Evolution Theory of the Hunter

Chapter 140

Chapter 140

Thats good if its like that then.

If it really got dangerous then we could just get on the van and push through. To make it stop they had to be at least a level 6 hunter and I could take care of that.

Manager Kim also nodded in the end.

I looked around at my party members.

In this time operation, team Delta will be playing a leading role. It would be difficult for the government team to move actively after all. There is the possibility of a person inside in league with the Chungho Group and there are guys putting up threads on the bulletin board as well so we are the only ones that can move without being caught.

Seonbae oppa is eye catching though.

Soo-ah held up her phone and showed it to me.

There was a thread with the title A Monster Army Destroying the Chungho Group.gif.

The content was a short video. It was a video of monsters sweeping through the Chungho Group with the Giant White Tiger at the very front.

Also, it was just a moment but my figure also passed by. The face couldnt be seen clearly but it was enough for those that know me to recognize it.

There is someone riding on the horse right?

Wow. I see this kind of thing for the first time.

Amazing. I cant see well cause the face is too small but who is it? Is it someone famous?

Im in team 2 and I saw that person for a moment. It didnt seem like a famous person. Seems to be a new recruit.

The appearance of a super rookie huh. There werent many of such people these days right?

At that level, I dont think even level 10 hunters can win?

No no. A level 10 would kill those all alone.

Yeah. Have you never seen a video of a level 10 hunter? There should be one where they kill over a hundred monsters on their own.

Didnt that get deleted?

Yeah it got deleted. The person asked to take it down. Its a person that doesnt like being famous.

It seems a level 10 hunter really was great. Seeing how its said that they can win against a total of 600 monsters.

Certainly, even I thought that it wouldnt be impossible. Even the strongest was a level 5 Giant White Tiger and no matter how many of those attacked it wouldnt be able to scratch a guy with level 10 equipment.

It would be like a bunch of flies swarming.

That was also the dignity of a level 10 equipment that cost 100t at the lowest. For such people, killing low level monsters didnt matter.

I returned the phone to Soo-ah.

Its fine since my face isnt well known yet. Also, just because our team leaves doesnt mean were going to go save team 3 after all. We werent part of the government team in the first place too. There is a bigger problem than that though.

What problem?

Its a bit of a personal problem.

An Gyu-bum was cooperating in this times operation.

It would be a shame to throw away the support of a level 8 after all.

The only saving grace was that General Eum was coming with us. I was thinking that things would work out even if the guys from team 3 had a nasty personality if he was here.

The reason the event yesterday stopped at that point was because Eum Young-hyeon had cut down their vigor right from the beginning.

An Gyu-bum had only retreated because Eum Young-hyeon had quite a few years on him and had a pretty high rank. If the opponent was me, then he would have fought until one of us died.

Are we going as well?

Jang Moon-bok held up his hand. I nodded my head.

Team Delta is moving so obvious.

As my words ended, the members of team 2 started murmuring.

Hey! He says were going as well!

Really? Werent we getting left here?

Are we doing something big for real.

I dont want to die though.

Then you can leave.

Who says Im leaving? Can I not even talk?

Hey hey. Quiet down a bit. Theyre having a meeting.

Team 2 quieted down at Jang Moon-boks words.

Since they were too low level to take part in combat I was thinking about leaving the patrol to them. There was a very low chance for them to get tailed if they ride on horses and it was possible to scout from far away using the eagle so it was possible to do their part relatively safely.

The number of people in the operation was 41.

It was 20 people from our team and elites chosen from among team 2 and 3.

If we moved in such a large scale there was a possibility that we would be eye catching so we came out in the middle of the night.

After walking quickly for an hour or so, we took a short rest.

In that time I summoned a horse for each person. An Gyu-bums expression crumpled up.

Are you telling me to ride this?

If you dont like it then run.

Your words are quite short? (Kyle: Saying that hes not talking politely.)

He growled. However, I was not the person I used to me. I had no need to and no reason to get scared.

If it wasnt for Eum Young-hyeon then you would have already been dead.

What about General Eum? Ah. Youre scared of getting again?

This bastard.

I could see him on the verge of raging. This guy was definitely a different type from Song Han-sol.

If Song Han-sol was psychopath then compared to that this guy was just a middle school syndrome patient? Looking at how he was cowering because of General Eum, it might have been a type of bluffing when he was trying to kill me when we first met.

Of course, it wasnt like I was saying he was a good guy.

A rock thrown as a joke is a matter of life and death to a frog.

That guy is probably that type.

Come to think of it, there was another guy.

Why is that girl not with you? She seemed to be your girlfriend.


Did you break up?

Dont irritate me any further. I will really kill you.

Yes. Undoubtedly.

I shrugged my shoulders and turned back. Seeing how he says that he will kill all the time it seems its just a habit. That Jeon Min-jeong or whatever girl was scarier.

Even now she was glaring at me from behind An Gyu-bum. Her eyes were full of bloodlust. Should I say that her eyes were that of a person that killed before. That girl might be An Gyu-bums guard warrior.

Could the girl from before have been something like that as well?

She was really beautiful.

What are you thinking about? Me?

No, just that guy.

I indicated An Gyu-bum who was in a word and glaring battle with my chin. Soo-ah glanced at him and whispered to me in a low voice.

Do you know who that is?

Of course. Storm Blade.

I got goosebumps after saying it.

To attach a title to himself that makes one cringe. Those were usually for when someone gets some great achievement or gets attached by a famous person as a nickname. Should I say that it wasnt something that someone makes but someone that is created naturally.

For example, Lee Hui-seung was Hunter.

It was a one and only nickname for him from the fact that he was the first hunter. It was just turned into a normal noun from that. Wasnt it amazing?

I wonder if I still have the sign that I got from Lee Hui-seung.

I asked for it to be kept safely, although mother hated it.

Seonbae Oppa?

Ah. Sorry. I was just thinking about something else.

I reminiscenced for the first time in a while.

Lee Hui-seung had a lot on influence on my wanting to become a hunter you see.

That person is the grandson of the GE Group.


I got surprised and looked back at An Gyu-bum. If it was GE then it was a world famous electronics company.

The phone I was holding was from there too. I was wondering where he was from to have so much money. To think it was the richest family in Korea.


Yes. He came out from time to time on TV. Hes pretty popular too because hes good looking. He came out in the news when he was going to the army too.

I didnt know. Because I didnt watch the TV back then. I only used the internet to look at hunter related information so there was no way I would know about such things.

That kind of guy went to the army?

The alternative service isnt really the army.

I also did the alternative service you know.

Of course, a hunter going and a porter going was different. Those guys were pretty much just going to work from their house and spending time there.

Thats why famous celebrities made it a must do to get a lot of money and buy items to go to the alternative service.

Of course, you needed at least 2b to get a proper set of level 3 items. It was something impossible unless one was a top class celebrity.

Its sometimes said that the money is paid for by the agency. I wasnt interested in that area so I didnt know the specifics.

Soo-ah opened her mouth.

Either way, it became big news. A rich familys son goes to the army. Well, that kind of thing. There were many girls that fell in love with him when he cried before going to the training institute.

Somehow this girl seems to know too much?

You as well?

I dont like that type. Looking too good is uncomfortable.

In other words, I didnt look that good.

Soo-ah hurriedly continued talking.

Of course, seonbae oppa is an exception.

You dont have to explicitly say it. I also know that I dont look that good after all.

Thats not true. You look really good. I asked Yeon-gyeong because I thought that my eyes were weird but she said its like that too.

Im not a person that would fall for that kind of soulless answer.

Haha. I was this old so how would I fall for that kind of lie.

Seonbae oppa, the end of the mouth isnt going down.

Hm? No, this was because the weather is good. There hasnt been weather this good in a while.

Yesterday had really good weather you know.

If I say so then just take it like that.

I swung a chop towards Soo-ahs forehead. Of course it didnt hit. That girl was too fast.

41 Agentaya Mongol Horses ran through the forest. Since dozens of horses were running the noise was pretty loud but since we were running while having dozens of eagles surveying we wont get caught that easily.

Even if we were caught, since the number was small they wouldnt think that we were from the government team.

It took about a day to walk from government team 2s base to team 3. However, it was a distance that could be traveled in 2 hours on horse.

A lot of time had passed because we waited for it to become night so we ran without rest.

An eagle cried while circling.

It seems we have arrived at our destination.

Lets walk from here on out.

After getting of the horses, we surveyed our surroundings while carefully moving.

Ambushes or patrol units were confirmed with Park Chan-hyeongs Detection skill. It was possible to detect an enemy just from breathing in a 100 meter radius, and chattering could be detected from an entire 1 km radius.

More than that was impossible because many disturbances would mix but that was enough for now.

Park Chan-hyeong quietly held his hand.

There are two people lying in ambush in the 11oclock direction.

I will take care of it.

An Gyu-bum stepped forward. Eum Young-hyeon shook his head and pointed at me.

He tried to say something in anger but he soon calmed his rage and let out a sigh. There was no way he didnt know that the operation would end in failure before it even began if getting rid of the patrol units failed.

He was at least a guy that could distinguish the time and location I see.

I nodded to Eum Young-hyeon and slowly moved. Soo-ah stuck to me.

Quickly. We cant give them time to scream.

Yes. Seonbae oppa.

Soo-ah stepped on midair and went up on a tree. I also used the Dancing Sword and moved carefully.

As expected, it was better to attack from the sky if we wanted to do it stealthily.

A low exclamation came out from behind.

I ignored it and flew forward about 20 meters and saw two hunters quietly breathing behind a tree stump.

I matched sights with Soo-ah and summoned the Bloody Sword. Soo-ah also took out the Agility Longsword that she originally had.

The sword sliding on the sword sheath made a small sound.

Damn it.


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