Evolution Theory of the Hunter

Chapter 122

Chapter 122

Then shall we begin?

Wa, wait a minute please.


N, no. Just wait a minute. No, wait.

The guy hid between his team mates with an expression full of fright. Does he think that I cant see him if he hides there?

If you dont get the hell out right now youre dead.

Hey, hes telling you to come out.

The guy hidden between his team members got pushed out. His proud look from before was completely gone and had his head down.

If you dont have ability you should at least have some wits. Or at least have some modesty. If you dont even have that then at least be kind.


If he saw the forest destroyed then he should have felt something was wrong. It was also hard to know the level of a hunter just by looking at their age and outer appearance.

If one did not have the ability to discern the opponents equipment then having a modest attitude at all times was the most important thing to have in order to survive.

If not then at least not pick fights. I have no idea what these guys trusted and picked fights with other hunters.

Certainly, its not entirely their fault. In the first place, most hunters had similar mentalities.

Most hunters were arrogant, overbearing, and lacked manners. This got worse the higher the level.

Strength and authority, as well as money was concentrated in one place so it was almost weird for people not to become arrogant.

Soo-ah popped up suddenly.

Hey, whats your name?

The plate armor warriors expression crumpled up.

Senior brother, this guys expression is crumpling up though?

Its Jang Moon-bok.

The plate armor warrior got surprised and said so.

What are you going to do by knowing their names?

Since some slaves came on their own we should make use of them.


They picked a fight first right? But senior brother isnt killing them.


Then we saved their lives. So we should receive some reward. Right?

The last part was to Jang Moon-bok.


While Jang Moon-bok was mumbling, a hunter that was beside him unsheathed his sword and got up from his seat.

Hey. Fuck. You should have just started fighting without cowering. Hey. Bitch. Fight with.

And he got stuck in a tree about 10 meters away with his face caved in.

Silence pervaded the area.

Soo-ah dusted off her hands and opened her mouth.

Theres the ruins right. Wouldnt it be better to take these guys there since were going anyway? If they went first then the traps would be deactivated. With their body of course. Why are you looking like that?

No, its nothing.

It was a brutal method but she had a point. I was thinking about taking all their items and chasing them away but that was just like telling them to die in this place that was infested by monsters. It was more reasonable work them to death.

Except I didnt have a talent in tormenting people. I think it would be easier to leave it to her.

Soo-ahs one hit had an effect. The guys behind him moved as told with their mouth closed. We put Jang Moon-boks members in the front and went to the ruins.

We put the van in the manual and put in all the monsters besides a single eagle.

The Red Bald Eagles survey radius reached 3 km.

It was able to discern enemies through smell and sound, not just through sight. Since it could fine monsters hidden behind trees as well it was useful in various ways.

Theres a monster 500 meters away in the 11 oclock direction. Should we kill it?

Han Joon-suk raised his head to check the eagles location. I shook my head.

If we killed each and every single one it would take too much time. Lets go immediately.

After proceeding while ignoring the ones we could ignore like that we arrived at the ruins after walking for about 30 minutes.

It was a rock grave like place made of large boulders. At the entrance, there were 3 platform like things. This is probably where the 3 tiger brothers originally were.

Either way, shouldnt it be dangerous? Its a ruin protected by the Black Tiger. It wouldnt be weird for something stronger to appear.

Park Han-bum said. He was more sensitive to danger more than anyone due to his soloing habits.

On the contrary, it might be all there is. Also, if its a ruin protected by a level 10 then isnt that a greater reason to check whats inside?

That is certainly true but.

Park Han-bum nodded his head. I looked back to see if any of our members fell behind.

Soo-ah was leading, no, nagging Jang Moon-boks members while Yeon-gyeong was nodding off on Kelbys back.

Are you sleepy?

Ah. Im sorry. I couldnt sleep well last night.

Are you uncomfortable anywhere?

No, theres nothing like that.

She had an expression full of worry while saying so. It didnt seem like nothing was wrong.

What is it.


Yeon-gyeong glaced at Soo-ah. What was it?

Did Soo-ah bully you while I wasnt looking?

N, no its nothing like that.

Then what is it. Say it freely. If theres a problem between party members then I need to know first.

It might be seen as meddling but I actually really liked these people. I wanted to be together with them if possible. But there would be nothing sadder than a problem arising at a place I didnt know about.



Elder sister snores a lot. Since she sleeps right beside its a bit difficult to sleep.

Ah. I got it. Lets change the seats the next time. Since theres quite a bit of space inside anyway.

I put them close to each other in case they were discomforted but to think there was such an issue. I already knew about Soo-ah snoring.

It wasnt once or twice that she slept in my house after all.

However, I wasnt able to realize since I was dense.

But it seemed like Yeon-gyeong had more to say.

Thats, even if I move.

Is it that severe. For now, I told her that I understood and went to my teammates. It might be a sensitive issue to Yeon-gyeong after all.

I carry around ear plugs.

Han Joon-suk said.

It was okay to sleep after using noise cancelling earphones.

This Park Han-bum. He was more of an early adapter than I thought.

I sleep after drinking alcohol.

This guy, I told you not to drink alcohol while on expeditions!

Han Joon-suk opened his mouth.

Did party leader not know about it? I didnt say anything since I thought you already knew.

Im a bit dense. Ive gotten used to it too.

Certainly, I have heard that she sleeps at your house often. Ah. Im not thinking of anything strange. Since its usually like that when young.

Youre young too! And its not like that!

Either way, we need to come up with a plan. To think it would be to this degree.

I looked at Soo-ah who was nagging Jang Moon-bok and fell deep into my thoughts. This wasnt a problem of others being a bit discomforted or that type of problem.

Even if Edward and Kelby were keeping watch at night since you didnt know what could happen sleeping while using ear plugs was very dangerous. Its a good thing that nothing happened until now.

For now, we decided to rest in front of the ruins. We had to prepare as much as possible before entering and we also had to think about whether we would actually send Jang Moon-boks team first.

They were in the wrong but if I was asked if they were wrong enough to be used as dispensibles then my answer was no.

For now, I accessed the Delta Store through the manual. Since I still had dozens of level 1 items I was thinking that it would be possible an item that suited Soo-ah.

I was looking through the store when I saw a items I didnt see before listed there.

There were more types of items than before. There were many items I hadnt seen among level 1 items but there level 5 items as well.

I was only able to buy up to level 2 items but when did it suddenly become like this. I didnt even upgrade the manual.

I sat down and started thinking about the reason. There were a few things that had changed compared to back then. For now, my proficiency surpassed 50.

Due to that, level 5 dungeons disappeared and I got an additional technique. The second was mystic dungeon. The last was obtaining a level 10 skill.

However, it was difficult to find a connection between these three things. It was possible for them to be connected though.

I looked at the tutorial part of the manual just in case. It contained information about new things after updating so it might have things about the Delta Store.

And I found it.

The Delta Store rises in purchase level increases depending on the price of the purchased items.

It was exactly one line. However, I was able to understand with just this.

In the Delta Store that calculated 1 EP as 1 item, I bought a van that costed 100 EP and it caused the item store to open all the way to level 5 in one shot.

So basically, it was telling me to earn diligently and raise my regular level. Who the hell designed this? Are they trying to suck me of my money up to my bone marrow?

For now, I kept looking for an item for Soo-ah while grumbling.

Since it went up all the way to level 5, there were all sorts of things. Amazingly, there was even a pill that changed a persons gender. It was exactly 100 EP.

To think that this one pill was the same cost as a single van. However, for people that really needed this it was probably worth more than ten times that. I was thinking about trying to sell it after buying but decided not to.

Who would buy an over 10b pill on the internet. Since the store only sold certified items, or old items in other words, it wasnt possible to sell it there either.

In terms of familiar items there was a Needle Gun. It even sold custom projectiles so this was relatively cheaper.

It was better to buy one of these for Manager Kim rather than using those level 5 golden nails.

Also, I finally found a perfect item for Soo-ah while scrolling.

Mute Earring (1) : Erases the sound in a certain radius. Able to prevent the use of various magic and technique usage.

Because it was a level 1 item it wasnt even that expensive. Although it was still 10 EP it had pretty good performance.

Because it wasnt an attack item and had a low level, it was chap but the muting function might come in handy depending on the situation.

Also, since it prevented sound from the space itself it didnt matter if the opponent was level 1 or 10.

If it was a large area then they just had to get away but if it was a narrow place like a dungeon then it might be useful against difficult opponents.


What are you thinking so hard about?

Soo-ah shoved her head in. That surprised me.

No. I was just wondering what to buy.

What is it?

A secret.

I couldnt just tell the person herself.

Eheheh. So its a secret. Then I wont ask. Ill pretend like I dont know.

She was pretending to be cute like hehe. Did she lose it 2 weeks into the expedition.

I put it aside for now and checked the preparations with my party members.

There were no problems with our equipment and Kelby was as active as always while Jong Sa-wons condition didnt look bad either.

Jang Moon-bok.

Yes? Yes!

Jang Moon-bok got up with his armor making clanking noises.

I had no idea how long Soo-ah nagged him for him to be so quick to respond.

Did you check your members equipment?

Yes! I checked them without leaving out a single one.

If theres a guy that ran away tell me ahead of time. I might have to kill all of you if youre a hindrance after all.

Yes! Yes? I think I heard wrong?

Is this the army?

I sighed and opened my mouth.

I will give you two choices. Those that dont want to go in, leave.

Can, can we do that?

Jang Moon-boks eyes shook. He would definitely want to run away after being nagged at by Soo-ah that much. Thats why Im giving him a choice.

Instead, youre leaving all your equipment.

Thats just telling all of us to die. If we leave naked then we dont know when well be killed by monsters.

Instead, you will be waiting out here. I will later take you to the government team. Then theres no dissatisfaction right?

This was my proposition. Of course, it was a proposition that there was no choice but to have dissatisfaction to. Are you going to risk your life and join the ruins exploration or are you going to give up all your items. It was a choice that went beyond Do you like mommy? Do you like daddy?.

Thats too unfair.

I dont think so though.

I made the Dancing Sword float above. Of course, Aura Bade was burning well. Jang Moon-boks neck went stiff.

That is so! It is definitely not unfair!

Then Ill give you 1 minute. Quickly discuss it and give me an answer.

All of us will join the exploration!

Jang Moon-bok shouted as soon as my words stopped. What. He didnt even ask his team members?


The items are our entire fortune. If we lose them then were dead. We would rather die inside!

And yet guys like you picked a fight without choosing the opponent?

Im very sorry! My eyes were rotten!

Jang Moon-bok suddenly bend his back and then planted his head on the ground.

What is this.

Soo-ah. What did you tell these guys to do?

Hm? What?

Soo-ah looked at me as if asking why was I asking such a thing.

Ah. This girl was in the sports department.

I finally understood why Jang Moon-bok was like this. This country had more strict discipline in the sports department than in the army.

I had experienced it throughout my school days so of course she would make them do such a thing.


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