Evolution to GOD

Chapter 126: Going out to the mountains (III)

Chapter 126: Going out to the mountains (III)

“I wanted to go out. If you are not coming, I will go out alone,” I looked at her and said.

Deliah was stunned, her gaze fixed on me for a moment, and then she asked, “Are you sure? I believe you should take some time off. I was terrified for a moment”,

But I shook my head and said, “I am fine. So are you coming or not?”

“Fine,” she sighed after a brief glance at me. “Let’s go.”

As we began walking, my gaze was drawn to the mountains for a brief moment before returning to Deliah. “You always go by walk?”

“Yes, even though I have the option of staying in the hotel itself, I choose to live outside,” she said with a slight smile on her face as she looked at me.

My mind was drawn back to the mountains as I nodded. But her voice abruptly jolted me out of my reverie.

“Why are you staring at the mountains again?”

I was startled for a moment before looking at her and seeing that her brows were arched as she looked at me curiously. “These mountains are mysterious, and it piques my interest. Somehow… leave it. Tell me about yourself,”

“What do you want to know about me?” she asked, surprised by my sudden question.

“Anything?” I said with a slight smile, and my gaze was drawn back to see the lonely road lit up by the street light. Since this hotel was located in a remote location, there was little activity in this area.

“My name is Deliah, and I work for the forces. I’ve been living here for a year, but I’m not sure what the future holds.”

“Can you explain what you mean?” While walking side by side on the empty road, I asked her as I looked at her. On this road, I occasionally noticed vehicle movements.

“Mean by what?” She asked me curiously.

“About your future?” I said, while my gaze was fixed on her beautiful face.

She nodded, while a look of understanding formed on her face. She looked at me and said, “Oh, about that, forces could post me anywhere.” Anyway, I wanted to take a break from the field, so I asked them to transfer me somewhere else. And they assigned me here.”

I was surprised, then the image of Lily flashed through my mind. She was also working as a receptionist, but she was also one of the top agents of the forces.

“Oh!” I said while nodding a little.

“You are not surprised?” She asked me curiously.

“Why should I?” I asked, shaking my head a little.

“Were you surprised to learn that I was active in the field and would be a power user?” Normally, people would assume that I am just a powerless girl working as a receptionist in a hotel.”

“It’s not like that; I know someone who, like you, worked as a receptionist. I used to think she was just a regular person, but I later learned that she was a soldier in the forces, but for some reason, she took a break.”

Deliah was taken aback when she heard my words and asked, “So, who are you talking about?”

I was astounded for a moment before saying, “Her name was Lily.”

“You know Lily!” she exclaimed as she grabbed my hands.

Her sudden excitement stunned me, but I nodded my head and said, “Yes”

“How?” she asked again.

“She was working as a receptionist in the facility. To be honest, I really don’t know-how could to be a soldier, work as a receptionist. Maybe you also worked under Tanya, right?”

When she heard my rant, she was taken aback, but she nodded slowly and said, “Yes, I worked for Tanya. And, to be honest, I was surprised that you came with her. I didn’t see any other men she was close to, and you’re the first one I’ve seen. Lily, on the other hand, was my field partner and one of the team’s legends. But one accident changed her life forever.” She came to a halt in the middle and she had a lost look in her eyes.

“What happened to her?” I asked quickly. Tanya had previously told me nothing about Lily. But what accident was she referring to?

But Deliah also shook her head and said, “I am not the right person to speak about that,”

“Oh! Okay, then.” I nodded, but then noticed that we were about to enter the market.

Deliah’s voice reached my ears while my attention was focused on the market.

“Don’t get me wrong: I don’t want to remember what happened to her,”

“Huh?” I was startled when I heard her voice, and when I looked at her, she gave me a slight smile.

“Fine, no problems. In any case, we’ve arrived at the market. Where do you live?” I wondered aloud as I drew closer to it. But I didn’t hear back for a while, and when I looked at her, she was staring at me with a strange expression on her face.

I was perplexed, but then I understood why she was looking at me like that.

“Don’t misunderstand me. You mentioned that you have a good place to eat near your house, which is why I asked about your residence. Also, don’t overthink anything.”

“Oh, yeah, I forgot about that.” I thought that you wanted to come to my house. It would still be a while.”

“Hmmm, why would you want to live here when you could live comfortably in the hotel, right?”

“Well, I could have,” she said, her gaze fixed straight ahead, “but I have my reasons for living this way. You know, for ordinary people, we stood on a high pedestal as a soldier working day and night to protect the planet and contribute to its development. But we, the soldiers stationed on the loneliest planet, to protect it from intruders, spend the majority of our time alone. So, despite the fact that this mountain is a popular tourist destination. The loneliness adds to the mystery. All I wanted was a crowd and commotion around me, which the hotel couldn’t provide.”

Even though she said those words, when I saw those lost eyes, I took a deep breath. I’m not sure, but these soldiers look like the depressed people who seek refuge in these places.

I shook my head to clear my mind of those distracting thoughts as I said, “Don’t be depressed. You’re here, so take advantage of it. Many people live out there who just want to spend some time in this place, right? But could you tell me if this place is truly mysterious?” How could it become a tourist attraction?”

“I understand what you’re trying to say, but it would take some time for me to fully enjoy what I have,” she muttered as she returned her gaze to the approaching market. “Let’s put that aside for now. Regarding your second question, despite the fact that this location is mysterious. This place’s allure stems from its enigmatic nature. To be honest, no one knows the actual history of the mountains, but it was said to be the location where the only GOD on this planet spent a significant amount of time.”

My ears perked up when she mentioned the word, GOD. For me, the source of all mysticism is that GOD.

“It is said that this place contains a secret of that GOD, which is why no one has been able to return from the mountains. It has been many years, but no one has been able to locate those items, and many people have died as a result. Some are even claiming that it is a myth. But, in any case, it is the mystery that draws so many tourists to this location. Even you would agree that this location is too peaceful and idyllic for a vacation.”

She smiled at me as she finished her sentence.

I’m not sure why, but I’m becoming increasingly drawn to this mystery, and when she mentioned the secret, my heartbeat sped up unexpectedly.

“Could you tell me who that GOD was you talking about?” I asked, taking a deep breath.

Her brow furrowed for a moment as she looked at me, but then she said, “I forgot you were the Evolved being, so you wouldn’t know as much about this world’s history. I believe you should be aware of the Power users, correct?”

I gave her a nod. Even though many people told her many stories about this world, what she said was true. I’m not familiar with much of the world. But there was one thing I was curious about. She mentioned that this planet had a single GOD. And in the village, I drank GOD’s Blood. Were they the same? What about the memories that have become entangled with me? But her voice shattered my thoughts.

“And guess what? According to legend, the GOD’s name was also Alan.”


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