Evolution Theory of the Hunter

Chapter 164

Chapter 164

To speak of our System Research Laboratory.

An Gyu-bums mouth didnt stop moving the entire time we were walking through the ruin tunnel. It wasnt entirely bad since since they were all stories that I heard for the first time.

It was turning into company boasting as time passed.

So how do you analyze the data you received from here?

With overtime and salary.

That means he just pours in researchers.

So its difficult for me to do it in other words.

Our group that included An Gyu-bum and Jeon Min-jeong quickly passed through the tunnel and I was able to confirm a new road at the blocked path.

Go check.

Got it.

Edward carefully inspected around the opening.

Edward who could instantly etherize was quite a good choice for checking for traps. The person himself didnt really fear for such things as well. He was almost useless in battle but he was pretty useful for other things.

He nodded towards us after hitting the ground and walls a few times.

It seems there werent any traps.

Okay. Lets go.

After following that newly created road for a long time a large door appeared.

Like the ruin in the Yellow Sea, there was a hole to put in a hand. As Edward put his hand in and fiddled around a bit the door started opening slowly with a clanking sound.

Edward opened his mouth.

Put your guard up.

Hm? What do you?

However, I was soon able to understand what he meant.

A chilly feeling was bursting out of the inside.

Inside the wide space through the door.

There was a high altar like before as well as he hundreds of stone statues.

But there was something different from before.

An existence that didnt feel like a human.

There was a guy I didnt want to see twice if possible standing alone in front of the altar.

Baek Gyeong?

There was no mistake. White hair and leather armor that half covered his body. A black greatsword.

Why is that guy here?

Damn it. Quickly block him!

An Gyu-bum pulled out his sword and rushed forward.

Because the guy that doesnt move first most of the time rushed forward I took out the Dancing Sword and dashed forward on reflex. Baek Gyeong swung his sword and struck down at the altar.

An Gyu-bum tried to block it somehow but.


The altar got destroyed after getting split in half with a tremendous explosion.

An Gyu-bums body got sent flying at the same time.

Young master!


Jeon Min-jeong hurriedly helped him up but An Gyu-bum vomited blood on the ground and fell unconscious.

At least it seemed like he didnt die. It was only to that degree because Baek Gyeongs attacked wasnt directed at him.

Metal fragments could be seen within the destroyed altar. It seemed to be machines for saving data.

Baek Gyeong destroying it was probably to prevent other people from obtaining data.

I held the Dancing Sword below the stairs to the altar and pointed it at him.

Baek Gyeongs line of sight turned to me.

His lips slowly opened.

Data comparison completed. Target. Jeon Sang-min.

My name how?

Battle information confirmed. Command. Annhilate.

The instant his words stopped a terrifying amount of energy gathered around him. I was able to instantly tell what the identity of the energy was.

It was the Hadron Cannon.

Even I didnt have the confidence to be safe after getting hit directly by that with level 10 armor equipped. But what if I dodged?

It was obvious that An Gyu-bum and Jeon Min-jeong would be caught up in the attack.

There was no need to throw my life away for those guys.


My body was rushing towards the guy the moment the guys Hadron Cannon was about to fire.

Dont misunderstand me.

Im not doing this because Im a saint or something.

I unequipped the armor and took on the Hadron Cannon with my bare body.

The moment the Hadron Cannon hit me I could feel my body get deconstructed at an atomic level as my consciousness faded.


Not everybody could experience the feeling of dying.

There probably werent many people that would experience this twice.

My sight went white and I lost all my senses. I felt like my body became endlessly light as a large strength seemed to come to me like a wave.

Then, the moment my existence was about to disappear.

My eyes shot open with a shock like getting struck by lightning.

What I could see in front of my eyes was Baek Gyeongs flustered figure.

I swung the Aura Blade covered Dancing Sword just like that and sliced his bare upper half.


Baek Gyeong, whose scream alone was like that of a humans, collapsed while spraying black blood.

I summoned the armor once more and went towards Baek Gyeong who was on the ground.

Mission unsuccessful Data Transfer.

Do things moderately. You clone bastard.

I chopped off his neck. Seeing how he was still alive after half his chest was cut I thought that it wouldnt end unless I cut off his head.

But a voice continuously came out of Baek Gyeongs head that rolled on the ground.

Data Transfer Impossible Mission is A failure.

Tough bastard.

The guy this time didnt break down immediately like before. It seems the state is different individually.

I held up his head just in case.

At that moment a message popped up on the manual.

Will you obtain Baek Gyeongs Database.

As I selected Accept messages popped up one after another.

Downloading Alphas Database. A total of 2,000 EP will be given as a reward. The location of the next ruin will be tracked. Tracking has been completed.

There was quite a lot this time. The amount of data in each ruin is different I see. I thought that it was good that I could get the data that I couldnt get after the altar got destroyed.

I threw away Baek Gyeongs head that became useless and inspected the altar.

The inside was crammed full of machinery.

To be honest, I couldnt tell what was what but I was able to tell that it was destroyed to the point that it could be repaired.

As I concluded that I couldnt get anything more from the altar I went towards An Gyu-bum.

Jeon Min-jeongs expression turned sharp but she didnt take any further actions. It probably means that she doesnt think of me as an enemy anymore.

May I inspect him a bit?


To think such words would come out from this girls mouth. I could at least tell that she wasnt following An Gyu-bum because she was blackmailed or some negative reason.

An Gyu-bum had received severe injuries but it was on the good side compared to Jeon Min-jeongs frivolousness.

I knew quite a bit of medical logic because I frequently went to the hospital so I was able to tell that he would heal even if he was left like this.

It seemed to be the effect of the Eternal Immortality Suits effect. Most people would be half dead if they vomited enough blood for the ground to become wet.

But I poured in a Wound Cure Potion into his mouth.

An Gyu-bum slowly opened his eyes within a few minutes. No matter how good the effect of the potion was, it was not enough to heal someone this quickly.


Did you come to?

Wh, what happened?

Unfortunately, the altar was destroyed. It seems you were also interested in the ruins data. It seems like it will be difficult for you to properly obtain it.

What happened to Baek Gyeong?

Up there.

Baek Gyeongs head was rolling around at the place I pointed at. (Kyle: So I was trying not to add notes as much as possible but how long is this head going to roll around for, damn.)

Because he wasnt monster or human, he didnt even return to the void.

Amazing. Did you kill him with a single strike?

He looked around and opened his mouth. The surrounding was clean despite battling Baek Gyeong.

Well yeah.

He endured a direct hit of the Hadron Cannon. Even though he could have avoided it.

Jeon Min-jeong said. Was that why her attitude changed.

An Gyu-bum opened his mouth with wide eyes.

You endured that? It would have been difficult to block that even with level 10 armor though?

Well, somehow.

In reality, I didnt endure it but die.

I had just revived through the Immortality skill. However, there was no need to explain each and every thing.

Now then. Shall we pay up?

I said so with a light clap.

Puzzlement was written all over An Gyu-bums face.

Pay what up?

The price of your life. And that.

I called the Dancing Sword. Baek Gyeongs head was stabbed on the end of the blade.

I opened my mouth with a smile.

This. Dont you want it?

Baek Gyeongs head huh definitely wont be cheap.

An Gyu-bum sighed.

The database from the ruin is all saved in here. You would be able to extract the data from this head right?

Theres nothing too difficult about it.

It was true that Baek Gyeong was made through overtechnology. However, An Gyu-bums System Research Laboratory was the same so I thought that it would be possible as long as their technology didnt fall behind too much.

He pondered for a moment and opened his mouth.

How is 100b?

Its not like the guy that bet 1t for the van.

Its that. I just tried. I wasnt planning on actually giving you that much.

An Gyu-bum said with a shameless expression.

It was definitely going overboard even from my perspective. Even if raid companies piled up dozens of trillions a trillion wasnt a joke to them after all.

Okay. Ill be satisfied with that much.

Either way, I had obtained money to use for the meantime.

It was funny even though I was the one that said it. Money to use for the meantime. It was money that 3 generations might not be able to use up.

I opened my mouth as I passed over Baek Gyeongs head.

Ah. Also, I want to know some details about item creation. Can you tell me?

I dont even know such things though.

Didnt you say that you were in charge of the System Research Laboratory?

Our company produces smartphones but its the same thing as asking me how theyre made.

An Gyu-bum shrugged his shoulders. He wasnt wrong.

How about where theyre distributed and who buys them?

Well, if its just that.

He nodded and continued.

To put it simply, theres a secret site where items not handled by the Hunter Market are being sold. Normal civilians dont even know of its existence. Many hunters all over the world bid there and the person that bets the highest price takes it.

So youre creating items to be sold there. While the price is higher the more unusual it is.


So on that topic.

I thought about the Delta Store.

The store was unlocked up to level 6. I had to purchase more to unlock more anyway and I needed a place to dispose of the purchased items.

The Hunter Market doesnt buy items that arent part of the records.

I have quite a few rare items, are you interested?

What kind of things are they?

Im not sure? What about things like this?

I purchased one of the cheapest 10 EP items among the Utility items.

Socks of Tall Stature (1) : Looks about 5 cm taller when worn. Able to stack.

It was a striped sock. He looked at me like I was ridiculous as I held up the sock.


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