Evolution to GOD

Chapter 147: Jeff

Chapter 147: Jeff

“You could teleport to the waterfall anytime you want. That’s the special place I have created for you,”

I was stunned when I heard his voice.

“Are you serious? How could I do that?” I asked, as many of my memories are related to that place. It was there where I started practicing my fire-related power and many more things are associated with that place.

“Yes, you can teleport to this place anytime you want.” His voice echoed again.

“But why does it feel like it was part of the jungle?” I asked him.

“Because I made it like that. Remember, I always knew that you would visit that place.” His voice echoed again.

“Hold On. I thought that you always knew that I would be transmigrated to this world, but did you also know about my life in this world?” I asked, as I was shocked when I heard his words.

“Yes, I always knew that you would be transmigrated to this world as a monkey and will follow the evolution path. That was the reason I had created so many opportunities for you to become stronger. But there was one twist. When I gave my blood to those people. I didn’t know about the future. But later I got to know that It was the destiny that was playing a part in it.”

“What destiny?” I asked him.

“You will know it, eventually. But remember that everything that is happening is a part of the destiny.” 

But suddenly everything shattered as I was back in the room where all these ladies were gobbling the food. My eyes went wide as I saw that time seemed to be stopped when I was speaking to him. But suddenly Eve’s voice echoed in my mind.

“Don’t think too much. Just enjoy your life. You don’t know what the future holds, so wasting your time by thinking about that will worry you unnecessarily.”

I was stunned when I heard her words as a bitter smile formed on my face and I shook my head to eat the remaining food on my plate. Eve was giving me life lessons, but what she said was right. But suddenly Tanya’s voice reached my ears.

“Are you not going to finish that dish?” 

I was stunned to see that the plates were empty on the table as all of these women were looking at me as their eyes fixed on the plate in my hand. And especially Tanya, who approached me and took a piece of the meat from my plate and ate it.

I gazed at her, but a sigh escaped my lips and I gave my plate to her. She was surprised for a moment before a smile bloomed on her face as she went back to the table. 

My eyes turned to look at Jeff, who was looking at me curiously.

“Would you give me some other things to eat? You can see that there is nothing left to eat.”

He smiled and nodded and went outside to bring some food while my gaze was fixed on these women who lost all the decorum while eating this meat. Even Alexandra was not the exception. 

I sighed and sat at another table while my mind played the words spoken by that man, but then I saw that Jeff was coming with the plate full of dishes as he placed them in front of me.

I quickly gobbled the food as my hunger was reaching its peak and after some time, an enormous burp escaped from my mouth as I finished the food. And as I looked up, I saw that these women were staring at me.

“What happened?” I asked them.

“Nothing, we found it amusing that you handed your plate over to us,” Tanya said, as a playful smile appeared on her face.

“Oh! so what’s my reward for doing that?” 

“Anything you want,” she replied immediately.

“Anything?” I asked, as a playful smile spread across my face.

She got stunned for a moment as she understood my thoughts before her eyes shifted to Alexandra and Deliah, who was also smiling.

“So you would do anything?” I asked her again.

But against my expectations, she replied while the smile was still present on her face, “Anything,”

This time I was stunned when I heard her words, “Fine, then. I will ask you anything in the future,” I replied as I stood up. To be honest, If I didn’t know that she is one of the powerful figures in the forces. I would have thought that she is just a naïve countryside girl.

But suddenly she grabbed my hands, “What do you want me to do?” Her wide eyes stared at me.

A bitter smile formed on my face as I turned to look at the other two, who were trying hard to hold back the laughter. 

I shook my head and turned to look at Tanya, “I will tell you in the hotel.”

This time, she was stunned as she quickly pulled back her hands.

“Can we go now?” I asked Everyone.

And as expected, after having a delicious meal, they stood up to leave the hall.

But just as I took a step, Jeff’s voice reached my ears.

“Hold on a minute”

My steps came to a halt as I turned around to look at him.


He came near me and patted my shoulders.

“Thank you for allowing me to prepare one of the exceptional meals I have ever prepared,”

“Huh?” My brows were raised as I heard his words.

“You allowed me to prepare the dish of Korash”

“Why are you thanking me?” I asked him.

“You don’t know, but few get the opportunity to prepare the dish from the meat of Korash. Even in my lifetime, I have hardly prepared anything from the meat of Korash. That’s the reason for my thanks”

“You don’t have to thank me. If anyone deserves to prepare its meat. It’s you. And I especially asked Deliah to speak to you,” I replied immediately.

As soon as he heard my words, his gaze turned to look at Deliah as she nodded. 

“Whatever the case may be, but I have my full gratitude towards you,” He said to me and patted my shoulders again.

“You don’t know, but I have spent half of my life in forces. In this world, there are not many who have the power as same as me.” He said as a look of reminiscence appeared on his face.

“You don’t know, but I had the passion for cooking from the moment I came to senses and I always prayed that I should have some power related to cooking and as if the GOD heard my plea. I awakened the power related to cooking. Whatever I touch could turn into delicious food. Because of this, I was recruited in Forces”

He stopped and took a deep breath. “You don’t know, but many of the top brass of the forces begged me to prepare the food for them and I became the special chef of the forces. It was during that time I got in touch with Korash. I was so impressed with the taste that I have travelled many planets to get the taste of their delicacy but I hardly found anything as close to Korash.”

But a sigh escaped his lips. “It was during this time that I met my soulmate, but because of my craziness of food, I started neglecting her. I travelled to many worlds in search of food, but I forgot that someone was waiting for me. And one day, when I came back from one of the travel. I found that my wife was already dead. She contracted some incurable disease, but I didn’t know about that. She waited for me till her last breath.” A sigh escaped his lips again as I saw that a teardrop formed in the corner of his eyes and a mocking laugh escaped his lips.

“I wasn’t near her when she needed me. From that day, I decided to quit the forces and started my own eatery. Daily I could see that some happy faces as they eat my food. Even though I had the power to make delicious food. My wife hardly tasted anything. Anyway, this is the place where she took her last breath and that is the reason I opened the eatery here. And the reason I thanked you is that I didn’t expect that one day I would be preparing the food made out of the meat of Korash. And when I prepared the food, I dedicated this meal to my dead wife. At least she would be watching me from heaven. Even though I neglected her. She loved me so much I didn’t even hear a word of complaint in all her life,”

He took a deep breath and wiped the tear from the corner of his eyes as he looked at me and said, “So thank you very much. Thank you for giving me the opportunity,”


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