Evolution Theory of the Hunter

Chapter 124

Chapter 124

Wow. Amazing. Is there anything else to destroy? Its a complete treasure trove, this place!

Soo-ah looked around while holding the hammer. I also wished there were more left over.

With this one occasion, I could use all the combination formulas I couldnt use until now.

And it wasnt over yet.

I looked up to see the stairs in the middle of the stone room.

A place protected by that many stone statues. I got the feeling that there was something there.

As Soo-ah had said, it was a place that dispensed ores to the point of being a warehouse. Also, in a treasure trove like this, there was usually not only these kinds of miscellaneous goods but a central thing that was really expensive.

I slowly went up the stairs.

At the top of the rectangular stone altar was covered in dust due to the long passage of time.

Upon closely inspecting the altar I found a small indent below it.

You guys should all go down the altar for a bit.


Theres a hole here. You remember the stone statue we saw in the Red Hole right?


There might be a similar mechanism here. It might be dangerous.

I said so and carefully looked at the hole.

If Im not mistaken, this is a hole to put in a USB.

I had no idea why such a thing was here but I found the USB from the manual and held it in my hand.

As something given by the Vampire Lord it was treated as an item so I usually carried it around in the manual.

I put the USB in but there was no change.

Hm Is this not it?

I stretched my hand to try putting it in again when a tremendous sound came out of the entire ruin.

It was the sound of a machine operating. It wasnt a sound that would be heard from an ancient ruin so what the hell was this about?

You have accessed the Main Database. Will you download the data?

With such a message, a Deny/Accept pop up appeared.

I had no idea what this was all about. So it means that the USB will get something?

For now I selected accept. Whatever it was there was nothing bad about getting it.

Downloading a total of 900 zettabytes of information. Download 1%

Zettabyte? How much is this?

Giga, Tera, Peta, what was after that again It had been a long time since the max storage space had reached a limit.

The size of the hard disk used 50 years was terabyte and we were using terabyte units today.

However, zetabyte all of a sudden. It was to the point that I didnt even know approximately how much it was.

As the download began, the mechanic noise became louder.

Either way, it was stranger that it was working properly after all the time had passed.

What are you doing?

As there was no particular change besides the noise Soo-ah came up to the altar.

I dont know either. Im just trying for now.

Eh. Whats this? Did you put a USB in there?

Ah. It seems to be getting something but the size is quite large.

How much is it?

900 zettabytes.

Hm. Im not sure how much that is. Anyone know how much a zettabyte is raise your hand!

As soon as Soo-ah shouted to the people below Jang Moon-boks hand shot up.

As she gestured to come up he hurriedly ran up.

Hah hah. You said zettabyte?

Yeah. How much is it approximately? I dont know much about computers.

I said. I have used computers for a long time but I just used it to organize the information in the Hunter Market, I knew close to nothing about the theory.

What is the size of your hard disk that youre using right now?

100 tera or so.

Hm It should be about 10 million times that. 1 zettabyte is about 1 billion times more than a terabyte after all.


My mind blanked for a moment. So basically there is information about 10 million times larger than my hard disk being stuffed into that small USB?

No, since it said 900 zettabytes its about 90 million times the amount.

90 million huh Wait, this isnt being processed. Didnt our computer technology stagmate for a long time.

The Mystic Dungeon was runs on the computer and now its suddenly downloading a massive amount.

There were things happening that couldnt be ignored even if I wanted to.

Download has been completed.

So fast! I thought it was 90 million times more!

For now, I calmed down and inspected the USB. It said that it was finished downloading but I had no idea what I had to do with this yet.

At that moment, a message appeared.

Part of data of the Alpha System has been downloaded. 900 EP is given as a reward. The location of the next ruin can be located through the Mystic Dungeon.

900 EP?

I got astounded and checked my profile. There really was 900 EP added. The numerical value called EP was equal to one item at its base.

In other words, I had just gotten the equivalent of 900 items with this just now.

Of course its not real items and only exist as a numerical value but it was possible to buy things form the Delta Store so it could be seen an amazing bonus.


I unintentionally copied Soo-ahs words.

What is it? Why are you like that?

I got 900 EP.

Wow. Thats a beyond amazing.

I was being excited at the bonus with soo-ah when the ceiling of the stone room suddenly opened and blinding light came in.

The light that shined had the form of stairs.

I carefully climbed up those stairs of light. My party members carefully followed up.

Its the exit.

As we reached the end of the stairs, we were at the other end of the ruins. I didnt think that we had even gone down but it turned out that the stone room itself was underground.

For now, we went back to the lake to rest after coming out of the ruins.

In that time, I was looking at the manual to organize the information from the manual.

What I was curious about for now was what this database was about.

Seeing how the Alpha System was mentioned it was probably about the system that has been managing the dungeons until now.

In other words, the old system that has been maintaining and managing the dungeons for the last 50 years.

And the new system is Delta.

It was probably the Delta from Alpha, Beta, Gamma, Delta so I had no idea why there was no Beta or Gamma.

Either way, that was a problem to be solved later. What was important was the fact that the USB given to me by the being called Deltas master downloading Alpha Systems database.

I had no idea where that would be used. It might be possible that the Delta System and Alpha System were not on good terms.

It is a bit weird that systems are not on good terms with each other but thats the feeling I got.

Deleting the original system was the same, creating Red Dungeons in that place seemed like a influence expansion fight.

I didnt know if being like god that I didnt know were fighting outside of our fight, having a influence battle.

There was no doubt that I was directly connected to such a influence battle. It was a fact that couldnt be ignored even if I wanted to.

Thanks to that, I was able to grow exponentially in that short time.

It was probably wouldnt have happened if it was as usual.

Do you have some trouble?

Soo-ah suddenly shoved her bottom on the seat next to me. This girl was the one person that properly knew about the Delta System.

Its about the Delta System.

Youre thinking about that again?

Well, yeah. Im getting more things Im curious about the more I grow after all.

What is it this time?

The Delta System to the Alpha system, that is, I think its gathering data from the old system. And Im the one doing that job. It was a coincidence that I found the ruin this time but no, wait a minute.

Was it really a coincidence?

The one that found the ruin was Edward. Also, he was part of the Vampire Lords people. The Vampire Lord had a deep connection to the master of Delta too.

Then it was possible that Edward was moving on someones orders.


What is it.

He turned his head and made a displeased expression. It wasnt that he was not in a good mood right now, it was just that that was his normal expression.

How did you find the ruin?

I just found it while on a walk. Why are you asking that?

You didnt do it on someones orders?

That is also possible.

Whats that supposed to mean?

As you probably know, I take orders from the Lord. That applies even after crossing dimensions like now. If he gave me an order then I have no choice but to follow it.

So it means that there isnt no chance of that. Is there a way to escape that command?

If I become stronger than the Lord then it will probably be cancelled on its own.

That is an annoying problem.

Thinking about it, the Vampire Lords level was shown as a question mark. I really didnt know how much stronger I had to get in order to be stronger than that guy. I wonder if the current me could win him.

Soo-ah opened her mouth.

Either way, its not like your taking a lose.

Thats true. If its a profit then its a big profit though.

Then just take it.


The problem is that you feel like the other side is using you.


Then you just have to use the other side. Either way, you got stronger thanks to that and you also got a beautiful girlfriend like me.

Dont sneak in something scary like that.

Heh. Of course its a joke. Either way, I dont get why youre so hung up on it when it wont be a problem right now.

Dont you feel bad if youre being used by someone? Theyre trying to use me to do something though?

Then quit immediately.


Its seonbae oppa will anyway. If you dont like being tied with Delta then you can just do the opposite of what they want you to do. If they tell you to go here then go there, if they tell you to go there then go here. Its not like someone is forcing you to do it so why are you worrying so much? Just dont do it.

Must be nice being so simple.

Do you have to be like then when someone diligently gave advice?

It would be better to talk to an idiot than you.

I shook my head and let out a sigh. There was nothing that was particularly solved but some of the stuffy feeling had lifted after talking with Soo-ah.

Thinking about it it wasnt like she didnt have a point.

Delta was currently pouring out greatly for me.

They were giving things directly instead of using a roundabout way like in the past.

The USB and ruin was the same.

Since they were giving out so much, as long as I moved as Delta wanted me to then I could gain a huge profit.

I might be able to become the first hunter to surpass Lee Hui-seung.

It was possible that he had also gotten the support of a system.

Thinking like that, I started thinking that it would be better to use them.

Either way, if I raided ruins then Strengthening Stones and ores would come out.

And a huge bonus of 900 EP came in. It was an amount that made it possible to buy dozens of good new items.

It said that I would be able to know the location of the next ruin through the Mystic Dungeon.

I have to go home to be able to be able to use the computer for now.

There was plenty of supplies left and to go back already, there wasnt enough money to distribute to my party members.

It was a bit wasteful to sell Strengthening Stones or ores so I was planning on getting more things that can become money.

We needed a recon monster too. I estimated that we would be able to gain quite a profit in about a week.


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