s father shifted his gaze towards me.

“What about you?”

I shook my head, “I don’t know.”

He stared at me for a while before he nodded and said.

“Good. You should be clear about everything. If you had said yes, I would be disappointed. In life, everyone should be clear about the things they do. If you just follow the crowd and don’t have your own personality. You don’t deserve to be here.”

My gaze was fixed on this old man for the entire time. Why is he giving this boring speech? But then he continued.

“You are the reason we have gathered here.”

“Me?” I frowned.

He nodded. “Yes, you are the last candidate for the Prime Three. I think you know about what is that, right?” 

“Sort of,” I replied.

“Hmm. Prime three are the best candidates whom we nurture to take command of the forces in the future. As you can guess from the name. Out of ten, only three would be selected.”

He stopped, and his gaze scanned everyone in the room.

“Apart from you Alan, everyone here has spent time on the frontier. But since you showed remarkable growth in a small period, we have added you for the candidature. But you have to prove yourself. In this period., you would also spend some time in the frontier. And you would be evaluated depending on your performance,”

My brows were furrowed when I heard his words. It’s not like I don’t want to go to the frontier. Would they be providing me with the training for that? But Alexandra’s father’s voice interrupted my thoughts.

“You have one year of time. All of you would be graded according to your individual performance and your performance as a leader.”

What is he saying? Would I be handling a squad? As expected, he confirmed my thoughts.

“You would lead a squad. And based on your performance, we will evaluate your grades. But you have to remember. All lives matter. If you fail to perform your duties. You would receive the appropriate punishment.”

His gaze turned to look at me. “And you Alan. You would be given the special classes for conduct and more from Alexandra. She would brief it to you,”

I nodded when I heard his words.

“You should know that a leader should have the leadership qualities. And that leader also has to go through some dirty work. We will see how you face the hardships in this period. But make one thing for sure. Do anything you want. But no one should be harmed in this period. Everyone present here is part of the forces. You people are the future of this planet. I believe that you people understand the meaning of the word Unity. Whatever the difference, we may have with each other. But we should be united while facing the enemies.”

“Yes sir,” Everyone shouted once again. To be honest, I am feeling quite weird while sitting between the bunch of soldiers. Maybe in the future, I would be like them. Shouting unnecessarily to please the leader.

I saw that the old man nodded in satisfaction before he stood up.

“You all would be assigned a guide who would help you in the process. Make sure to have a good impression of your guide. They would be useful to you in the future.” He said and left the room. Alexandra followed him out.

My brows were raised when I heard his words. Alexandra would be my guide, right?

But suddenly, everyone stood up and started to leave the room hurriedly, as if they have to catch a train.

“You are not going” Anna’s voice reached my ears.

My gaze turned to look at her.

“Where are you going?” I asked her back. 

She was stunned for a moment. “To my place, of course. You want to join?” 

Her eyes stared at me as if expecting a positive answer. But I shook my head, “We would meet someday in the future. I have some work to do now,” 

I stood up to leave the room. Even though she is a beauty, I don’t want to spend time with her. Who knows what type of plot she is brewing. Anyway, Lily would be waiting for me.

She was stunned for a moment when she heard my answer. I think she didn’t expect that I would reject her invitation. But she smiled, “As you wish, and you are right. We would meet again,” she said and left the room.

I was standing alone while my gaze was fixed on her departing figure. There are many types of people in this world. Someone would behave nicely to you just for the sake of their selfish reason. I am also the same. I am not any hero or something. I only care about the people close to me and if I would be given the choice to save this world or save the one I love. I would obviously save the one I love.

All these sacrifices are just bullshit. Why should I save the one who I don’t even know? I know that these people are going to nurture me for their own selfish reasons. But I am also doing the same. I am biding for the time when I am strong enough to leave this world. Only I know how to ascend to the higher world. These people are just my resource to get stronger and I have to do it quickly. 

A sigh escaped my lips as I found myself to be standing in the room alone. I am alone again, but not anymore. Many people in this world are waiting for me and I couldn’t disappoint them. 

I shook my head to dispel all these useless thoughts and left the room. As soon as I stepped out of the room, I saw Lily was talking to Anna.

My brows were raised when I saw that. Do they know each other?

They both turned to look at me and smiled.

“I didn’t know that you have a very good relationship with Tanya,” It was Anna who said these words.

My brows furrowed when I heard her. Why is she talking about her? And as if Lily understood my thoughts, she replied hurriedly.

“We both worked under her.”

“Oh,” My doubts cleared. Anyway, they are both colleagues then. 

“You didn’t reply to me,” Anna asked me again.

“What do you want to listen to?” I frowned and asked. Why is gossiping? 

She was stunned when she heard me. “Of course, I have to ask the question. She is like my mentor. I should know about the person she is close to. I think you know about her, right? She doesn’t have many people in her life, especially men.”

I nodded and looked at Lily. “Shall we go?” I don’t want to spend more time with this woman. I don’t like anyone who tries to pry my life. Who is she? I know that she has worked under Tanya. But that’s it. I don’t have to explain anything to her. It’s my life and nobody has the right to meddle in between.

And as expected, her face turned ugly when she heard my reply. She looked at Lily. “I think I am not wanted here. Anyway, we would meet again. I want to relish our days in the future. But whenever you come, please come alone. Certain someone doesn’t want to spend some time with me.” She took one last look at me and left the place.

Only I and Lily was standing alone. Lily’s eyes were fixed on Anna for a while before she sighed and looked at me.

“Shall we go?”


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