Evolution Theory of the Hunter

Chapter 135

Chapter 135

After Son Aram had said that she would quickly find out about the situation and disappeared, I looked at the market bulletin board.

There werent many but there were still guys that were uploading information in real time.

Government Team 2. Currently getting attack from all directions.

How many?

Dont know. By the sound, it seems to be several thousand. Feels like Im really going to die looking at the bullets raining down.

Do you still have the mentality to write messages?

Im a crowd controller. I have nothing to do anyway after using my skill once. Someone help.

Are you crazy. To tell us to go die there?

Its said that team 1 was ambushed as well but they ran away soon. That side should be the same.

Its not such a mood though.

Theyre saying that team 3 is also under attack. Fuck. Did they say that the Chungho Group numbered 3,000?

I dont know. It seems to be more.

Team 3 was a platoon formed of alternative service workers. With a number of 2,000 they had a pretty high average level but because they lacked experience it might be even more dangerous.

Either way, the situation was at the worst point right now.

The number of enemies attacking each team seemed to be about 2,000 to 3,000.

Their number were double what we thought they were in the first place.

If the number that I chased away was added then it could be thought to be up to 7,000 maximum.

For now, team 1 that had to quickly go support will be in a difficult situation.

It was a situation where two place were under attack at the same time so they had to decide quickly whether they would support both or abandon one.

Park Chan-hyeong who was glancing at me from nearby slowly approached.

Have you heard? The other teams are getting attacked.

Ah. Im looking at it right now.

What do you think will happen?

Why is this person asking this to me? Chan-hyeong opened his mouth with an awkward expression.

Ah. Theres no big meaning to it. Its just because Im nervous. Thinking that we might get done in at this rate.

It would be best to split the team into two and support both units.

However, wouldnt the number be too small then?

If we gave up one of them because of that it would be more dangerous.

The current total numbered about 5,000. If its assumed that the Chungho Group has over 7,000 then the moment we give up one team the difference will be more than two times higher.

Of course the Chungho Group might have casualties as well but it couldnt be helped that there would be a difference in damage between the ones that have been preparing versus those that are one sidedly getting beaten.

What if one place was chosen?

Why are you asking such a thing?

I have a younger brother in team 2.

I see. However, its something that I cant say at this point of time.

Did you think I would be able to say something. I left Chan-hyeong who had a nervous expression and waited for Son Aram.

A while later, Son Aram arrived while panting.

I could feel Park Chan-hyeong prick his ears.

How did it go?

Its been decided to go support team 3.

As expected.

It was something I expected.

Did you know about it?

To some degree.

The best situation was supporting both sides and successfully defending both.

However, it was close to being a gamble and the chance of succeeding wasnt that high. That meant that one side had to be selected and it was obvious that saving team 3 would be prioritized.

I mentioned it before but the alternative service team was mostly made up of children of wealthy families.

They were people that wouldnt have been here normally in the first place. However, as they didnt have anything to do after dungeons disappeared so it was something that happened as the public was saying many things about it.

From here, the truly powerful rich people had all gotten out. Thats why there were only 2,000.

Even so, they were mostly those that had a sturdy backing.

From the perspective of the government, they had no choice but to take that into account and decide to protect them first and foremost.

Will you not go together?

Thats a place thats fine not to go to so.

Those guys had a lot of high level items and skills and numbers. It would be difficult for them to overcome the current attack but they wouldnt lose that easily.

Compared to them, team 2 was not in a good situation.

To be honest, if one side had to supported it would be that side. However, the logic of the world didnt go that way after all.

Can you help by any chance?

How much could I possibly do on my own.

I shook my head. I didnt really want to go there. I didnt like seeing rich family children too.

It seems like Ive asked for something unreasonable. Im sorry. I was desperate.

I understand. It wouldnt have been easy to decide to abandon team 2 after all.

Then what is Sang-min planning on doing?

I should return to my party members for now. The Chungho Group is prowling around so Im quite worried about them as well.

Son Aram nodded as if it was a shame.

I was rather worried about her safety as well. She will probably stay in the back lines but she would still be within the battle after all.

I was wondering if there was anything I could do for her and decided to have a Milworm secretly follow her.

It was a thing that moved around underground so there was no risk of it being discovered and it would be able to protect her if there was a dangerous situation.

There were quite a few numbers in the monster army so there shouldnt be a problem even if one was gone.

Then please take care of yourself.

You too. I will only be able to get something good once you survive and get promoted.

Pft. Help if youre going to be like that.

You have a lot of lingering attachments. Im not a person that moves for free. You will have to prepare something big if you want to make use of me.

I know. Because youre a hunter.

I parted with Son Aram and got away from government team 1. I slowly moved on the path that didnt have any patrols.

I walked about 10 minutes like that when a rustling sound could be heard from the giant tree on the right.

As I was waiting to see who it was, a person fell from the tree.


It was Park Chan-hyeong.

What are you doing here?

I, I came to ask for a favor.

He finally came back to his senses and spoke after shooting up.

If he had a favor to ask for it would be that I guess. He said he has a younger brother in team 2 after all.

I know that this is a difficult, so a favor that makes no sense at all. But right now, I dont have anyone to ask this of. So please.

I lightly sighed and took out two horses from the manual.

Hah? Monster?

He stepped back a few times after getting surprised by the two Agentaya Mongol Horses that appeared suddenly. However, as I got on the horses back he opened his mouth with a flustered expression.

Is, is this a horse?

Cant you tell by looking.

It looks like a monster thought.

He slowly approached the horse.


He got surprised by the horse blowing from its mouth and retreated. It was understandable since the Agentaya Mongol Horse was 1.5 times bigger than normal horses.

On top of that, it had a horn like a unicorn and sharp teeth. It was fierce and had no fear.

If they fought properly then Park Chan-hyeong would win but he probably cant help getting scared.

Get on.


Didnt you come here to ask me to save team 2?

Are you helping?

Park Chan-hyeong rushed toward me as if picking a fight.

We struggled for a while thanks to him getting kicked by the horse hoof but well.

I wasnt planning on abandoning team 2 in the first place.

The thought that Chungho Group had to disappear was a shared opinion between me and the government team.

If I was going to get rid of them anyway it was better to attack now. It hurts the most when hitting the back of the head after all.

Also, another thing, I was quite greedy for the items I could get from the Chungho Group.

The reason I refused Son Arams request was because I didnt want to leave the impression that I listened to requests without payment.

Also, it was possible to get caught up in annoying things if I got connected to the government.

If they told me to cough up all the items dropped by the Chungho Group I was the only one losing.

It was more profitable to move on my own.

Two horses ran through the forest. Park Chan-hyeong wasnt used to horses but he was holding out somehow. It was made possible by the physical abilities of a hunter that far exceeded that of a normla persons.

But, will it be fine with just us two?

Why did you request of me something that wouldnt be fine?

Because I was desperate.

Its fine.

It seemed like Park Chan-hyeong wanted to say something more but maybe because it was difficult to talk while riding the horse, he didnt ask anything more.

After riding for an hour or so I could start hearing the sound of gunfire. Seeing how they were still shooting, it seems the battle hasnt started for real yet.

Guns were only used for preliminary advantage in a battle between hunters anyway. It was a lot harder than one would think to kill hunters wearing armor and in a formation.

However, after a momentary silent period a battle cry soon followed.

The battle cry that would be heard clearly even though there was still quite some distance left.

Park Chan-hyeong couldnt endure and opened his mouth.

How many do you think there are?

Im not sure. If they gathered to battle team 2 of 1,500 people they will at least have more than that.

I was thinking there would be at least 2,000 and at most 3,000.

If I was the one leading the Chungho Group, against the government team whose movement path was known I would surround them from far away and slowly enclose them.

I would make it so that not a single one of them could escape and ask them to surrender.

It was only possible to negotiate with the Korean government by having captives.

If they annihilated the government team here then the next one to appear might be Lee Hui-seung after all.

I had to go disturb the enemies before that could happen. If its after the battle ended then I wouldnt be able to do anything.


I lightly kicked the horses waist. The horse that understood the command started running faster.

Park Chan-hyeong clung to the Agentaya Mongol Horse that was running as fast as a car on a road while clenching his teeth.

I see it over there!

The forest suddenly became sparser and a open area appeared. The majority of the trees were already cut down and were forming a wooden fence while several thousand hunters were attacking it.

Defending using a wooden fence was a great idea in any case.

Since the government team had to move around all the time, since doing such a thing each time would eat up the hunters stamina it wouldnt have been an easy decision to make.

However, they had been able to hold out until now thanks to that.

Masses of fire hit the wooden fences. The wooden scraps that turned into charcoal scattered everywhere.

Smoke and dust, and the Chungho Group marching forward through that gave off the feeling of watching a tense war from the Middle Ages.

It was difficult to tell which side had the advantage right now. However, it was a fact that there seemed to be more people on the Chungho Groups side and it seemed certain that it wouldnt be possible to block them using wooden fences.


Park Chan-hyeong took in a deep breath. It was due to being extremely nervous.

What should we do now?

You want to protect your younger brother right?


There is something that you have to do.

Yes? What.

Chan-hyeong opened his mouth with a strange look on his face.

I summoned the monster army from the manual instead of replying.

I thought it would be a bit lacking with just 101 of them so I put in half of the items I had on me. I let loose 600 monster all at once.

Chan-hyeongs face became pale white and then started becoming blue.


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